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Posts posted by rotary

  1. Good reason to buy a good high quality safe with dual custody locks and not one of these B25K things that are fire safes then bolt to the floorwink.gif

    Suwichan reportedly confessed to using stolen keys to the boxes to steal their contents in May.

    Not sure about this one... If my safe deposit key is lost, it gets reported and the lock changed.

    You cannot duplicate those keys, can you? Anyway, it says "stolen" not "duplicated " keys, so that's moot.

    How many stolen keys did he have? Apart from a lucky strike, how would you steal these keys anyway? Did the employees leave them lying around and never noticed that they were gone? If the employees didn't even care about their safety deposit keys, what does that say about their mindset?

    - No excuse for the thief, just wondering aloud how this could happen in the first place.

    Not sure about Bkk Bank but I know many safety deposit boxes need two keys, the bank has one and the box 'owner' has the other and there is no duplicate at all. Meaning that if the owner losesd his/her key then it must be reported to the police, then the bank goes through a process to have a locksmith open the box and replace the lock and of course new keys.

    So what happened in this case? Seems to be lacking in how he could open the boxes.

    Personally I wouldn't be quick to trust any Thai bank. Years ago I had a deposit box at the XXX bank in North Pattaya. After a long spell, I went to the bank to discover that several years earlier the HO had decided to remove the safe boxes from that branch.

    Nobody knew what branch my box had been moved to and they were less than helpful. My lawyer got involved and after a lot of frustration he found my box had been moved to the Chonburi city branch.

    I went there to clean out the box, but was confronted with a bill of 5,000Baht for the costs of transporting my box (along with many others) from Pattaya to Chonburi city. Again I got my lawyer involved and at first the bank refused to budge. My lawyer did his dedective work and found the name of the second in command of the bank, he was horrified when he heard the details.

    Bottom line, several employees were sacked on the spot, 5,00Baht bill cancelled and lots of apologies.

  2. Due to space limitations I cannot post all the sad stories I have heard in 25 plus years....ha halaugh.gif

    Should I tell you about two of my friends who were looking forward to retirement and just found out they have terminal cancer? They are in their late 50s and haven't done anything but work for a living to provide lovely homes for their bitchy wives. I know they are bitchy because I've met them and I wouldn't have stayed married to either of them for more than a week. My friends got jealous when I told them about my trips to Thailand each winter, but now it's too late for them.

    Or, maybe I coulld tell you the story of a friend's 10 year old child who was just recently diagnosed with leukaemia.

    How about my two friends who have worked 25 years with a timber company that is closing all its mills, and my friends are being laid off with no prospects for work anywhere else in the province.

    If I think really hard I can come up with a few more cheary stories like these. Let me know if you want to hear them.

    Oh, sorry, you were talking about sad tales from strangers. They tend not to bother me as much as the true stories about friends with problems. I just thank my lucky stars I live the life I do and have the good health to do along with it.

  3. And somewhat limited selection also but ok

    Hi Croftrobin,

    Yes you can get a bottle on arrival and most brands are available but be aware that there are certain products that you cannot get on arival, fro example Cuban cigars.

    Also some of the special offers (gift packs with the free glasses/holdal bags/presentation cases, etc.) that you can get at the Duty Free departure area are not available at the arrival Duty Free area.



  4. I hear you! In general I am the same, I avoid doing business with expats if I can as in most cases they are too expensive and bad experiences in the past.

    As a matter of principle, I avoid as much as possible to do any business with foreigners in Thailand. What ever the negative story about Thais posted in this forum, I know a worst story involving foreigners.

    Most foreigners who do business in Thailand do it illegally, which means they are involved witha lot of not-so-nice people and they have developed over the years a crook mentality. It the same for the Thais involved with these people. You do business with them at your own risks.

  5. I am been involved in several building projects up country, my last one not far from you. Figure on about US$25 to $30 per sq ft finished in a 3 star manner semi farang style. Thats no air conds and no fancy kitchen stuff. We use a builder that does it turn semi key for us. Now a few years ago a freind build a 80 sq mt house 3 star style and bought all the materials. Labour was about Bhat 65,000 to build the house.

  6. Now Airasia has the monopoly on a lot of the routes, after initial special offers, it is time to make passengers pay, pay and pay some more. Good business tactics I believe.

    A company operating like this are scammers.......ha ha or a western government........rolleyes.gif LOL

    I also prefer to pay full price than mess with Air Asia. I took them one time, never again if I can avoid it.blink.gif

  7. Financial crisis postponed. Obama would have loved to limp through to election day with no more cuts, but the republicans extracted their pound of flesh knowing they will be likely to inherit the mess Obama left behind.

    Would it not be more accurate to say that "the republicans extracted their pound of flesh knowing they will be likely to inherit the mess Obama left behind inherited from George Bush. "? :whistling::rolleyes::unsure:

    Actually FWIW, The roots of this problem started at the end of the last great depression and accelerated the moment the link between the dollar and a set amount of Gold was scrapped. Ever since then successive governments have overspent and kicked the can down the road to facilitate their hoped for reelection. A Russian economist called Kondratieff postulated there is a cycle in capitalist economies lasting around 70 years which culminate in an asset mania followed by the inevitable bust. The 'progressives' as they laughably refer to themselves believe you can cheat this cycle by printing more and more money (debt), in order to service this debt you need the population to grow at a rate faster than most western economies, hence progressively looser immigration policies and a growing population from civilisations alien or even hostile to the western one. The progressives imho naively believe they can integrate this ever growing influx without tearing their own society apart.

    You can't invent a perpetual motion machine and we instead have a Ponzi scheme hidden in a hall of mirrors. When this goes bang we are going to see a shock that makes 2007-9 seem mild by comparison, so when postulating who will be the next U.S leader perhaps picking the one most suited to war will be an idea.

    Obama and the Democrats need to understand the USA is bankrupt. They cannot keep printing money and borrowing from the Chinese. The time has come to cut spending and stop to borrow. Entitlement programs must be ended. It beats me why a goverment cannot understand you cannot spend money you do not have.

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