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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. Good point... and not long ago a positive test would also result in suspension from work to go into isolation.
  2. My introduction to them I certainly was somewhat repulsed... but that was many many years ago. On really trying them, I did find them delicious and the odour became not unpleasant. Now when I smell it I want to buy to consume and am not put off, in fact the opposite. Durian without the smell (which identifies if it is ready to eat), would be like apple pie without the pastry.
  3. I must admit I have given up trying to keep up with Covid, I was working at it up to about 5-6 months ago, but with the declaration Omicron was going to put paid to the epidemic started to relax a bit. Had my booster and decided that will be it.... Still a little more enthusiastic with masks than many but I don't regard them as a foreshadow of fascism. I like the reduced incidence I now have of colds and flu too..... A little surprised to hear the concern all these new BA variants generate, when on the other side I get told they very very rarely causes serious symptoms....(unlike the Apha, Beta and Delta ones that did).
  4. And vehicles themselves... I have one who must park in front of his gate at the bottom of my cul-de-sac making a blind entrance even worse. And the locals do seem to whiz past and not have an eye for traffic emerging from the side.. really have to watch out for those kids or ladies on motorcycles.
  5. Okay, that is fair enough, although I wonder if the recirculated air from the AC is shared by both halves of the cab. I have never come across partitions (bar black London style cabs), perhaps because I have not flown since pre-Covid. If the driver was wearing one, I would personally feel obliged to return the good manners and do so myself.
  6. I am developing a strong dislike of samlors too lately.
  7. Well I like to think I paid specifically for that as I chose to do voluntary NHI payments.... sometimes some substantial catch-up cheques.
  8. I do not understand what dog cages is about.... do you go to a fresh produce market in China maybe?
  9. It is many years since the polite 'wai' with hands held together under the chin in a prayer like position, was replaced by the single outstretched flat palm of the scrounging position.
  10. Well I was surprised they are allowed off out of the country to take a holiday as they control the young females' very strictly there. But I assure you, under the abaya and face scarves, they are quite human. Many are well educated......
  11. He gets into expensive trouble when away from his own base.....Bangkok would be too much for him!
  12. And racism..... tribal differences etc etc. I feel confident religion would have been substituted with some other cause. Religion just sought to justify it.....
  13. Not even the guy who is breathing over you without the thought of putting a mask on? As much as I dislike diversions, I expect condom wearing could be thought of similarly. Although condoms are far more effective.
  14. You will have to be more liberal and bring more in from the Philippines and India.
  15. A whole other subject and perhaps another topic. In this one it is simply called diversion and indicates you lack a retort.
  16. And you choose to be ignorant towards the concern and health of others... great example. I would have thought in the Limo one might have shown some class by wearing one for the driver.
  17. Westerners have become quite selfish in modern times..... and there is a strong sense of freedom and not accepting being told what to do. More sad is they bring this with them when they travel. If I do not see masks about me I am not bothering as much myself, and am forgetting to carry one more often. Certainly if I were in a market and a majority aroujnd were masked, I would be wearing one too... it would be considerate.
  18. Are you suggesting they do not have both hands on the wheel or handlebars.... foregone conclusion maybe?
  19. Yes, I re-read the OP to see if that deep thought was mentioned....no.
  20. A lot of waffle about how long each sex and countries people live until.....bet they don't keep falling into canals though.
  21. Bloody billboards make pulling out at junctions hazardous... elections completed the guys should pay to have the pics of their ugly mugs removed!
  22. There have been a few holidays, just had one where people added the 15th to get the weekend added to 2 days off. Don't recall what immigration did but my Mrs complained the driving licence place on Hwy 36 were taking that Friday off too. (After she drove there.... can't get no damned sense off the phone she tells me).
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