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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. 8 hours ago, sweetserenity said:

    Until march? The vaccines are already being given to the western world.. Why can't they just allow vaccinated tourists to enter?

    Why ?? The vaccine is not proven to work. is it ?  It is not being given out in large numbers yet, It is a logistical nightmare to transport and keep it at -80c.   So realistically nobody actually knows if it will work. No way will I be getting it !   So who is in a hurry to go to Thailand ?  

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  2. I distinctly remember reading an article many years ago. at least 20, that quoted a Chinese communist party official as saying that China would take over the world, not by force but financially and with technology.  But as we have seen nobody has put up any resistance and now they have a foothold in every continent and many countries are in huge debt to China. Glad I will not be here to see the eventual outcome of their world dominance.

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  3. I have driven it and was not impressed. It was not quiet as Mazda said,  and not a very comfortable drive. You have to buy top of the range to get electric seats. Here in Australia that would cost about A$46,000 !  Expensive. I bought a Nissan Qashqai for A$30,000 and it had an electric seat for the driver, and it is just as good. The only great thing about the Mazda is the colour.  Rarely see one on the road over here, a poor seller.  

  4. I built restaurant kitchens for many years and one of the filthiest ones in Perth was also one of the most popular and very expensive. The kitchen was disgusting. One advantage in Thai kitchens is that much of the food is stir fried. However thats no guarantee as cleanliness is the most important thing. Almost impossible to maintain. Chinese restaurants are the most filthy I have ever seen and Indian ones the best on average,

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  5. 15 hours ago, Natai Beach said:

    Slit unarmed teenage kids throats and shot old grandpa in his own home. 

    I wonder what the families think of this punishment?

    There were plenty of armed kids, women and old men who were armed and killed soldiers before they had time to react. Its a WAR !  No time to think, react quickly to a threat, bad decisions do get made but would you prefer our soldiers to get killed because they were too slow and stuck to a rule book ??

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  6. Thepsutin said " The mistake was caused by a mistake in the scientific process" Really !  I would say it was caused by one of many incompetent Thai officials and especially the one who did the drug test in the first place. Another embarrassment for Thailand in the eyes of the rest of the world.  The Hub of Idiots !  There is no hope for the Covid testing results. "Just say there is no Covid in Thailand. They will believe us !!"

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