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  1. They are arriving by the boat loads every day and what does the UK government do: Put them in hotels give them free health care, education and housing etc and money for nothing. Yet they hate us and want to destroy us: see what is happening right now in Germany. Unbelievable!
  2. Many dentists love to fleece their patients.....
  3. There are rumors circulating that complaints have been lodged about non-Thai unqualified persons giving false and misleading tax information and advice and that arrest warrants may be issued soon...
  4. Currently i live in Thailand but considering various options. So if i leave Thailand and go to live in the Philippines. Is it the case i can stay there a I can stay 2/3 years there as a tourist before needing to apply for other visa there? Thanks!
  5. Bye bye....not only to the PM but also to the 10,000 baht hand outs and the ideas to try to impose taxes on foreigners on their pensions etc.
  6. For medical reasons my doctor advised me to stay out of the sun. However, In my apartment I like to have a lot of natural light coming in through the net curtains. Is this ok...or will the natural light be harmful to me like sunlight?
  7. I am back into my original account as this time as was able to use my tablet number to unfreeze my account and now i can get into Lazada on my PC.(Previously I was unable to do that) I needed to enter my phone number (from my tablet) to do the unfreeze. When I entered my tablet number, they sent me a code which I entered and that unfroze my account. So I assume anyone can unfreeze if the use another mobile number to get in to unfreeze the account. I presume can use someone else's mobile number to do the unfreeze. The unlock code will be sent to that number. Whilst I needed a different mobile number to do the unfreeze the record still shows my mobile number as my Lazada contact number. Why is this so complicated?? Answer= TiT
  8. Sent a PM to you though no reason really as I see it for their email to be anything other than in the public forum
  9. From earlier chats with them they sent me an email to which i could send the screen shot ps seems those that can unfreeze their accounts seem to be those that use their phone for Lazada. Other like myself using my PC cannot do this...
  10. Yes i got the same message and it does not explain how to complete the unfreezing process...(see my message above re that) and agree nothing has changed. I use my PC to do transactions on Lazada. I sent a screen shot to Lazada asking them to explain the latest log in message...
  11. They open at 8.00am so if you phone them at opening time then less than 30 minutes waiting. I agree what you say re multiple accounts. Though If you have a tablet with a different phone number u can use that number.
  12. OK well assume then once mine is sorted, always will also be fixed. Thats assuming they can fix it.
  13. To answer your question no idea. If u have been blocked better u call them to make sure it's on their records u been wrongly blocked and they should fix it. (I agree what you say about not being able to use same Phone number.)
  14. Latest: I called Lazada again today Tuesday. They say they working on it. And have apologized again. They conceded "not my fault" Problem their system. I sent as requested a screen shot of saying my account closed. I asked about me having more than 1 account: no problem "can have multiple accounts"
  15. Well phoned Lazada this morning and still not fixed. They sent an email as follows: "Thank you for contacting us this time. Lazada received the request number ***************** Your request is now under investigation. Lazada apologizes once again for the inconvenience this experience has caused you. We truly appreciate your valuable time, patience and understanding. Your satisfaction holds the highest importance to us. If in doubt You can ask for more information at our customer service department."
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