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Posts posted by Tornado

  1. 3 in Patong.

    1. 80 meters from Subway (cnr of sai nam yen and rat u thid 200 pee rd).

    2. Thailife: behind Taipan (nice place) My Pick

    3. on the way out to Karon from Patong (on that no through rd on the left before you get to the turnoff to go up the hill to Karon. (a little old, but ??

  2. general info for all.

    The registration for domain name under .co.th under the following concerns:

    To register ".co.th" as a company name (the company must be registered under Thai Law), the registrant must provide one of these documents:

    - Company Limited / Limited Partnership's Registration Document (Thor-Khor-0401)

    - Company Limited / Limited Partnership's Certification Paper

    - VAT Registration Document (Por-Por-20)

    - VAT Modification Request Paper (Por-Por-09)

    - Overseas Commercial Permission Document (Thor-Khor-0506)

    And only one name for the company name could be registered under ".co.th".

    To register ".co.th" as trademark, the registrant must provide a certification of trademark registration issued by the Department of Intellectual Property (Thailand).

    The domain name in (2) must be identical to the registered trademark.

    Translation of trademark will not be accepted.

    If the trademark is not in English, English letters can be substituted.

    If the trademark has expired, the domain name will be deleted.

    Any name selection conflict between (1) and (2), the first-come-first-serve role will be applied.

    THNIC will not take any action in disputes between two parties. The parties must resolved themselve and send their agreement to us as a hardcopy.

    THNIC reserves the right to reject or accept requests in the final step.

    Seems a pain in the butt, I think Ill leave it. thanks for all your help! :o

  3. thanks so far.

    a scenario.

    If I have a company name that is "tornado holdings co. ltd." and I want a .co.th doman name, I have to buy tornadoholdings.co.th ? or can I buy tornado.co.th or other variables ?

    for instance, there would not be a company called dreaming co .ltd (not in this example anyway), so the only way to get that domain name is to register "dreaming co. ltd. ??


    I tried the sponsors website (top of thread) and the link doesnt seem to work - http://thaiwebhost.net/thaidomain.htm

  4. I have sent a few emails to Thainic regarding a .co.th domain name and had no reply.

    I want to register a .co.th name but I am unsure of the way to go about it.

    Do you have to have a company name the same as the .co.th name?

    Can you choose any name you like?

    Do you send your company paperwork to them to verify you have a Thai company?

    How about if you want a generic type of name, e.g. dreaming.co.th instead of a business type name, e.g. thaiconsultant.co.th, is this "allowed"??

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.

  5. "I do wonder what you guys do on a night apart from visit the ago-go bars or make happy with your Thai wives / husbands / G/f / BF."

    Stay home, To be spanked, have my bald head polished and the odd kiss here and there..... fun fun fun .....

  6. Across the road from the airport "exit gate" there is a few car rental places. Toyota Vios 14,000 per month, very cheap on fuel as well. The large Thai guy that owns/runs the business is a great guy also. He guarantees the lowest price cars. I rented a Vios (14k per month) for the wife, before buying her one and I also rented a Toyota Fortuna (30k per month) before I decided not to buy one.

    I forget the name of the Rental company, but as you go into the office, there is a longish desk on the left side, a lady behind the counter and a big Thai giy around 45 hovering around. A really nice guy. You will know your in the right place, when they bring out a can of Pepsi.

    Good Luck.

  7. Sorry to hear you are having probs mate, we all do sometimes and some of us have them all of the time. This country will break you if you let it. I would advise not to go to Cambodia as it is far worse living there.

    You get a lot of people on this forum that make Thailand sound so good all the time. It is different living here, than to come over every year for a week or a month.

    Leave the woman and carry on, stay with the woman, suck eggs and see.

    Good Luck!

    P.S. We are welcome here by some and to the rest we are just dollar signs. Pick the right circle to be in.

    I have no clue about moving companies, wait a week and see how you feel.

  8. Mosquitoes do not feed on blood. The female mosquito requires blood for development of her eggs.

    Citronella candles and citrus trees work quite well. If you have a pond also add many goldfish/fish to eat the eggs.

    If bitten and your a smoker, put a lit cigaratte near the bite and the smoke draws out the itchiness - you have to get close though and it does burn a little. Failing that buy some Stingose.

    I am never bothered by mosquitos, but all my pommy mates are eaten alive. :o

    a little info from a web site:

    What are the alternatives?

    You can spray. It will give you relief from mosquitoes - for two hours. But it will kill every butterfly, ladybug, preying mantis, and earthworm too!

    There are zappers, and even zappers with octenol lures. But without CO2 and a thermal lure, they remain ineffective. Octenol is expensive, so they use very little of it. The Dragonfly's octenol lure has 20 times more octenol than the lures supplied with zappers. Zappers kill 3,000 beneficial insects each night, but only a handful of mosquitoes.

    There are thousand-dollar products mounted on a barbecue stand that use a fuel cell to convert propane to CO2. Another system, nearly as expensive, is powered with electricity. They vacuum the mosquitoes that follow their CO2 plume. Both disperse CO2 but no octenol. Neither has the settings offered by the Dragonfly System®.

    Remember, features are not the biggest difference between the Dragonfly System® and these other products. Where they attempt to kill all the mosquitoes in an area - an impossible task, in the opinion of almost all entomologists, the Dragonfly System® (100's of Dollars cheaper) aims at truly protecting people with a double line of defense. First, the Dragonfly® lure, using heat, CO2 and octenol kills thousands of biting insects (but, most importantly, it draws them away from people). Meanwhile, people are protected by the Conceal™ inhibitor in the Mosquito 'Cognito® device, the second half of the Dragonfly System®.

  9. In my experience land doesnt really have a set price due to supply and demand. As farmers usually do not sell their land due to living and working it for generations, I would say if your happy with it, buy it, if not wait it out for another plot. 40k per Rai, isnt much, but obviously put a smaller offer in and see what comes back. Offer 600k for the whole plot and se what they say. good luck.

  10. (quote)

    Massive complexes going in up at Talang as well. very badly built, thrown together with sub standard fixtures and fittings, aimed mainly at the Thai market. Thalang is also a Thai village area and we can wait and see if the average foreigner thinks its for them.

    Tornado! You are too picky by far.

    Horses for courses! My point was that there is land available, and houses for sale across the board. My advice was also valid. If you go and look for it yourself, its better and cheaper than being led by the nose by some agent skimming off 6%.

    I can see your point, but I dont agree. 6%? I dont know who your talking to, but 3% is the norm.

    It is never better or cheaper going direct in my opinion. There is a lot more to buying land than saying "yes thats nice, Ill have it". The reputable agents have checked all that has to be checked, before it even comes onto the market. Agents know the local market and have experience in dealing with the Thai sellers. I know plenty of land held by Thais that are waiting for the "dumb farang" who has no idea of price, zones, heights etc.

    Let me put it this way: Why wouldnt you go to an agent to buy land when they have done all the relevant checks and have taken all the head aches out, as the due dilligence is already done.

    If the only reason is that you think you will get a better price, then I would suggest you use a reputable agent that lets you deal direct with the owner on price.

    My point is that at any given time, any foreigner can come here and choose from a shed load of developments at all price ranges, all of them cheaper than Western Europe.


    As for Thalang being too Thai for the "average foreigner" I wound say the

    'average foreign buyer" lives here because it is Thai! Most of us have been here for years and can work things out for ourselves.

    Yes but your talking about such a small demographic that wants to live in Thalang. The average buyer is looking for the holiday home or a safe environment for the family to stay in, will not choose Thalang as the infrastructure is not there and many wives or female buyers will not live in a unsecure location/development. Security is paramount to most clients, unless you are married to a Thai or have lived here for some years, Thai villages are not on top of the list.

    Lots of the new buyer, investors and speculators are scared shitless to get off the well worn farang areas, thus, sky high prices here and rock bottom for those of us that love living with Thais, living in Thai areas, having Thai kids, learning Thai, eating Thai, shopping on the markets etc. Screw anybody that is just interested in "investment potential" they are only driving the price up.

    That is for expats and people with Thai spouses. Investment potential is driving the market as it is EVERYWHERE on this planet. Some people do other types of business other than clocking in at 9 and clocking off at 5. Screw them? a bit harsh I would say.

    IMHO there are too many miserable faced westerners coming these days, building massive walls round their properties, installing expensive alarm systems (this says loud and clear "I do not trust you Thais") not engaging with the local population and pissing off their Thai neighbours by complaining about Thailand and writing all those "why oh why don't the Thais....." letters.

    I used to think along the lines as you do. Then I realised just because I feel safe, doesnt mean all of the potential residents/buyers are going to feel the same way. The way the Island is growing and with the undesirable's coming in thick and fast, security should be paramount on everyones mind.

    By the way you write about westerners on this Island, I guess you spend a lot of time with Thais. If that rocks your boat fine, not for me mate, I need a little more brain stimulation.

    Not all people that live here come to eat Tom Yum with the neighbours, some of us just like the weather.

  11. Massive complexes going in up at Talang as well. very badly built, thrown together with sub standard fixtures and fittings, aimed mainly at the Thai market. Thalang is also a Thai village area and we can wait and see if the average foreigner thinks its for them.

    I live on a new estate in Thalang. Ok, maybe they're not built to western standards, but to say they're thrown together and badly built isn't fair at all. The construction of my 3 bedroom bungalow is faultless, and the area, Thalang, far better than living in a designated area for Foreign investors where the prices have gone crazy.

    yawn. I love how you edited that to make it look like I was having a dig at a particular area. I actually was referring to Land and House and Phuket Villa 3 re construction quality. How the hel_l would I know where you live. I stated that Thalang was a Thai village area and we will see how the foreign market feels about this area over time. I actually like Thalang.

    Thanks for picking a small hole in my post to justify your own existance.

  12. Nice try Tornado. Keep talking it up and try not to get too steamed up about it as well, we all have opinions and this is mine.

    I am a keen cyclist and clock up hundreds of KM every week on and off the Island. Get out of your office and car a bit more if you want to know whats going on here.

    Just seen 350 rai being auctioned off, and here are four full pages of houses for sale.


    Also try a search on Google, theres thousands of adds. Lot of land was bought up by speculators and they are struggling to shift any of it.

    Some of these have been on for over a year. A lot of these adds are for multiple houses on developments and there are massive plots of land.

    Try Chao Fah Road as well. There are hundreds of properties for sale at Land and house, Middle Road, Phuket Villa etc. etc., Massive complexes going in up at Talang as well.

    Hundreds of plots for sale and when you ring about one, you are always offered more choices as a lot of the adds are from agents and discounts are always offered.

    Im not getting steamed up, Im suggesting you are looking at crap land in crap locations.

    Who wants to live in these areas? That is the Thai market. Your initial response to this thread was regarding land being plentifull, this is not the case.

    Houses are always for sale and always will be. Land on the other hand is very hard to get in the right areas.

    Hundreds of plots for sale, but where? How much? Are the titles ok? due dilligence done? under the 80 meter height restriction? flying sor kor 1? national park? airport noise? zone? build height restrictions? servitude? water? electricity?

    The west coast has 5 plots left on the beach and that is a pretty large coast.

    The Panwa area: looks like loads of land until you get the paperwork and they are either tor bor 6 or sor kor 1, which is no good to a foreigner.

    The Kathu area: try and find a 1 or 2 Rai plot without a major overhead powerline behind you.

    The Layan area: Last year selling at 3-4 mil per Rai, now 7 mil and up and very hard to find.

    The Surin area: try and find a nice sea view plot.

    Kamala: millionaires row. 3 plots left on the whole road.

    Mai Kao: 2 beachfront land plots and other than that, some jungle plots in horrible locations.

    Rawai: find a 1 rai plot.

    Nai Harn: rare as rocking horse shit.

    Patong: two larger plots left under the 80 meter mark and no 1 rai plots.

    Cherngtalay: plenty of low level land that needs to filled (cost about 600 k a Rai to fill)

    Thalang: last year 500 k per rai, now 1 mil per Rai and selling to Bangkok Thais and a few foreigners.

    Chalong: I can go throgh every road if you like.

    East Coast: Ao Phor, not much sea view left and selling at 7 mil per Rai and upwards.

    Yamoo: 25 mil per Rai if you buy in the nice area and other land in this area is land banked by Thais from Bangkok or anyone with money for that matter.

    Koh Sirea, a dump and the most lawless area on the island and the land price is still 6 mil and up per rai.

    Now lets go through your post:

    Just seen 350 rai being auctioned off, and here are four full pages of houses for sale."

    350 Rai isnt what the average foreigner wants and the houses I've already covered.

    "Also try a search on Google, theres thousands of adds. Lot of land was bought up by speculators and they are struggling to shift any of it."

    Thousands? Please show me the adds where they are struggling to sell. What price did they pay for it and what area was it in?

    "Some of these have been on for over a year. A lot of these adds are for multiple houses on developments and there are massive plots of land."

    Developers usually advertise for many years, it obviously depends on location and price and the quality of the product.

    "Try Chao Fah Road as well. There are hundreds of properties for sale at Land and house, Middle Road, Phuket Villa etc. etc., Massive complexes going in up at Talang as well. "

    Very badly built, thrown together with sub standard fixtures and fittings, aimed mainly at the Thai market. Thalang is also a Thai village area and we can wait and see if the average foreigner thinks its for them.

    "Hundreds of plots for sale and when you ring about one, you are always offered more choices as a lot of the adds are from agents and discounts are always offered."

    I have been in this game for ten years and anyone who knows anything about searching for land, is, there is always another plot. When looking for the right plot, there is much due dilligance to do and most turn out to be far from perfect and after you have gone through all of the neccesary checks, your out on the road again looking for more.

    I am out and about everyday in my job and deal with every Thai broker on this Island. I get 60 plots a week brought into my company by 1 broker alone and after I sift through the crap, I end up with less than 10 percent.

    Since arriving in Phuket way back in the late 90's, I have seen land prices (1 area for example) in Rawai go from 300,000 baht per Rai to todays price (same land) 7 million baht.

    Phuket is a very good investment and I dont think there are many places in the world you could have gains like this. THERE IS ONLY A SMALL AMOUNT OF LAND LEFT AVAILABLE IN GOOD AREAS AND I DONT CARE IF NOBODY BUYS IT, I DONT CARE ABOUT BEATING UP THE MARKET, ALL I CARE ABOUT IS THAt THE RIGHT INFORMATION IS GIVEN.

    Please dont listen to arm chair real estate gurus, there are more of them than land. :o

    With new zoning laws in place it isnt as easy as before.

    (I have'nt promoted my business, nor have I got anything to gain from the post above. There are well over 100 brokers on this Island now, send a few emails away to them and see if I am right) Good Luck to all!

  13. Please let all of us investors know where all that great land is in abundance. Ill have 5 rai on the beach anywhere on the Ilsand. Ill put my money where my mouth is. Up to 40 mil.

    Ill also have 10 Rai or smaller in Rawai or Chalong with sea views. Budget 35 mil.

    I await your experienced reply. :o

    If you are talking to me (which i am unsure...) then I think you might need to open your cheque book a bit more than that; smaller plots under 10 rai have a lot more potential developers than what the people I know are doing (which is big plots).

    The smallest plot that the people I know have purchased within the last 2 years is <30 rai on the east coast; other ones are in the triple digits; and yes, all water front sites.

    Already one buyer lined up for the <30 rai plot on the east coast, nice beach (for east coast); at somewhere around a little under 7m per rai.

    I know for a fact that larger sites than this are available....at a price somewhat higher than your 5 rai for 40m number multiple in many cases. Like I said, it is there, but whether you can make money out of it is an entirely different story. And that is the issue....almost everything in the world is available...but at what price?!

    No Steve, I wasnt actually posting directly at you. You have made my point though. It is very hard to get a small plot anywhere in Phuket. I have been in the real estate game for 10 years here and I KNOW "good land" is very hard to get and small plots of great land is very rare and comes at a premium price. Land in Phuket is running out fast and that is fact.

    It seems "the big boys" think's the region is still worth the investment.

    Saudi Prince inks B4.3bn resort deal


  14. having just returned from a trip to phuket and samui , although i cannot dispute that there may be buyers pecking around , there are also hundreds of unsold properties , dozens of projects seemingly abandoned half way through building and the usual scene of bomb site moo baans with more builders than residents.

    its a very strange market indeed

    This is the case. The positive posts are just agents talking the market up. The smart money in Phuket is going into the SCB for 4% interest. Thats how good the market here is!

    There are thousands of empty plots, and hundreds of areas cleared for development that are just stood empty, cleared of trees but no action. Land is not limited here, it is readily available everywhere. You need to go and look for it yourself and don't listen to some fat loudmouthed falang developer. Rent a bike and tour the Island, save yourself a fortune.

    Two sales in one week!! I think its the "dead cat bounce" we used to hear of in politics. Its its also impossible that two sales would go from initial visit to completion of sale in one week.

    These are either completions from previous months or offers not yet completed, in which case they are not sales.

    Keep up the bullshit boys, somebody somewhere is daft enough to believe you. Just look at all the bars that sell here.

    what a load of drivel!

    Please tell us Mr Phuket about all of the land you find on your bike cruises. Ill be very interested.

    Land is cleared for many reasons: waiting for smaller plots to be issued titles, land banked, ready for sale for high season or maybe even enviromental impact paper work etc etc.

    Please let all of us investors know where all that great land is in abundance. Ill have 5 rai on the beach anywhere on the Ilsand. Ill put my money where my mouth is. Up to 40 mil.

    Ill also have 10 Rai or smaller in Rawai or Chalong with sea views. Budget 35 mil.

    I await your experienced reply. :o

  15. So it seems a few people dont like the idea of a higher Thai price than Farangs.

    Goes to show in this world you cannot be racist,unless its against a white person. You cannot be sexist,unless its against a man and you cannot have dual pricing,unless the Farang has the higher price.

    BTW, the blue taxis that run along the roads and sois of Pattaya are 5 baht. Dont pay 10.

    How rigt you are! :o

  16. Hammond 'has taken first steps'

    Mrs Hammond has been at her husband's bedside since the crash.

    Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond is continuing to recover in hospital, with friend Jeremy Clarkson saying the crash victim has taken his first steps.

    The 36-year-old has now been moved out of the high dependency unit and onto a general ward, his family said.

    It comes after his wife said the family had been "overwhelmed" with messages of support from around the world.

    Mr Hammond suffered a "significant" brain injury when he crashed in a jet-powered car on Wednesday.

    The accident is being investigated by the BBC, the police and the Health and Safety Executive.

    The 36-year-old presenter's condition is said by doctors to be "stable".

    A hospital spokesman said on Saturday Mr Hammond was continuing "to make good progress".

    'Spoken and smiled'

    Mr Hammond's wife Amanda, known as Mindy, said she has had messages from around the world since his accident during filming near York.

    His co-presenter Jeremy Clarkson, a Sun columnist, said in the paper the father-of-two got to his feet and walked "shakily" to the toilet during the early hours of Friday - just 30 hours after the crash.

    Mrs Hammond told the Daily Mirror: "He's starting to look like Richard again. He's tough as hel_l and on his way back.

    "He's spoken and smiled. It's early days and what has happened hasn't really sunk in for him.

    "The whole family is overwhelmed by everyone's support. There have been so many flowers, cards and e-mails from around the world.

    "To know that so many people love him is astounding. We want to thank everyone for their good wishes and prayers."

    Mr Hammond's brother Nick told reporters his brother had improved since he saw him earlier in the week.

    "He's making good progress. We are very happy," he said.

    Fellow Top Gear presenter James May said on Friday he believed the injured presenter was "perfectly intact" after the pair had had a conversation at his hospital bedside.

    "I'm not a doctor but I am his mate and I believe that deep inside the Hammond I know is perfectly intact," he said.

    The presenter had been driving a jet-powered dragster similar to the Vampire used by Colin Fallows to set the British land speed record of 300.3 mph.

    Mr Hammond, from Cheltenham, Glos, had to be cut free after the car "veered off to the right" and its parachutes opened during a drive at Elvington airfield.

    Primetime Land Speed Engineering, which supplied the car and a support team for the event, said the vehicle "had been prepared and was being operated to the highest of standards".

    The BBC said in a statement that it had started an investigation into the accident and promised full co-operation with the HSE.

    A BBC spokeswoman also confirmed the final part of the Best of Top Gear, due to be screened on 1 October, had been postponed indefinitely.

    A statement from the BBC said: "We would like to express our thanks to the 40,000 people who have sent goodwill messages about Richard.

    "These will all be passed on to him, and the Top Gear team and presenters are very grateful indeed for this exceptional and heartfealt response from viewers, which will be a terrific boost to Richard for his recovery.

    "It had been intended that the new series of Top Gear would begin on 8 October. Given the circumstances, it's still too early to say when the series will return. Jeremy, James and the Top Gear team have been completely focussed on Richard and all that the wonderful staff of the Leeds General Infirmary have done for him.

    "The priority for now must be ensuring Richard makes a full recovery, but we would not think of finalising plans for the next series without discussing it with everyone involved. When it is suitable, the team will do this and we will announce a new transmission date."

    Meanwhile, a group of motoring enthusiasts has raised more than £56,000 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance charity - which airlifted Mr Hammond to hospital - after setting up a web page for contributions.


    He seems to be doing ok.

  17. I realise the sceptism, I would think the same. :o

    After the tsunami, Phuket real estate agents and developers were inundated with interest in property and the same is happening here again in Phuket after the coup. The day after the coup, the boys in the office sold two properties and I am told today that they have over 27 new clients from the web site.

    Major investors look at the history and the growth of a country, maybe they see this as an opportunity to buy and make major gains in the near future, after all it is a hiccup - hopefully.

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