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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. A lesson for farangs don,t upset thais in a bar or driving.This could happen to you and some farangs don,t listen as we know
  2. From what i remember last election freedom party got little,how things change 4 yrs later.pui thai second.who will control now.I think the military have 250 perm seats anyway.Change of gov happening,just wait for when the next thing may happen
  3. This story has being missing laterly,but like clockwork it comes back again.Indian gets robbed insurance,taken by ladyboy. again.Travel insurance or similar back in india must dredd when someone goes there now or claims
  4. He must have gone quiet for a long time,just wonder who told the police where he was
  5. Amulets did not work this time and where did that pole in the road come from.Who put a pole there
  6. What did he expect a thai person told police he was working whether a thai wanted that job does not matter.He was grassed up and police check no work visa Good bye .Happens with overstaying too a girlfriend is pissed off knows his visa status next day he is gone.Golden rule be careful when dealing with thais over these matters
  7. Include the sister and takism,I don,t think he will return unless the gov changes in his favour.No goal time part of the deal included.All the talk and hoping he returns will come to nothing.Just look at the red bull heir still missing and waiting for the magic date when all charges are dropped
  8. Will be interesting to see if anything changes,make it legal and tax from them coming to the gov,i don,t see that happening.Only thing is the police can not arrest them and fine them after.Happened in aust yrs ago and the gov got their tax and when no job the gov money was given to them
  9. Behind the temple in the temple who knows who knew.The monks had a secret bank maybe now uncovered
  10. If he needs to borrow one the pm had a few at his calling before.If u do take a lady back to your room lock up you valuables and money.
  11. The gov could allow casino,s in thailand,the thais cross the border in they many as we know.Lose lots of baht in other countries.Now another tax to thais or perm farangs to leave the country to stop them spending to much.You have to to get a re entry stamp for 1000 baht anyway.The gov what are they thinking another fee is not the way to keep tourist coming back
  12. He will only come back if he can stay out of jail or have a agreement with the gov.
  13. From my experience u cross the road swiftly,don,t walk slow.Know the rules and it seems they thought that crossing the road was a slow walk.The other version is thais don,t observe crossing either
  14. I,am sure not the first time,maybe the first time it got media attention.
  15. Why not hot during the day and the sales increase with the attention it brings.Good for her
  16. Bangkok and taxi,s,meter or no meter if a taxi wants to do it no problem.Does not matter if farang or thai. Taxi,s drivers anywhere can be unhinged does not matter where u are
  17. Blame the bus driver of course,maybe they can sue the driver or company with what happened and ask for money.You killed my father all your fault
  18. Why naked I would ask near the police station in pattaya.drunk and not arrested attacking a farang.This time no ladyboy robbery and just a naked man attacking someone,all is good in pattaya again
  19. Like all the other comments ask the gov we don,t have a sex trade or anything else.Does not exist
  20. From what I saw in soi 6 they were many bars many ladies all do the same thing.Looking for business or customers ,don,t know about being held against they wishes
  21. I imagine he knew his time was limited so he took his option of a way out.Can,t blame him
  22. Instead of go fund in thailand,use this way for some money.she killed my daughter haw much can get from this
  23. Illegal gambling den now closed and people arrested.Only reason busted is the brown evenlopes stopped.Why else would it happen
  24. I have seen him round the town before.Never spoke to him,now he has gone away somewhere.
  25. Next case or accident,the begging bowl and family asking for help.What a surprise,but this time a gov hospital.Please help need money to pay the medical bills.some fools will donate,but enough is enough
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