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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. They changed saigon to hoi chi minh,but we still say saigon.the thais can say the new name easy.foreigners not so easy.so maybe bangkok may change in name,but everyone will still be saying bangkok for a long time to come
  2. We all know thais like to pull out their phone at every chance then post it.This time both got a fine it seems.If I saw that happening in bkk i would watch for a sec then move on,not my business
  3. I remember when they were a few of those places in pattaya soi 7 I think.Never caused a problem sold tea with the sisha.Plenty of people smoke but they can tax that.Sisha is a arab thing and they do everywhere and never a problem in those countries
  4. Someone upset the village or area.The thais do crazy things at times.Now a farang is dead and friend in a bad way.Not his fault this time.But whatever happened you have to remember keep the peace wherever you are
  5. The merc ran the red light his fault.The honda should have moved faster to avoid the crash as well.If the honda saw the merc coming they should have gone faster.This is thailand as we know anyway
  6. The test and go is in trouble now day 1 and 5 maybe another cancelled thing if the gov make it hard for tourist and the country again
  7. I imagine they upset some locals badly and they come back to sort the problem out.No 1 rule don,t upset locals where u stay
  8. Between a truck bike and rider with no helmet,I know what will come off best everytime.Try telling that to thai
  9. I,am sure it is allready in the mountains in thailand.Many people grow it somewhere.If legal then many will be growing it in their back gardens
  10. It was possible before test and go the 1 day test .You had to show alot of paperwork.then the gov changed the rules again and everything cancelled.Anyone who was prepared to go cancelled again,then the gov said it may be active again in feb or march.With all this happening people will wait again to get back,because it is not worth the hassle to go thru with the paperwork needed
  11. Was money refused to her via the ATM.she broke the glass entry door.Bound to get caught and all on camera
  12. All the new or best family members will be coming out of the woodwork very fast now.Keep it private better
  13. Allready a tax on the the ticket,I remember when u paid before u left to return home.500 baht in and thru to passport control.now it is raised again.Will be added to your ticket i imagine.Before if you went to Myanmar for passport control and a new 30 day visa,have 10 US in the passport cheaper than 500 baht in what they wanted.They accept the dollars.This gov want tourist but they make it so hard sometimes,test and go finished.They high season is dead again,it goes on and on. I can only hope that they will open soon with no problems to enter
  14. Maybe money is burn,t but gold gone no way.The insurance company will find the claim is hard to pay out
  15. If he give her the money then she does a runner.Who,s fault is that it is not a thai issue.It is a cambodian issue and should be followed up there.
  16. I missed the date by 4 days,so my trip never started maybe end of the year or a few mths.The high season is over for thailand
  17. my arrival date was the 19th jan,now i have to cancel everything.I just hope tomorrows news will be good
  18. That will be a few big evenlopes to the family.Maybe he going to be a monk for awhile.the other way is join red bull,which way will he go
  19. Where ever he is, he will not be found unless he wants too.Whether the police know or not all about keeping the brown evenlopes flowing for them
  20. The jokes will allready be round the block,where did that tree come from.I did not see that tree before.How Many times has this happened in thailand
  21. They shut down test and go to the end of mth,so the lockdown will affect the people allready there.Have the lockdown because you just killed your high season again
  22. No change from previous years,We will see the final total soon.More deaths from the road than covid i think over the last year
  23. They goes the high season for thailand for another year.Cancel Cancel everything and maybe later for people wanting to return including me
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