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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. Places sometimes reopen at midnight..... but there is supposed to be a midnight closure requirement still. (Can't say as I noticed when out on LK Metro a few days ago). Most places close... some beer bars are sneak selling.
  2. And there are pig ignorant customers who don't respect these precautions, nor have any respect for the lowly shop assistants. It really is a lot to ask of the staff to challenge these folks..... I recall an incident when I was in a 7-11 when a temperature sensor registered high and the server tried to get the obviously hung over guy to just try it again.... behaved like a thug and tried to engage me in a 'its all a conspiracy/ BS' discussion.
  3. 1500 walk in for me recently.....including breakfast. I tried Metriopole, but they have not reopened their coffee shop yet.
  4. Not for walk in and not on Agoda, if anything it has jumped up in the last 2 months... during Covid, yes it was cheap.
  5. I am not really concerned solely about them cracking down on this .... just that it puts some other barriers in the way.
  6. It is often an issue to find staff to accompany you, perhaps leaving reception unattended.
  7. It's a bit like condoms.... they are effective at stopping people getting STDs, but hey, people are still catching them!
  8. I think it is more for police in general. The issue is that you will not have a TM30 if staying at her place, and she has not registered you.... nothing to worry about until you need to do something else at immigration. Also hotels are not in compliance if they do not submit a TM30. For example those pursuing a Residence Cert. at Jomtiem were at one time having TM30 confirmed.... and a fine issued if none available.
  9. I have read they are open.......
  10. I suspect there are still a lot of houses on the market, a few round me but bigger places. Probably need to find another agents, they push what they want to sell more than you want to buy! Have you considered the added complexity of buying a house over a condo? Needing a lease or shell company.....?
  11. It is usually more than 1000 but the Areca is always a good bet. Not much 'quiet' around Buakhao, but once behind the doors there it is okay.
  12. In front of the nearest 7-11!
  13. Weekends it is busier in town, but mostly with locals visiting..... I agree you might see more daft foreigners about though. But back to the OP, I see more examples of locals who have lost the plot around town than foreigners... The Spurs supporter wandering about in his undies notwithstanding.
  14. I was out Wednesday night, it was not busy...... Don't live on the darkside.... I found your post worthless and inaccurate....
  15. They appear not to have dealt with this case so well.
  16. She got the bike on the never never, the fuel had to be paid for!
  17. I noticed work on Sukhumvit North of town the other day, likely this mess. I am gobsmacked.... An alternative route is only possible on the Railway Line Bypass, which, yes you guessed it, is being dug up on the Southbound side, and has been for over a year for some damned drainage project. It is a coin flip whether you can get through or will be diverted off into the backroads all around the houses. These folks are idiots!
  18. They better get their software sorted.... imagine turning up for a prepaid room to be told, oh velly sollly, this Thai only rate!
  19. Light blue touch paper and stand well back!
  20. Yea, Walking St looking lovely right now...NOT!
  21. You didn't leave them on the copier did you? That is where I found mine!????
  22. Yes, quite a few copycat booths about, even some similar names.
  23. Thanks, appreciate the comment. A pity these steaks are rather small though. I might be tempted to have both a sirloin and a rib eye at 200 gms each if they could keep it at 600 total.
  24. Sterling could be a bit higher, maybe 47 Baht, but for the pathetic mess of the politics.
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