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Posts posted by rotary

  1. Just to let you know the background Kids 5 and 8. I am divorced so no pressure. Solely my idea, although their mother is Thai so would probably live near her as better for the children to have contact with both parents.

    Oldest boy not too happy living in Uk after living in Thailand previously.

    I could perhaps home teach for 6 months but if the children are going to live in and work in Thailand then they would need to go to a Thai school and learn to write Thai as well as speak it.

    I believe as well as education social wellbeing and happiness has to be considered also.

    There is a web site called: BRAINPOP

    They have some free info but they do charge a fee of $100 a year. All English and really good with lots of interactive stuff that ties in with the school my kid attends. Now I see they have a section for home school. You might be able to combine home school with a Thai school and do ok I think.

  2. My son attend a privat school in Surin 1 class or patum 1 or what they call it, english program. The english book they are using is written by two thais, i guess well paid for their effort. It is just terrible. When i complain to the teachers they just say, yes its all about practise. But when a 7 year old have to learn words he dont understand, i understand why the thais dont speak english. And i pay 25000 bth a term for this kind of rubbish, im at a loss what to do. Move to Bangkok or Chiang Mai to get him into an international school or what.

    Bkk is the best bet for sure

  3. As some have said always better to help them help themselves. Each situation is different for sure but a few rules are:

    (1)You are not in the west so do not pretend something is cheap just because it is cheaper than western prices. keep things in prospective.

    (2)Do not let things get out of control, we all have different comfort levels and resources, but make sure they are not taking advantage of you assuming you are stupid

    (3)Use common sense. If it is something you would not do in your own country, in most cases you should not do it in Thailand.

    (4)Do not get hung up in a "FACE" thing such as big expensive weddings or fancy houses you will never live in or at best spend a few weeks a year in UNLESS that's what you want to do. In many cases the girls are showing off for the village at your expense.

    (5)Add some more common sense to all of the above.

    I do not mind the odd cash call for a few thousand baht for a water pump if I know they needed and take care of it or help make a tractor payment in a bad year for crops or help with Moms dentist work she really needs. That's fine and fair if I can afford it. Even help with a few hundred or thousand baht to help elderly parents get by or support a kid if you can afford it is good but getting set up to send large sums of cash back each month for no other reason than supporting drunks and lazy family is a bad thing for all. Many times "tough love" is the best treatment for all parties.

    Really its the same pit falls in all countries, just different terrain.

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  4. What is going on now in Thailand, this seems to be happening way to offen

    Perhaps it's just getting reported more.

    Personally I'm surprised the RTP aren't launching more lawsuits against news outlets for damanging Thailand's image.

    This will damage Thialands image and tourists and their money will stop from coming tot he land of untruth and Sabi Sabi. Never tell the truth about Thailand. The Army has a staff of a hundred pumping out good news and propaganda about the elite daily into the internet. After months and 60 dead the Government finaly let it out that over 40,000 infected with Denge fever.

    I don't think it will damage Thailand's image in the slightest or adversely affect tourism.

    Just another nasty crime that could, and does, happen anywhere.

    Look at the USA, Homicide capital of the world and then all the "shootings" as they call them in the US. They still have tourist. The USA violence level makes Thailand look like beginners.

  5. Wow-- I do not know if I would want my Asian girlfriend to fly alone to Bahrain. I once worked in Saudi for 8 years and would go to Bahrain for r&r. There is an area for tourists where the hotels serve beer and turn the other eye with what is going on but the rest of Bahrain is very conservative. Hopefully you have checked to make sure a Thai does not need a visa. Next, you girlfriend should NOT say she is going to meet her "boyfriend". The Bahrain officials will already think she is a "commercial girl" (with Arabs, that is always on their mind.) If you are going to be at the airport to meet her then that is great; next, make sure it is ok to check into a hotel with her not being married. Next time, u fly to Thailand to see her, easier and less stress.

    Hotels almost never check to see if a couple is married from my experience in Bahrain over the last almost 10 years

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  6. how is this thailand related news , when i post something about a former embassy official who is missing and might be hiding in Thailand (pedophile) it gets removed

    however hope they will find him soon , but i guess they just want money otherwise the driver would have been killed also ,or he is in on the job

    Because many expats in Thailand work in surrounding countries so good news to know.

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