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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. I had a ticket no helmet got flashed,show a checkpoint officer was going to pay.he said said forget about it I keep it as a souvenir now.I imagine many are never paid by everybody.
  2. Looking at the picture i wonder how she fell too but is very lucky.I fell on railing cleaning windows my fault not so lucky.went to hospital and was treated just lucky it missed a main vein,
  3. Where ever he brought the stuff the grower was very happy for sure.The thais let it go maybe why not at swampty and keep it arrest and jail the man.They get a pat on the back and maybe a special bonus after.But they let go for heathrow,anyone knows that bags are scanned at both airports when leaving or arriving so how did he think he get away with it.anyway he will get a cell and can tell the other inmates he was a drug courier for many years to come.The thais got a favour now coming back to them soon i imagine from the uk saying thanks for this
  4. If he was on the phone or asleep all possible,the excuse is failed brakes and works just as well
  5. Someone who is bored and used his phone,you see it behind trees or near a building.Happens everywhere and no big deal
  6. Social media attention and look at me at the airport
  7. The snake is not dangerous unless it was trying to swallow the person i think.But really the thai person is just afraid of snakes.If poisonous then you have a problem other wise it may try to wrap around a limb but easy to defend yourself
  8. Was the driver jealous or someone saw and thought i can do that too. A fav spot for russians next time
  9. Now if a drunken fight broke out one may have being police from aust.It was 2 tourist drunk and fighting maybe about a bar girl.Surely the police could have sorted it out I,am sure they have dealt with worst problems.Alittle night fun maybe and remember the Katoey fight in bkk between thais and phillipines the police i think did very little and it may have broken up after a time with some help
  10. I have heard stories about relatives and incest within the families.That is coming from thais I know.It happens but it is kept very quiet but every now and then they make the press or media and the aunt just walks away as if nothing ever happened
  11. I Imagine the blue notice did the trick to find him and faraway the man from redbull waiting for the clock to tick away before he can return,The red notice must be invisible and he laughs from faraway. If he did do those crimes in aust they would have had photos of him and watching the borders so he could not leave on the plane.He must have being on bail as well and he still got away
  12. Now they want to ban it again,maybe brooze had something to do with it too.Who knows I imagine they did test to prove what he had in him.Anyway more stories are going to be in the press now because they want it banned
  13. You can make some kind of comparrison to thaksim to red bull he waited made a deal returned and now look what has happened.The red bull case will continue another couple years then it is all closed up and he is found somewhere or a deal will happen
  14. I thought that was impossible they watch all internet sites.But if u use a vpn then possible.I think the provider told the cafe owner too but he does offer free wifi to all
  15. I Imagine 1 day someone will be grassing him up,he always was looking over his shoulder.Now he will be processed and fine paid bye bye and never return.He knew he could not live they forever
  16. Now he has the chair and runs the show again,puts into power who he thinks is suited for the job.It took awhile from when his plane returned but set up now.I know that is not what the people voted for in cnx last time
  17. I don,t know what happened true or not,but did the young student think something else and fancy the teacher.mother heard something and blew it up to something else that never happened.If I was a teacher in thailand knowing this could happen i would be very careful every time and have clear rules
  18. So i think i understand a visa online free before entry.I thought they were giving at the point of entry 60 days.Unless they way to track people who stay
  19. I have no doubt brown evenlopes for services like this,thailand no different to other countries who do the same for some.
  20. The farang wanted botox probadly cheaper than the west,so get it done in thailand.She knew the risk and paid the money.End result more expensive because of the hospital charges now a extra cost.Bet the person doing it did not think he would get caught this way
  21. The italian wanted a refund the burmese woman locked the door.police come to sort it in a thai way.She caused herself more trouble over a work visa and the business she worked for.You just can,t make up these stories in thailand on how stupid she was and got herself into more trouble than the italian and his refund
  22. The figures will be close as thailand is always popular with tourist will the numbers be correct i don,t know.Look in cnx and the numbers maybe not but plenty of chinese around the area
  23. I can only imagine a photo was released worldwide and someone saw him.Yet the red bull heir his photo and arrest warrant they have no idea where he is and time ticks to no more charges soon.I imagine he was always looking over his shoulder in thailand
  24. What did they think,they would not be found out.Someone in the same business would have said something and the rest is history bye
  25. This has being talked about many times,someone said in 10 at lest,now 7. we are all doomed
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