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Posts posted by seasia

  1. Thanks to your valued input, the name of "Mobi's" now enters the bar-lore of the Darkside...



    Dont you think after all your free advertising on TV it would be time to become a "Sponsor" here?

    I've read your outpourings on your blog you are advertising in your TV signature and to be honest, I'm not delighted at all...

    I`ve found the thread amusing and interesting, maybe I`d visit the bar as a result, maybe not ( Haven`t my own transport nor knowledge of anything past Suk Road)

    As to the blog, had to search for it, read part of it, found some of it fascinating,particularly the insurance/non life insurance detailed postings.

    I`ve an interest in that business sector, via investment although very limited knowledge which at least is slightly improved through reading the blog.

    Hard to find that detailed information without either paying for it or taking the risk of someone having a vested interest.

    Plus I believe I have empathy with how people`s lives work out.

    I`ve made a few mistakes through life and no doubt will make a few more.

    Takes some guts to make them public.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi

    I have never been to Bali, live in Pattaya.

    Someone commented that they thought Bali was cheaper, accommodation, general going out costs, drinks, food, transport etc.

    I assumed Bali would be more expensive.

    Anyone holidayed or spent a long time in both and could comment ?

    Curious, not considering moving, might visit though.

    How about the difference in cost between a holiday visit to Pattaya or Bangkok v Bali ?

    Mid range accommodation, mostly western food and some drinks/partying at night .


  3. Well done, JSixpack and the other contributors - so happy to hear that the madness is all over, esp as my flight from Penang to BKK/Patts is now a little over a week away. 26 months of abstinence from the dystopic Disneyland of central Patts - I'm wondering if that's some kind of record ? wink.png


    It`s been an interesting and entertaining thread.

    Thanks JSixpack

    I do have some visiting friends that generally like Songkran, all have commented though that it goes on for too long and doesn`t stop at the times it should do.

    As for the 26 month absense,friend of mine recently arrived after a 7 year break, he`s enjoying his return.

    • Like 1
  4. Also a couple of shops on Naklua road ,they are on the pavement ,my wife baught hers there.


    One of those would be on the right hand side if coming from Dolphin roundabout, just before the traffic light and junction with soi phothisan.( Almost opposite soi 16/1 which would be on the left )

    A few whiteboards and blackboards displayed outside.

    I`ve bought a few stationary items from there.

    Seen the other one also but can`t quite place it.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi

    Probably an impossible question to answer but are there any views as to how quickly Cambodia medical/hospital facilities are improving?

    How long might it take to catch up with Thailand ?

    Their economy seems to be coming on well, I saw a brief video clip of a South East Asia financial commentator and he did say that foreign firms are increasingly looking to invest there.

    This article from World Bank is also positive

    "Cambodia’s economy grew rapidly, at more than 8 percent per year, between 2004 and 2012"............


    Also how do Vietnam`s medical facilities compare to Thailand ?


    In 2012, I became sick in Nha Trang, Vietnam (was only a minor illness) but caused so much anxiety I had to finish my work contract 2 weeks early - problem was I didn't know what I had hence the anxiety. The local hospital and clinic were both hopeless. Even the supposedly best local doctor at the clinic who was French trained wasn't good enough to figure out that all I was suffering in the end was anxiety and nothing else. On my way back to Thailand, I passed through Phnom Penh and went to the SOS clinic. Not only was it 5-10 times more expensive than any private hospital in Thailand (or even back home) but the French doctor there wasn't that much better than the guy in Vietnam. He was just a much nicer guy who did treat his patients with respect, not just as a number like the guy in Nha Trang did.

    There is however a very good hospital in Ho Chi Minh, called FV Hospital, with a number of French doctors on staff. I received very good treatment when I went there and the price was modest. Of course my travel insurance normally covers everything, but at the time I had neglected to renew my policy so I was out of pocket but luckily it wasn't too expensive.

    So to summarize, Vietnam is good if you stick to Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang and Hanoi for medical treatment and only go to the better private hospitals - smaller cities and rural areas are only acceptable for very minor issues (cuts, bruises, the sniffles etc.) Cambodia is improving (go to the Rattanak hospital affiliated with Bangkok Hospital) in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap or Sihanoukville. Anywhere else and you can forget about it - absolutely hopeless. Cambodia will probably take about 15-20 years to catch up with Thailand in terms of medical facilities. Many richer local Khmers from PP even travel to Ho Chi Minh or Bangkok for medical treatment when whatever they have can't be adequately treated at home.


    Many Thanks for your answer, interesting.

    Regarding your comment on China in the previous post, although I have not lived there, I used to visit fairly regularly I also found the people to be friendly, had interest from and help from total strangers at times and it certainly wasn`t about financial reward.

    I had considered moving there, years ago but life has taken a different route, for now anyway.


  6. Here's an interesting question : If you invested in a stock which then lost 50% of its value, how many percent would it have to increase in value for you to break even? How many stocks do you know of that have done that?

    I`ll bite, just for fun, answer to first question is 100 %.

    An interesting point you raise, it can be difficult to recover from such a dramatic fall but I know of a few.

    CTR ( LSE listed in the insurance sector ) was 240 in 2010 dropped to 120 in 2011 regained 240 in late 2013/early 2014 and closed last Thursday at 255 mid.

    It paid dividends along the way.

    There`s a few others similar, including TCG, from 200 + to sub 20 then back to 100 +, WIN from 200+ to 40 or so then back to over 120 ( figures approx, I used to trade & follow them but haven`t done for a long time )

    With some research, avoiding a 50 % drop in an investment should be possible but of course there are always risks.

    As to the OP , kudos for aiming to start early, good to see, whatever route you choose to follow, start slow and learn more along the way.

    The best person to manage your investments will be yourself, that of course takes time and research.


  7. It`s a bit of a long shot but it might also be worth checking the 76 yr.old`s work history.

    He may have had a job at some time that had a private pension built in, then maybe forgotten about ( he moved, no contact details etc )

    It might sound a silly suggestion but it is worth a little time looking in to.

    If he contacts Citizen`s Advice Bureau that I mentioned earlier and gets someone good, they should look in to this.

    Small possibility of some extra money due that would make his late life a bit more comfortable.

    • Like 1
  8. High Pressure PVC Water Guns Still Being Used in Na Klua

    Story HERE

    If only the police would grow a set of balls and start handing out them 50k fines.

    I wish they would do something about the people who use them but not holding my breath.

    We ( TGF and myself) live there.

    Not so much of a problem for me, I`ve caught up on loads of stuff staying in but my TGF has a decent job which she has had for more than a couple of years, is dedicated to it, doesn`t want to let them down and has to work out a back sois route in to work.

    Quite why some people think it is fun to endanger life is totally beyond me.

    That`s my little rant done.

  9. Hi

    Probably an impossible question to answer but are there any views as to how quickly Cambodia medical/hospital facilities are improving?

    How long might it take to catch up with Thailand ?

    Their economy seems to be coming on well, I saw a brief video clip of a South East Asia financial commentator and he did say that foreign firms are increasingly looking to invest there.

    This article from World Bank is also positive

    "Cambodia’s economy grew rapidly, at more than 8 percent per year, between 2004 and 2012"............


    Also how do Vietnam`s medical facilities compare to Thailand ?


  10. Great post jake and yes I think you are right, you get more respect for standing up for yourself here.

    I no longer work but have done more than my fair share, starting from scratch/nothing and sacrificing part of my life to now take it easier.

    Determination, guts and hard work, most are capable of that, just not an easy route.

  11. Not many reports on obtaining a Thai tourist visa in HCMC.

    I did so back in January this year, single entry.( 60 days)

    I was asked to show proof of travel from HCMC in to Thailand as well as proof of exit from Thailand within the 60 day period.

    Strict on that, just in case you are not aware.( I had a just about to expire 1 year non imm o visa in my passport, no prior tourist visa though.)

    Positive, very quiet at the Consulate,you`ll unlikely be queuing for long, go in the morning, collect the following afternoon.

    Also I thought HCMC was great, it was my first trip there.

  12. I think at age 44 and only having just started saving for retirement, you need to go for a job/location/situation that will enable you to put a reasonable amount of money away.

    30 K baht a month simply not enough for that.

    Something unexpected could occur and throw out plans trying to live on that amount.

    Some good suggestions on the thread towards doing better/upping your sights.


  13. It doesn't mean that the water throwing doesn't stop on the 19th "celebration day" in PTY, however. If that report is true, it just means that people who were officially supposed to go back to work on the 20th--a small minority--now don't have to, even though many wouldn't be showing up anyway or their companies had already given them that day. (Not all; and some companies may well require work on an official holiday and then give a substitution day.) A lot of people will be traveling back to their homes near their jobs on the 20th.

    So if true, it surely has little impact on the overall scheme of things, I do believe.

    I looked back on the calender to find another Songkran Day which fell on Saturday - April 19, 2008. I was here on that weekend and the water throwing did stop on Saturday. Whew!!! biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.pngbiggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.pngbiggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.pngclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif

    That`s useful to know, I might head out this Sunday night ( 20th) for a while, should be all dry then.

    As an aside the soi I am on in naklua has been ok but it is the big day for naklua tomorrow so it is going to be wet here, just in case anyone is heading up this way, getting to either Best or Tesco ( pattaya nua ) as well as most places in this area in the day will be tricky if wanting to stay dry .

    Not long to go now and it will be oversmile.png

  14. The rule is that the water throwing is actually supposed to stop at 6 PM - when the sun goes down - but some farang dimwits ignore it. I usually wait until at least 8 PM, not that it did me any good last night.

    10 PM is better but still cover up your stuff in plastic!

    i usually stay in for the duration but happened to go out at about 1.00 AM for a little walk, quiet naklua soi, a couple of idiots still playing Songkran.

    They were Thai and targetting motorbikes, I was chatting with a Thai friend, he thought they were wrong.

    Strange as in fairness it is usually quite tame here other than 1 big day.

  15. .

    Need to get to a doctor?... A hospital?... Need to get to work or do some shopping?

    Yes, unfortunately a few years back I had to get to Bangkok Pattaya hospital, a friend was seriously ill, took a motorbike taxi for speed, it certainly didn`t fill me with joy that idiot revellers were intent on creating more hospital admissions.

    It`s a shame that there couldn`t be a special area just for those that want to play like children, that would of course spoil their twisted fun as they really only want to target those that want nothing to do with the excesses of Songkran.

  16. I must be the odd one out as I think they are the best thing since sliced bread. You can always get one for a short or long trip peanuts price, never in over 20 years of using them have I had a problem. I can come up with thousands of thing's that are a lot worse about Pattaya but the B/Busses are right at the bottom of the list.

    You are not the odd one out as I have used them for about 14 years, come across a very few crazy drivers but overall a reasonable system.

    I would like to see viable alternatives, such as meter cabs that actually use the meter or a decent local bus service but I won`t be holding my breath on either.

  17. Not to mention the fact that a group of westerners going in on a rental car together is not just more enjoyable and comfortable but MUCH safer than trusting the visa-run company and their whacko drivers.

    You are right as I thought you would be against the negative posts.

    I was one of 2 passengers in a hire car to the border and back yesterday.

    The OP drove, best driver I have encountered in Thailand.

    No problems, an interesting day, met a couple of nice people ( the OP plus other passenger)

    I`ve done the minibus runs before, never again, have hired a taxi, which was better than the lunatic minibus drivers.

    This ride sharing idea made for the best option, had a few laughs, learned a bit.


  18. ^ Good one J6P!

    What about Online food order and delivery services (and No I am not talking about Pizza or other Food delivery services with a premium).

    Are there any? I can remember sometime ago, something about Lotus or Big C (not sure which) that did this, but is this still available?

    Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos

    Tesco Lotus have an online offering, they employed extra staff at the Pattaya nua branch as order pickers, I think there is a 60 baht charge for delivery but countering that, they had ( may still have ) some special on line offers to make up for it.

    Last time I was at Big C Extra Pattaya Klang (about 3 weeks ago ) there were several signs up promoting their online order and delivery service.

    So far I`ve not tried either.

    Might be of use to someone.

    • Like 1
  19. But most days I just join in. It`s a lot of fun and keeps you young. If people

    get grumpy over getting sprayed, they should hang out somewhere else. . . .

    Get out! Be social! Spray some people! Have fun and get some new friends!

    Havin' fun and keepin' young:


    Watch me make her crash her motorbike!

    Photo & caption credit: SurfRider

    "Hang out?" What are you talking about? It's either leave the city or stay home--for 10 days.

    And just "sprayed" with filthy water? How fun, for 10 days. But if you REALLY know Pattaya Songkran, how could you possibly forget about the powder & ice cubes? They're MAJOR.

    Given that critical "oversight," your opinions about Songkran are meaningless. You don't know what's really going on or what you're talking about.

    As for "grumpy," already addressed in the FAQ. Read it.

    • Q: But saying anything against Songkran is a whinge.

    And the only solutions for us Songkran refuseniks are already thoroughly explored in detail in the FAQ. Read it. There's also a big section for those who want to be victims.

    I recall that photo from last year( or was it even the year before ? )

    In many countries that would quite likely be considered assault.

    Here a few idiots seem to think it is OK.

    I don`t even ride a motorbike yet it annoys me.

    • Like 1
  20. Hi

    Best supermarket at naklua/pattaya nua closes 1.00 AM, unsure of opening time.

    Tesco Lotus( Pattaya nua ) is open at 8.00 AM ( might even be earlier but is open at 8.00 AM), it closes at 11.00 PM

    Big C 2nd Road closes 11.00PM, might even be midnight but unsure,opening time, don`t know sorry but about 10.00 AM sounds right.

    • Like 1
  21. Not of much use to you but it is obvious that you are not going to be able to please everybody.

    A couple of my favourite bars are merely social/drinking bars, the girls working there not significant, as long as they can take an order and get it right.

    A bit of music that can be talked over, no girls hassling for drinks, I can go alone or with my very long term Thai GF, chat with some people I know and just relax.

    So many bars trying to "provide " girls not everyone wants that.

    Slick efficient service, cold drinks and a friendly atmosphere alone can work.

    I was in a bar last night that had just that, it was full.

    Whereas others nearby were almost dead yet had pretty girls working there.

    Once again, GL.

    Having read much of your blog, I think you`ll probably succeed.

    Random thoughts :

    As to name, as short as possible.

    If you are not going to do food/snacks, maybe a menu from somewhere that would deliver to the bar

    • Like 1
  22. I was going to go away but plans have changed, am staying, already stocked up and will use the time that would have been spent going out to catch up with certain things I`ve been meaning to do, some study, some reading and planning for a fair bit of travelling end April in to May.

    It`s not really too bad in naklua as it`s mostly 1 day, with a little bit either side of it and seems to be in terms of celebrating as opposed to going nuts, with a few exceptions.

    I`ll celebrate when it is over.

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