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Posts posted by raybal5

  1. Such an example of immense greed. These people just can't get enough of controlling everything--and legality is the least of their concerns. Honestly, why would a family with billions claw after more and more and more?

    They want more because they have been raised to believe that more is better. More money means more power and more power means more money and more prestige.

  2. Ah...these tourists would not have been scared away when war weapons start being deployed and used on civilians on the streets of Bangkok...

    The world should now ask why a political party, who is currently in power, amass war weapons for use in a capital city, while telling the world they want to preserve democracy.

    What is your evidence for this?

  3. Travel insurance being void under martial law doesn't help encourage tourism.

    Your travel insurance would only be void if the condition you are claiming for has a reasonable connection with the taking of power by the military. Below is the wording of my policy.

    17] your claim Arises from any act of war, whether war is declared or not or from any rebellion, revolution, insurrection or taking of power by the military.
    So if you got shot or run over by a military vehicle, you are not covered. But if you say, needed treatment because you tripped over a crack in the footpath then you'd still be covered even if martial law applies.
    • Like 1
  4. Once again the pro government camp showing how hypocritical they are.

    In all my time, I have never known a government to operate with such disregard for those above principles with such an arrogant attitude, and then constantly spew out how everyone else is so wrong if they were seen to not be adhering to those same principles.... anyone who is not with their own camp that is.

    You could have a look at the Australian Liberal Party. They are as hypocritical as they come and blatantly lied during the last elections. They have pretty much done everything they promised not to do. The only ones to benefit are those in their own camp.

    • Like 1
  5. Martial law, just what does it mean?

    Who is running the country?

    If in normal terms it is the military maintaining the rule of law as defined by the government then I would class that as martial law.

    If it is the replacement of the government by the army with the required force to back that position up then I would think coup.

    Where are we now? Who is in charge? What will be the outcome?


    alant - if you took the time to read the various threads your questions have already been answered, except for the outcome which of course can't be known until it happens.

    • Like 1
  6. Just listening to an interview with Scott Morrison (Aust Imm Minister) and Niel Mitchell, apparently Australia will be upgrading their travel warning and have said that Australian should consider leaving the country.

    Of course they would say that. Can you imagine the outcry if they did not make a warning and some dumb tourist walked into a Thai on Thai fight and got shot up? It's all about being seen to be doing something when they can do nothing.

  7. "...Secondly, can I buy a power source for my laptop to keep it going when the power goes out? an additional battery might work but then I would lose my connection to the student when I change it. Not very professional...."

    You could purchase a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply). With one of these you plug the UPS into the mains power and your computer (or anything else really) into the UPS. So when the mains power is available that is what you are using and it is charging the standby battery. If the mains goes off then the UPS starts delivering the battery charge to your device so it stays running. No need to change plugs and lose your connection. You don't have to do anything as it is automatic. What you do have to be aware of though is how long the battery backup will continue to run your device and then when the UPS battery is depleted, how long your laptop battery will continue for. Assuming your UPS lasts for 15 minutes and your laptop for 2 hours, then you should have no problems with finalising a lesson. But if the mains power is off all day then maybe you should consider investing in a portable generator as well.

    As to how long a UPS will give you power, that will depend on how much power your laptop uses and what the VA rating is of the unit you purchase. You'll need to get some technical advice about that 'cos I don't know. The expected life-span of a UPS battery will again depend on a number of factors but you should expect to replace them around the 4 years mark.

    Price? Generally start from around $100 and the sky is the limit depending on how many VA (Volt/Amp) you buy and how many minutes/hours you want the battery to last from a full charge.

    Internet You can purchase a dongle which plugs into your laptop and runs via the mobile phone network. You need a SIM card and pay for data from your preferred provider.

    Alternatively, you may be able to tether your laptop to your mobile phone and use the data download that way. This will depend on the capabilities of your laptop and your mobile. Most modern equipment has this as a standard feature.

  8. Yes I must say I was surprised to read about this. I am affected by this, I am 39 yrs old, working all around the world, living in Thailand on visa-on-arrival for 11 yrs. I am a fly-in, fly-out global employee, and there are many of me here in Phuket. I am not married. So realistically I am not entitled to any form of non-immigrant visa, although I was able to obtain a non-O in the past when Thai Consulates were looser.

    I have a lot to lose from this, if it continues to be enforced. I have a condo here, a car, 2 golfclub memberships. I have never worked here (I earn damn good money abroad), have no intention of ever working here, and I have to say I am concerned. My only hope is that this is just another short-lived weed-out of the teachers, tourguides and other oxygen thieves (timeshare sales) and in a few weeks we are back to business as usual.

    You could apply for a 1 year multi-entry visa rather than existing on visa exemptions. Surely you could get a non-O for visiting friends who are here legally - as in local Thais and legal ex-pats.

  9. No, its come here spend all your money then we kick you out but only after we empty your pockets.

    Actually, it's more like - you are welcome to come here for a holiday without the hassle of applying for a visa however if you wish to stay longer, you must apply for the proper visa. It's just Thailand doing what your own country does to foreign visitors. If you want to live in any particular country in the world it is to be expected that you have to respect their laws which, believe it or not, are established to serve the interests of the host country and not you personally.

    Suck it up princess!

    • Like 2
  10. Option 1:

    Continue to masturbate alone every night living a lonely terrible miserable life in an ugly depressing part of New Jersey that has not yet been gentrified not making any money with no friends and with with no reason to believe that anything will improve.


    Option 2

    Roll the dice in Thailand with a woman who claims she loves you. At the very least you can give five finger Mary a vacation.

    Why aren't you on the plane yet?


    The plane ride to Thailand sounds more appealing. And 5 finger Mary does need a vacation.

    There is nothing here for me in New Jersey. I just fear that I will be homeless in Thailand.

    Still, I don't want to look back 20 years from now and be filled with regret because I didn't take a chance.

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    I am in a sort of similar situation to the Original Poster. I can either stay unhappy and close to the poverty line with a shitty low paying job in Australia or go and live with my partner in Thailand and help him build his business? Although I also am very unsure of what might happen I will be travelling there in July with no plans of returning. Regret is a terrible thing to have to endure for the rest of your life (which could end at any time)

  11. "Seems crazy for me that someone can take pills without even knowing what it is ?"

    I will guarantee that 99.99% of people take pills without knowing what it is. They trust the seller (in western world that is the doctor and or pharmacist) is providing something to help them achieve a desired result. And please don't come back arguing that doctors are qualified. How many times have you heard/read reports of people getting sick or dying or with serious side-effects from the medications prescribed to them??

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