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Posts posted by seasia

  1. 10 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Why are your trying to cut down or quit? 

    Is it concerns regarding alcohol? Carbs? Weight? General health? 


    Different reasons require a different approach... 


    for starters..  don’t start until after 6pm... then pick a couple days you won’t start until after 8pm...


    Or, drink water with dinner & beer after, being full you will drink less.


    You know this already, I’m sure... a little self discipline is key... 



    Concerns re. alcohol and general health, not carbs or weight, I  have no wight issue, am about right for my height and age.

    Yes, I am trying to start later and stop earlier.

    I do not drink beer with dinner, water only, nor do I drink beer after dinner, again, water only.

    This is of some help I think.

    I drink at least a litre of water after I have finished drinking.

    I do not even want beer after eating.


    I am just trying to reduce my intake.

    Hard but feel I have made a tiny bit of progress



    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, bangkok blue said:

    One question... What affect is your current consumption causing to your life?


    My advice would be to join a gym, with group training classes and increase your network of healthy minded friends.



    Good question. I think it makes me depressed at times, makes me tired.

    Kills my appetite so I do not eat all that much, perhaps leading to a poor diet.

    Put off doing some important things which can lead to problems later down the line.


    Fortunately never ever aggressive or arrogant on drink, never any issues with others through it.



  3. For quite some time I have not been happy with my alcohol consumption.


    Between about 8 to 12 X 320 ml  beer bottles ( 5 % )    per day.

    No spirits.


    Some of the beer  drank indoors.


    For a few days, a slight improvement, start drinking later, stop drinking earlier.


    I have beers in the fridge yet am quite happily drinking water., no temptation to pour a glass of beer.

    Plenty of juice in the fridge which I actually like.


    I am trying my best to quit the indoors drinking and then reduce  outdoor drinking to maybe 4 or 5 a day with some days of total abstinence..

    Then maybe reduce  a bit more.


    It is hard, would love to just drink modestly 2 or 3 days a week.

    I don`t actually have any desire to stop totally.


    I am merely looking for some encouragement or ideas.



  4. Hello


    Earlier this year had to make numerous visits to the Siracha Govt. ( Queens ? ) hospital as a visitor  from Pattaya.


    I used the white bahtbuses running along SUK road although as I live in Naklua, picked up from just past the fish market there.,bear right, walk past 7/11 on the corner, the bahtbuses park up on the left, depart every 5 minutes, 25 baht..


    Good service and the drivers were OK.


    I am not sure how close they get to Robinsons though.


    Earliest I took a trip was just after 8.00 AM, latest return around 6. 00 PM, think they stop running back shortly after.


    There were minibuses opposite Robinsons for return also, over the walkway bridge as mentioned.

    • Like 2
  5. Hi


    As suggested your best way is to use National Express  with their coach airport transfer service.


    Used it myself many a time although usually Heathrow to Gatwick and vice versa, have used it for Stansted also 


    Good coaches, good drivers, staff generally helpful.



    Far better than the train, especially if you have not travelled the route before..

  6. Hi



    I could not get very accurate directions for you but my Thai GF bought a small air pump from a big general goods store she described as being behind Big C  ( north branch/2nd road) Cost was 79 baht, she said it would normally be double that.


    This just a couple of days ago.


    I guess it is one of 2 cash and carry  type places that are there.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Agreed, I'm always surprised at the number of western adults that can't cook, then complain about restaurant prices and junk food.

    If a food court sells it for 50bht, you can cook it at home for 10bht, saving 80% of your eating costs.



    You are correct IMO.


    I`ll  ashamedly admit I cannot really cook other than ultra basic ( sorry, should learn ) but  lucky maybe that I have  a Thai lady living with me for about 8 or 9 years.

    She can cook, very well, both Thai and western, I prefer the latter.

    She does the food shopping.


    I sometimes ask what the food content of a meal has cost, amazed at how low it is compared to eating in restaurants.

    Matches your 80 % saving and she can beat 80 to 90 % of restaurants in quality.


    Had a great meal last night at home, would have been at least 4 times more in a restaurant.


    Same as usual.


    I do still sometimes go to restaurants,  don`t complain about the prices.

    Makes a change that`s all.


    Well OK, have  whinged when I have had over priced junk served as food.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Crossy said:

    Indeed it is, you may know it as a GFCI, ELCB or one of a myriad of other acronyms dependent upon where in the world you originate. Generally in Thailand it's known as a "Safe-T-Cut" which is actually a brand name.


    Do you have one? Look in your electrical panel for a breaker with a "Test" button, no test button = no RCD. Go and look now!


    If you don't have one I strongly recommend that you get one installed, all the big box stores sell them and most will install for you too. It may well save your life as it probably would this poor chap.




    I have just looked at the   electric panel in my rented apartment.

    I can read FUJI  Auto Breaker and a EA 32 code  on that.

    I could not see any Test button..


    Any idea please ?


    I have no electrical knowledge at  all..


    Genuinely asking.



  9. 1 hour ago, Spaniel said:

    Do you know if they have parking or is it what you can find on the street?

    Hi Spaniel


    No dedicated parking  but you should be able  to find somewhere to park very nearby, most likely a little further up the soi, within a minute`s stroll. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/14/2018 at 1:26 AM, kannot said:

    Well if you are near me Pranburi you can have them for free but factories are paying 1.5  baht a kilo round here....last year 12  baht kilo

    Interesting, big drop.

    What does an average pineapple weigh, about 1 kg or not ?

    The street side sellers are still asking 20 baht per sliced pineapple here in Pattaya so they are probably on a very good mark up.

    I`ve noticed an increase in the number of pineapple vendors recently, with the buy cost so low not surprising I suppose.

    Can be bought for 10 baht a piece in the stores though.

  11. 2 hours ago, Johnniey said:

    I find it hard to believe that some people have never taken an illegal drug. Never a little bit of ganja or a tab of LSD? A lot less harmful than cigs or booze, in fact can be very enlightening, in a spiritual way. I recently watched a great movie about Ram Dass and his experiments with Timothy Leary at Harvard in the 60's.

    All youngsters would have taken pot, I would have thoiught the older ones would have too, 40/50 years ago.

    I have not.

    Never held any appeal.


    I do like a beer or two and do smoke cigs...wish I had never started with the latter.


    Illegal drugs, nope.

  12. 5 hours ago, oldrunner said:

    Strange, my Thai wife reported that the group of boys and their coach had been successfully recovered and that this was in the news. Children and parents united? Any possibility of getting complete and accurate information regarding the search efforts?



    I wonder if some confusion has occured due to there being a " simulated recovery " made with ambulances etc. doing a practise  run,

     taking  people to nearby hospitals. ?


    That posted here on TV in another thread.


    Just a thought.

  13. Hello robblok


    I have a question,noticed you mentioned supplementing calcium, magnesium & potassium.


    I read elsewhere someone mentioning taking magnesium to fend off tiredness and stated in his case it worked.

    I don`t work out myself and know nothing of nutrition really but can a shortfall of magnesium cause tiredness ?

    Any downsides to taking it ?



  14. Level 2 hiding.

    I live in naklua, in what is generally a quiet side soi, have not  ventured out on to the main naklua road since the start.


    Today of course is the " Big " naklua day for madness. I can hear it, staying in, as usual, well prepared.

    Might cautiously venture out later for a sociable meet up with friends after dark but will avoid main naklua road, just stay on my soi.

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