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Posts posted by rotary

  1. Gives new meaning to the word "horny", and there must be a joke in there somewhere - "How do you tell a Thai hooker is on safari? Because........".

    Or "A horn in the hand is worth two in the bush"?

    Or "A horn in the bush is worth two in the hand"

    I wonder of Katoeys could smuggle more in bulk?

    This is just another case of the Thai girls messing with the bull & getting the "Horn"

  2. Gosh Truevisions needs to cut their price in half, double the quality of service then improve their programming with less re-runs. Until then I do not want to hear their company name.

    Right now the "gray market" VTV from Vietnam must be killing them as it is 1/3 the price with like 10 plus HD channels and much better programming.

  3. My 72 year old German neighbor is very proper and law-abiding and driving back to Trat when a lone cop waved him over. In obedience, without a second thought, he jerked the wheel to the left and bashed into the cop's motorbike. It knocked it over and it tumbled down the embankment and disappeared.

    This very proper and law-abiding man then felt it was best to put the petal to the metal and haul butt. He was still shaking when he got home two hours later. Got very drunk that night and did not drive anywhere for two months. :ph34r:

    Not stopping on Sukhumvit well that might catch up but pushing the bike down the hill he should get a rewardjap.gif

  4. Did it say that the Mexican consulate even attempted to see him? It seems that the conviction would have been well publicised enough.

    With that area of the United States, there's an enormous demand on any Mexican missions. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an attempt to ignore the murderer and leave him to American courts.

    Mexicans in America face enough challenges already. Having one of their own rape and kill a child only makes matters worse.

    Humberto Leal, 38, was executed on Thursday for a 1994 rape and murder.........justice delayed to long in my opinion and just another brick in the wall of why this illegal immigration needs to be stopped.mad.gif

  5. i'm scheduled to fly in there on sunday..thank you thai visa for alerting me to this unheard of case of corruption and , god forbid, prostitution..i'm cancelling immediately and going to pattaya where i've heard it's a lot safer!!

    I concur. Outrageous behavior. But, before I do anything rash, perhaps I should run over to 'That's Siam' and absolutely confirm this situation personally.

    P.S.: I now call Pattaya: PartyYeah!

    Gosh I am shocked the Police would do this! :rolleyes:

  6. Niran said, "It will also lower the risk of Thai children's identity being stolen by alien children".

    My dog have more senses than this xenophobic moron. :bah:

    Yea I saw that comment: Niran said, "It will also lower the risk of Thai children's identity being stolen by alien children".

    I am still laughing but trying to figure out where that thinking comes from! blink.gifblink.gifblink.gifblink.gif

  7. A review of his case sounds fair to me.

    Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

    - Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

    - Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

    - Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

    These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

    Will a review of the case find different facts because different people are investigating?

    Ummm.... Yes.

    Well at least we do have a nice looking PM but I am not so sure of any other benefits.jap.gif

  8. Thaksin is already promising to bring the USD back to 40/THB and 30 million tourists a year in LOS - he has all but actually proclaimed himself the real PM. Ta-da! The joke is no longer just a joke. A whole nation (or at least most of it) has fallen for it.

    40 baht to the dollar....Yee Haw happy days are here again! :rolleyes:

    Show me the exchange rate!

  9. Everything in the world is good and bad. Certain cars have good points(low fuel usage, good seats) and bad points (high maintenance of engine, noise from engine),etc. Houses are the same with good points and bad. When the bad out weights the good thats really bad.

    FACEBOOK or Farcebook as most people call it is bad bad. sad.gif

    I know of several marriages facebook was a part in wrecking & just look at some the unrest in the Middle East Facebook was a big part of.

    It needs shut down if ya ask me.

  10. The evergreen answer to your complaint/question is as follows: when people stop buying condos, developers will stop building them.

    I'm sure the developers know what they are doing, but there seem to be loads of empty units.

    I am not so sure these developers know what they are doing, Ah yes I remember 1997 well when I bought my Condo, at a 52% discount from the initial asking price even after the exchange rate had went from +/-25 baht to the dollar to more than 50. Its not just in Thailand now, these property guys get out of hand in many countries and greed takes over from common sense and reasonable profits.wink.gif

  11. It's amazing how little life seems to mean to the Thai's , I'm sure not all of them..However Thailand being a Buddhist society predominantly it is rather scary.

    I'm American, and there are many elements of society for whom life means little. Such evil is not specific to any country or other arbitrary grouping, it is part of human life everywhere.

    The problem is bigger in countries where the rule of law is weak, but that is a systemic political problem, not an ethnic difference.

    Personally I feel much less exposed to danger here than I would back home, but then again I try not to mess with anyone's rice bowl or to cause others to lose face. I think the violence here is much less random and widespread than it is back home.

    One thing about Thailand. Most violent crime is for a reason and the people know each other and know what it happened or at least have a good idea. In the USA a large amount of violent crime is random without the people involved knowing each other. Your are right, much safer in Thailand than the USA in my opinion.

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