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Posts posted by rotary

  1. Get the phone book from Paris Hilton's mobile would have been interestingblink.gif

    Don't mean to scare anyone, but you ought to know that another way to get card information is through scanning for RFID chips. You can be within ten feet of someone and read their card information, unless it is stored in a magnetized card holder. This of course does not give you the PIN number. More then likely, a fake atm slot device was used.

    A similar thing can be done using a bluetooth hack to grab information off of any nearby mobile devices. That is how Paris Hilton had her personal contacts stolen from her phone a few years ago.

  2. Lots of good points in your text!

    Some other things to think about........Buying these local safes is not the best as most are really fire safes. There is some theft protection but not that much. If you have lots of value get Euro grade 1 or TL15 or higher rating. Use dual custody where you need both a key and a combination or 2 keys to get in that safe.

    Keep the fact that u own a safe quiet and also hide it in a closet or make a wooden table with a hidden door to keep the safe in.

    Always bolt the safe to the floor and it again is best in a restricted access area because this makes it harder to use hammers and or pry bars on. There are some local dealers for the higher grade safes in Bkk. I would stay away from local made safes in general unless I was keep only a few thousand bhat of items inside

    I have a safe that I purchased the day after I was drugged by a 'date' and she had access to everything in my room while I was unconscious. I have come to some epiphanies about safes and valuables in general:

    1) The safe is good ONLY for valuables protection in the presence of a non-threatening individual (or maybe when one is unconscious) from which one is away for only short durations. Like padlocks, for keeping basically honest people that way.

    2) The safe is NOT acceptable for keeping valuables long-term, when one or one's trusted representative is not present because it could be theoretically removed in one's absence or there may be time to crack it. The time to break open is how safes are rated for relative protection value.

    3) Storage of any amount of money greater than a few thousand baht (in a safe or pocket) is better left to your local bank.

    4) Possession of a safe in any country can initiate an 'exploratory' hit. This is also true of expensive cars.

    5) Knowledge of possession/presence of a safe can be very difficult to restrict but it is advisable that it be restricted.

    6) One could consider using an obvious safe as a distraction while keeping the items one really wants to see again tomorrow in an even 'safer' or very cleverly concealed and utterly secret hiding place if one is paranoid ... as am I.

  3. Also I am not 100% sure but the way it is worded in news releases I think this new drilling is Carnarvon without Pan Orient. I am just going by the news release wording now.

    Power Puff is right. No way to blame Halliburton for that cement job for BP. Howco does lab test and gives advice on cement procedures and content but.........................in the end the operator(BP) are responsible for all work. Now if the drilling contractor showed bad procedures in well control or poor equip maintenence then the drilling contractor also shares the blame. Like it ot not Howco is not even in the picture. As far as I know this is Carnarvons 1st go at being an operator in Thailand. They were hands off partners in some Thai concessions in the past but not the hands on operators

    I agree, nobody blamed Halliburton for a cement job at BP, that reference was to do with the PTTEP/Tasmin sea fiasco...:)

    I think we have to define responsibility and accountability.

    PTTEP, BP et al....are accountable for their operations and consessions and in both cases cited are being held accountable for both leaks by both the Aussie and US goverments and rightly so.

    Responsibility on the other hand can/could be attributed to other parties/companies who are working for the operators, which was the point of my original post,

    It is very simplist in cases like this just to point the finger and say its all BP's, PTTEP's fault....Yes they are accountable, but maybe not responsible in certain cases...if as is rumoured, that the company man took short cuts in the case of BP, then yes in this case BP is both accountable and responsible, but this may not always be the case.

    Under existing Thai and based concessions, believe it has been Pan Orient/Canarvon with a 40/60% respectively, I may be wrong but the new concession I believe is under the same structure.

  4. Simply not true on the age difference being the reason. Agreed it can look funny but that being the reason is wrong. I have my wife a Tourist Visa and there is 25 yrs difference in our ages but.................we had been together 6 years before appling for that Visa and had all the documents. Marrage is one form of proving but what the embassy told me is:

    We want to establish that you have a long term steady lasting relationship

    There are many ways to prove this such as old photos, emails, letters and post cards, travel together where passports show you at same place at same time,etc,etc. Not sure on this but that fiancée visa thing might be throwing gas on a fire in my humble opinion but I am 100% sure you can get a visa with that age difference, I have done it twice over the years.

    The age difference will keep them from getting a Tourist Visa!!! The government will assume she plans on staying and working. I would recommend them to apply for a Fiance Visa (Even though they are married here) or a Residency Visa!!!. This will take 2 or more years, but it would be futile for them to continue requesting a Tourist Visa!!!

  5. Power Puff is right. No way to blame Halliburton for that cement job for BP. Howco does lab test and gives advice on cement procedures and content but.........................in the end the operator(BP) are responsible for all work. Now if the drilling contractor showed bad procedures in well control or poor equip maintenence then the drilling contractor also shares the blame. Like it ot not Howco is not even in the picture. As far as I know this is Carnarvons 1st go at being an operator in Thailand. They were hands off partners in some Thai concessions in the past but not the hands on operators.

    You would like to blame Halliburton for BP's taking shortcuts & behaving in a hugely unsafe manner as well.

    Once that cement goes below the rig floor - it belongs to you. A subject you know nothing about.

    Yes why not....if they along with BP were part of the whole fiasco in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Work for Halliburton or an American by any chance Powder puff ???....:lol:

    On your last sentence....no comment...;)

  6. Let this one play out - it should be interesting ...

    Indeed an amazing story. But one day later NOTHING. No follow up, zilch. On the face of it this is an story of a 'white slave' and we have not any of those for yonks. Perhaps its all being saved up for next Sunday or an exclusive in the Ukraine because i could easily have read a longer interview with the guy

    he wrote a diary I found part of it on twitter

    Day 235 This sucks

    Day 835 This sucks

    Day 1232 This sucks

    Day 2235 This sucks

    Day 4235 This sucks

  7. Any idea of what type of medical treatment the girl is receiving? In the photo, she appears to be uninjured. Not all injuries are obvious at the time of an accident, however.

    She apparently received lacerations to the bottom from broken glass according to clippings on the other thread which was (apparently) why she was leant up against the barrier...

    Is that why they did not "spank her".........angry.gif

  8. I guess the best part of the "real Wood"furniture is it can be refinished. I have some INDEX stuff that I have had for 13 years, all still fine. One important thing is water is a problem for high density particle board stuff. Real wood might be better, if it is proper dryed and not green wood. If that real wood stuff is "green"it will crack in no time.

    To be honest after 10 years I get tired of the same old furniture anyway....ha ha

  9. Half a gram?

    HALF A GRAM??????

    Take a cigarette.

    Break off the tip.

    Cut the rest in half.

    Thats more than half a gram.

    Clearly this man should be locked up then deported.

    I guess he bought a half gram and was carrying it around, come on this is what he had left, it might not be much because he smoked most of it. Throw him out and ban him from the country.

  10. You guys bitch about having more then 2 on bikes and helmet quality, you go pay for an extra bike or car and a nice helmet for a poor thai family then. They don't even have mosquetto nets or shutters and any toilets in the NE let alone these luxuarys.

    Get real.

    True words spoken, most farangs have no idea what poor is, no idea.

    So whats the best.....a poor person that walks and is not injured / dead or just a dead or injured person with no money for hospital bills?. Gents I have lived up country for years and believe me I know poor folks but using poor as an excuse to commit suicide by vehicle is not a good thing.

  11. I just came back from a few days in rural Cambodia. Guess what? Most people wear helmets, and farmers in Cambodia are certainly not richer than those in Thailand. Another thing that struck me was that most kids walked or used bicycles to school. In Thailand, not even the poorest farmer would risk the physical damage to her children as a result of walking a few hundred meters to the local learning institution.

    The laziness in this country is beyond description sometimes.

    Would it be too much to ask if they made the motorcycle drivers keep their lights on at night, made sure all lights were worked, and used their turn signals.....Am I asking to much????? Oh yea and wear a helmet also! 555555

  12. Talking about blurring

    How much could one see if there are the following things, all together, in some view/

    A girl with a mighty cleavage, smoking a cigarette, gets a pistol to the head by another woman with bare breasts, smoking a cigarette, while in the background.........

    On the other hand if she pulls the trigger the resulting mess is freely viewable.

    Friend of mine, being somewhat hackerish, tells me that the Thai bureau for censorship is really going strong.

    He thinks, like many of his "mates", that Thailand is hindering more as the Chinese.

    Have no idea if that is true.

    Maybe somewhat off subject but what about TRUEVISION. They need some competition very bad for their poor programming and services

  13. There is a large difference between a US senior who is getting 800 dollars a month, and a Thai senior who is getting 500 baht. I am pretty sure they can afford that :rolleyes:

    Did u ever hear of a "PONZI SCHEME". If private business does it they go to jail in the USA while if the govt in the USA does it they call it Social Security. There is not anything free. All this entitlement stuff is a mess in every country. Social security in the USA should be stopped for all new workers that enter the work force, but you would have to keep paying present folks until the system can be ended but its a mess.

  14. He must have been making a shit load of money if he has defrauded the Thai government of 400M baht. I thought farangs working overseas were required to pay tax in both countries so I guess he was defrauding the swedish government also.

    Farangs paying tax in both countries........that depends on the country and depends on several other things. US citizens YES on anything over $90K per year income. Canadian citizens NO if they meet certain standards about staying out of Canada and a few other items. I would venture to say NO in most cases if the person does not work in their home country nor spend anytime in their home country.

  15. I guess America had more to offer - or more to take away from Thailand.

    And the post regarding the fairness of the American justice system is laughable. Do a little research and you will see the the reality of the harshness of the sentences that are handed out at random in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

    Everyone has the right to express their opinion about a system, judicial, political, etc, with which they disagree. Those who cite a better system or propose a better method will have my support. The laws of nature seemed to work very efficiently until mankind entered into the picture. I suppose that we will be burdened with a non perfect world until we eliminate that pesky joker (humans) in the deck.

    Another case of the USA trying to be the worlds policeman. I think it is time the USA retired from trying to drive the world. They cannot even manage their own problems on drugs and arms, what are they doing overseas giving it a try?

  16. Getting a good internet connection and home schooling is probably your best option

    Your for real right ? Assuming we get past the "good internet connection" , which many in LOS beg for, who is going to do the home schooling?

    And in what language ? Total rubbish.

    You are clearly out of touch with reality and have no clue about education. Take it from a certified western elementary teacher with a masters degree who has lived here for 10 years.

    BTW, the parents do the home schooling smart guy. Read this article :whistling:link

    I encourage you to disagree with me if you have a good point but your post just makes you sound like an idiot.

    I guess it depends on ones definition of a good education.......It seems possible from my experience in Thailand to get a good education with the Thai school and some home education combined.

  17. Ford Everest, you should at least test drive one. I'm a happy owner.

    New model looks good, but am i right in saying that the interior still dates it?

    I own a Everest also and love it....not sure about the dated interior part but I am sure it has better inside room than most plus unlike the Fortuna you will not stop at a red light with 15 other vehicles that are the same color and model! ha ha

  18. Stay away from: Viriyah Insurance

    They cater for Farangs a bit and are ok for repairs in accidents but I had a friend who had his pick up stolen, they refused to pay, he sued them won in court, they still refused to pay, he took them back to court, won again and they still refuse to pay.....its still dragging on I think. Several years no. they are great for repairs but theft forget it with Viriyah Insurance

  19. for ourself,holidayhouse 4 now and future living ,will it grow in value in future, villastyle house, i was just wondering ,should i buy or keep my money at the


    i m in a dillema buy / not buy

    Buying real estate in Thailand, or almost any place can be risky. In Thailand lots of issues like what name the property will be in,etc. Also while used houses do sell in Thailand its not like in the west. Thai''s like "NEW"houses. It might work out ok in the end but its better if u do not depend om making money on property in Thailand, buy what u need and like and hope for the best. As far as the right time........thats a good question. I bought my condo in 1997 in the crash, My end purchase price taking into account the exchange rate at the time of purchase vs the exchange rate when the condos first started selling & the discount given was way less than 1/2 price. Now that was a good time to buy property. In the end now 13 years later I would guess my condo is worth about %30 more than I paid for it. People who paid full purchase price 13 years ago are still in the hole.

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