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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. I am North of Pattaya, but I know many who live to the East, on what is known as the darkside who are happy over there. You obviously get a bit more bang for your buck out of the City and a bit of garden is usual.
  2. I am surrounded by houses that have been on the market for many years unsold, but they are a higher price bracket...I think the 2mil price is a sweet spot. Most houses are detached with small land around.
  3. Swings and roundabouts. As you get older the nightlife becomes less important, and a bit of peace and quiet becomes attractive. Who wants to live somewhere you are likely to be subjected to criminals? I'm a twenty minute drive from the city, but sometimes wish it was walking distance.
  4. Rents certainly did.... and there were people selling off their condos in abstentia. I would be surprised if the second hand market did not fall somewhat. New builds, they always seem to be firm on price....
  5. You don't know me in the slightest.... and are quite lacking in perception. Now go away and stop being personal. Apparently a different opinion to yours is being confrontational in your world.
  6. Sure...Covid drove both the rental and buying market down. (Certainly Pattaya area).
  7. I get deliveries at home quite often and hence incoming random unknown numbers..... What I dislike are those SMS messages with dodgy marketing links (usually in Thai) that come in... no number associated to block! But I found a way.....
  8. No, nothing is perfect. I suspect your precautions and mask wearing waned at some point. We are not dealing with absolutes here.... it is about reducing risk.... don't you think it is a bit dim to expect, nay even insist, on 100% success?
  9. It is simply automatic to answer my phone.... when I hear someone yelling at me in Thai I soon cut it off and then block the number. Saturday morning seems common!
  10. Not one of those bar charts shows 20% OR MORE as you claimed... There are many sources quote even less than those bar charts.... I simply believe too many folks think of Thailand as a one trick pony, which is far from the reality.
  11. Masks won't help that, but maybe helmets will... going along with the off topic diversion.
  12. Mrs is just back from the market complaining of an extra 5 baht/Kg on tangerines for juicing!
  13. I am waiting for the fashionable soi Buakhao hemp shorts and singlet look .....
  14. Yes, some people want free carrier bags, and now bowls!
  15. It is the nature of the beast.... certainly not restricted to any police organizations.
  16. A few more prominent government/other people need to get control of the solar power market before that might happen! Similar to the vaccine supply delay!
  17. So is spreading Covid!
  18. The price I paid for my beer in an upstairs GGB on LK last week doesn't help there!
  19. It is certainly an easier life to be a rich crook here in Thailand than a poor one!
  20. Could have tried the line he was testing LOS as a possible wedding location or honeymoon destination. The Thailand reputation is obviously far and wide.
  21. Strong dollar of course, one simply has to look to other currencies, it has reached parity with the Euro and 135 Yen,
  22. Are you sure? I expected they had to at least go through immigration?
  23. Yes, and we have yet to see any detrimental results due to it's use.......we could have at least one or two 'high as a kite' statements to go with the 'micro sleep' or 'failed brakes' we see at traffic incidents!
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