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Posts posted by rotary

  1. Lets see ain't it a fact that several countries including but not limited to Greece, Iceland, the USA are in money troubles because of widespread credit given to people who cannot afford it and default on loans & credit cards? This idea of liberal credit sounds like Thailand could go down the same path to ruin. It is a fact of life you have to work for what you get and different people will reach different levels on the social scale of wealth. Trying to interfere only causes problems. Look at the USA debt to China caused by not being able to stop spending money they do not have.unsure.gif

  2. Agree 100%. Too much danger for people without training and or experience to be messing with!rolleyes.gif

    In wrong and inexperienced hands those machines are deadly dangerous for themselves and others ... Those tourists who rent those machine have no idea what they have in hands .. time to act and why not, to forbid those machine . :angry:

  3. Manny Pacquiao backed Harry Reid in the USA elections. That tells me something about Manny.

    Manny needs to give UFC cage fighting a try!wink.gif

    I met him once, and while he seems fairly intelligent and capable, he wasn't coming across as being too personable, something politicians need. But if Manny Pacquiao can get elected in the Philippines despite his many, shall we say, non-politician-like characteristics, well, I guess Paradorn can get elected here.

  4. I am not sure on all that Limo stuff but best way to get in the lounges is Gold Amex or maybe even better DINERS CLUB INTERNATIONAL.

    Just by being a member and holding a card you get access to at least one lounge in almost any airport in the world. Diners seems to be better on international support as Amex will ask for you to have a card from that region you are using the lounge in.

    I don't think that'll get you in the lounges though??


  5. I understand what they "claim"they are trying to do as in getting guys not to come stay in Thailand that can not afford it but I really feel it will do more harm than good. I know lots of examples of older men men married to much younger women that did not work out but I know more examples just the same that have worked out. I agree on a 70 year old getting married to a 20 year is not the best thing, but lets say a 52 year old man married to a 28 year old is different all together. Both are adults and are old enough to make that decision without a law. Sometimes I wonder what these lawmakers in ÄNY"country are thinking.

    This is no big deal. There is no need to marry, and it will bring a sigh of relief from many who are being pressured by their GF and her family. What is not mentioned in the article that the proposal also includes a restriction on inheritance. Any clause in the Will of foreigner which favours a Thai national will be become null and void. And this IS retro-active. This will cause some consternation, and possibly protests which will overshadow anything the red shirts have managed.

  6. Does anybody really believe that western elections are without fraud also? I include the USA, UK, etc. While I do not think there is fraud in every election in the western world I do believe there is election fraud in the western countries that does happen.

    The run up to the election is what they should be concerned with first. Then monitor the voting place. Let the people police themselves . The Thai voter as do other countries voters deserve what they legally vote into office. When, not if, unlawful acts are alleged/proven, disqualify every candidate of that party in the Province. Then press charges against those involved.

    Sorry let me rephrase that.

    Do not allow foreign independent witnesses in the first place.

    1) Monitor the whole process yourself so that you can see if any voting deviates from that with which you wish.

    2) Whatever the end result people deserve it (unless it doesnt happen to be the end result that we want in which case we will change it.)

    3) If individual results are not to our liking we will disqualify the candidate and anyone who is connected to him from the election.

    4) We will then charge them (maybe) and lock them up.

    5) P.S. if you think you are going to vote in Thaksin again, you must be joking.... you have tried that at least twice and we have made it clear that it is unacceptable. So please stop.

  7. I maybe a minority but................I have not carried a wallet in 30 years. Money clip with cash folded up and a small ATM card leather holder suits me. Both in the same front pants pocket

    So he wasn't robbed then? Thus the motive for murder was something else? Who carries around 22k baht (unless you are going to buy something expensive but then you can get a bank cheque or use a credit/debit card).

    No wallet. Who goes ANYWHERE without a wallet? So chances are he WAS robbed since the wallet was gone, but they didn't think to check his shorts. However, robbery may or may not have been the motive.

    This is a good point, but I would think maybe he knew something had to happen.

  8. This should give home brew kits a boost even for farangs. If they raise the tax so high they lose the tax money....hmmmmm. Is that what they really want to do?

    When conducting the study, how do they know when alcohol was consumed by Thais and when it was consumed by foreigners, tourists or otherwise?

    Especially when arrivals are up the tens of millions, according to the government, though maybe it's because each of them is only spending 37 baht per day :lol:

    Wasn't the "increase in Thais consuming alcohol" used as justifcation for raising the tax in the first place?

    And what about the part of the article that says that beer is taxed at more than 600 baht per litre. Wouldn't that make a bottle of Chang cost 680 baht or so?

    It's abundantly clear that no-one in this country is capable of conducting real social science or studying any problem scientifically.

    How about studying why despite having agreements with ASEAN countries to import beer there is no ASEAN beer to be found in Thailand anywhere.

  9. Of course Thailand's problem is somewhat different than the USA problem but the most important part is do not become a welfare state, and in basic a socialist country as the USA has. Free handouts in 95% of the cases are just wrong no matter what country. Human nature in many cases takes over and people want to take it easy without working in any country if they can live off the govt. Of course not all people are like this but a great number are and they will work the system. Borrowing of money and running the govt like a drunken sailor will end in the US$ reaching new unprecedented lows. Many countries over history have been world leaders for a few years and then policy and economics takes over and they fall from the top spot as has happened with the USA. Thailand can use the USA as an example, in some cases of how not to run the country. Even bad examples are good examples when viewed from the proper view point.

    Another factor is that China and India are coming on strong so will be world leaders in the future. One major problem in the USA is most of the manufacturing base is gone including the jobs in it. People in the USA are lacking job skills such as electricians, mechanics, welders, etc. Another problem is easy credit...its so easy to get a credit card, run up a large amount which many people cannot payback. Also the USA govt, in basic, pushing to loan money to buy homes with to people who cannot afford them.

    There is a great shortage of skilled hands on people in these manufacturing areas in the USA so Thailand must maintain the manufacturing base and jobs.

    Really credit is a bad thing and just comes back to make problems. Look at the massive amount of money owed to China by the USA.

    I could go on but living within ones budget no matter if it is personal or for a country is very important and a lesson the USA has forgot.

    When was the last time you bought a USA brand name and the product was made in the USA other than Tabasco hot sauce? Sad but true.

  10. I agree with all. The US airlines attendants like a bit to be desired in many cases and for sure, nothing wrong with rules. They agreed to the rules when they went to work.

    A perfect example of when NOT being PC is a very good thing!

    I agree! The female flight attendants always look so good. If Thai is going to charge such high air fares compared to many competitors they can at least keep the hot FAs. Nothing wrong with standards, and a woman with a 32 waist is large even by US standards so its not like they are asking their ladies to stay ultra skinny..IWish the US airlines would do the same. The days of attractive and friendly FAs there are long gone.

  11. I agree 100%, its all true what u said

    "regardless of political party" There isn't a Republican member of it. Black politicians consider any Conservative an aberration, and a person to be slighted. There is no tolerance allowed from the left as their views are the only views permissible for a person of color.

    To use the Black Caucus as a model of civility is laughable and shows a lack of knowledge of the US politic.

  12. And the USA charges $450 to renounce citizenship, I saw it at one of the Embassy in the middle east posted in the price list....blink.gif

    Countries have different practices regarding citizenship. An American can only lose his citizenship in some very concrete ways ie: renouncing it publicly to an official (and holding citizenship of another country), or working for a foreign government at a policy-making level.

    The UK has different "levels" of citizenship (levels for want of a better word .. perhaps classifications would be more accurate) ... thus making things more complicated.

  13. I thought u could renounce any citizenship if u are of sound mind and have another citizenship.

    I had a friend who was a dual citizen of Canada and the USA. He renounced the USA one but it was lots of hassel. Thats what he told me anyway and I know he did have that USA passport for sure at one time.

    You cannot give up or renounce British Citizenship it is always available under whatever mechanism that you obtained it in the first place

  14. Good guess....u may be right on this theory

    Based on my education, I would sumise that this poor couple died of CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING..... it would fit every piece of this seemingly unidentifiable puzzle. Carbon monoxide is odourless, slow acting ,and has the efect of putting people into a sleep followed by coma, then death. Perhaps the police should concentrate on items removed and professional/business interests and monetary gains by possible competitors. RIP to these poor people.

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