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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. 4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Why not release the ages of the people dying, I think that has a lot of relevance on this disease, i.e. one size does not fit all.


    We hear of how many people get infected, but not how many have recovered, i.e. there are two sides to the coin, why are we only being shown one side, all the time ?

    Because people who recovered are able to carry on with a life. The ones who die have done so through no fault of their own and have left behind families. That is the only numbers that matter.

    • Like 2
  2. There is no mention of him having a knife or any weapon. So you are just presuming without knowing the facts, If he did have a knife then it would be OK to shoot him if you think he is going to cut you.  I train in weapon fighting and when knives are involved then there is no second guessing. Its kill or be killed.  The trouble with police forces is that they are not trained to shoot with any precision, only body shots, which will normally kill.

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    • Confused 1
  3. Why have so many of them used the excuse that they have a mental illness to try to escape prosecution ?  If they really do have mental issues then they should have stayed at home, not go out to a riot.  And where were all the security ? Just a few cops. You would have thought that there would be trained professionals guarding the place. Maybe there were at one time but Trumpy got rid of them !

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    At this point it might be simpler and less expensive to just start a new airline, I mean the THAI brand is not exactly a shining bit of smooth silk anymore.


    Pay off the debtors with some cash, and stock in the new airline.



    Greta idea !  The problem is paying off the debtors. A 380 pilot friend of mine told me how much it costs for a plane to fly in stay overnight and fly out again. You would be amazed how expensive it is. Thai must owe millions of dollars to airports and all the companies that make, what we take for granted, actually happen smoothly. I was amazed how many companies are involved in the whole process e.g. food, cleaning, fuel, loading and unloading, security, maintenance and inspections, ticketing, and the list goes on, many that you would never guess.  Thai have also planned on stopping dirct flights to Perth. Thats us screwed !  This route makes money !

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Chang_paarp said:


    The challenge is getting out of and then back into Oz, the government is making it difficult in both directions with over 30,000 people trying to get back into the country but no flights and beds in isolation.

    I have heard that Thai will stop flying to Perth. Only Sydney and Melbourne. That will stop a lot of Aussie  tourists, if it ever happens.

  6. 3 hours ago, 2long said:

    "28,884 people did not even have licences."  ????

    Now in any civilised country with a similar population I don't think the cops could find that many unlicensed drivers in a year!

    And that's only the ones they stopped !  Wonder what the real figure is ?  We all know that none of the kids riding to school have a licence, and in most cases no helmet too. But the police don't care ! The police are the problem stopping the solution !!

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, HaoleBoy said:

    The number one cause of accidents is driving under the influence, at 33.96%, followed closely by speeding, at 33.45%. Most accidents so far have involved motorcycles, at a current 82.03%.


    Why doesn't the Gov add details that are fully relevant and easily available?


    Were the accidents due to

    • scooters going the wrong way on roads
    • trucks / cars going the wrong way on roads
    • more than 2 people on scooters
    • people without valid driver licenses for cars / scooters
    • motorcycle / scooter people wearing helmets???
    • u-turns involved???

    Simple answer is that the government and the police DO NOT CARE about drivers and passengers

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