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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. From what i know wine has always being high in taxes in thailand.It is a luxury item for some.I stick to sangsom and have a wine on a special ocassion.The local stuff is cheaper and can make you drunk just ask thais in the village on that.
  2. She must have known what the boyfriend did,she got life and now reduced. 33 yrs in a thai jail is life really.I,am sure the police or judges would not give that kind of sentence unless a solid case in evidence.
  3. Very sad for the family,I wonder if the thai builder will be found or known.good advert for thai builders
  4. Posssible all depends what the tv stations or companies pay.They have had many stories about what they own as a monk and what they did receive after they left or donations
  5. It was a 4 am close before and then all the changes happened.It worked before no reason it will not work again.Everyone was happy back then
  6. First mistake using social media look what I got and show the cash.The one thing I,am not sure about is how they recongnise the cash from the robbery.
  7. They maybe a few happy thais around all with nice new gold chains to wear or sell
  8. I wonder if the banks paid the customers back,does not matter if she is a nun now
  9. From my experience this has being a on going problem for decades.They are trying and pass the buck many times.They dig up the roads like many countries and it goes forever then they dig it up again by another company.Let hope they fix the overhead wires soon
  10. I imagine her online attention has just doubled.In pattaya they fine the ladies 100 baht from beach road,have a rest for a day.Next day back out doing the same.The police and media have done her a huge favour
  11. Just shows how the internet police watch websites.porn or gambling high on they list.Then the knock on the door busted
  12. The bar/restaurant was selling sisha,s to foreigners maybe to take home not to be used in thailand I did not know that was illegal to sell them.What about a private home in pattaya can you use them for decoration or private use in the home. They have made marijuana legal to grow or smoke now so why the problem with selling sisha,s
  13. I know they track the internet over porn,but who told them where and when it was being filmed.What will the police do fine them don,t do it again or get caught.The amount of ladies in bars doing the same and getting paid for it,stop them 1 night and they will continue the next no problem
  14. Another drunk tourist in pattaya,something the police know how to handle pretty well.It happens often and no gold chain mentioned
  15. Then all those ladies who work in bars in the big cities will just be sitting there and hoping things get better.Knowing that i bet the ladies will continue as normal,the coming high season will put a smile on they face.Tourist are returning as long as visas are ok to get
  16. Just alittle longer and he will be free and he will be seen in public somewhere
  17. They are very lucky won the lottery,now all the new friends they have and family can u help us.The usual problems will happen.Maybe better to keep the win more private
  18. Good advice and something u should know before even crossing the border.Don,t know about if you smoked before crossing,maybe the border guards they will give u a hard time once in malaysia
  19. They must know it is legal now,Just a way to get money or annoy the gov for doing it as they don,t like it themselves what thailand has done
  20. Should have happened a long time ago.The thais that make the trip often to the borders and gamble will not have do this now.The tourist who come will go anyway to the casino If they want.What follows with the illegal casino,s will also happen in the legal casino.So let it happen look at the borders and the amount of thai baht that ends up there,they keep it in thailand.You just have to see the bookies and the amount of money they take all over thailand
  21. If he wanted to show off make sure you have security or make sure you don,t keep your things not protected.But hard to protect your wife and stuff when they have guns pointing at you.Also look at family or neighbours who may know something
  22. BA lose and Thai airways get the fares and people on their flights.They win
  23. One thing you notice TAT or whoever controls this,they make the figures high on everything.If they make it or not does not matter
  24. Wonder how long their will keep they license once the pts system comes in.
  25. I thought they were concerned about monkey flu more than covid.I think most people think of covid now as a bad cold these days.But you still have to careful
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