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Posts posted by seasia

  1. Just now, DrTuner said:

    Might want to quote the source of that photo: https://www.cooky.vn/cong-thuc/banh-mi-kep-thit-vien-chien-14274


    I think JT got what's really at offer instead of that professional food photo (which they do really nasty tricks to get, like using superglue, spray paint, etc).



    I will admit did not realise that sort of thing goes on, OK naive of me.

    Naughty practice really.


    I would not be happy if after looking at a restaurant website menu, seeing a dish I like the look of, perhaps going out of my way only to be served something very different.

    Reviews on this thread I find to be good/useful

    I sometimes wonder about some on TA, suspect it gets some biased reviews.

  2. Hi snowballthecat


    Sorry for delay in response.


    From what I was told at the local commune/town hall office, obtaining residency if an Italian national very straight forward.

    Yes, the tax can be an issue if staying more than 6 months, worldwide income is taxed. No allowance and the rates high.

    Some duck and dive on that or keep under 6 months.

    Italian health standards are very highly rated. That an important factor to me looking ahead..

    Stay someplace else for the remainder of the year, whether elsewhere in Europe, southern Spain maybe Greece/Turkey, SE Asia, Thailand or Vietnam.

    Although a long haul from Europe, some options in central/south America, Colombia holds some appeal.

    Easy 6 month visa, costs reasonable, medical standards high in international rankings.


    I guess the travelling around could get tiring when older.


    Still keeping my options open.


    All the Best

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, FredGallaher said:

    If you insist on eating imported food in Thailand the price is high. However I eat mostly delicious Thai food that isn't expensive. 

    I do not like most Thai food, I have tried even in supposedly good restaurants it has been poor.


    Open to ideas on a " delicious" Thai dish though.


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  4. Just now, KhunFred said:

    Why are some saying that UK is now cheaper than Thailand? I am not from UK but this seems counter-intuitive to me. I see YouTube posts all the time where UK residents are claiming that "things" are cheaper in UK than Thailand. What's the truth on this??



    It depends on what you are buying. Many grocery items are cheaper in the UK, perhaps that is what some of the YT posters are referring to. Some items are 3 to 4 times the price in Thailand than UK.

    Accommodation is more expensive although in the Midlands and north there are some reasonably priced properties available.

    Transport is more expensive generally, albeit of higher quality.


    Much depends on how you live your life.

    For me, my grocery bills would be lower in the UK.

    Various other things would be more expensive.

    Although no wish to start a debate on the UK NHS  health service, that is free.

    A big plus for some.

    • Like 1
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  5. Just now, bkk6060 said:

    Maybe best to go and stay in a hotel for a few days check things out.


    But golly, with all the 100's if not 1000' s who claim they have moved there you would think this thread would be full of information about all the fantastic places to stay.


    Good luck.

    It is in the TVF visa section though, those who have moved to Vietnam or are living there might not be too much interested in Thai visas etc.



    • Like 1
  6. Wine such a crazy price and generally of so low quality I have given up on it in Thailand.

    Nice wines at 100 baht and lower here in Italy.

    Shame about the flight ticket price.

  7. Just now, zorrow424 said:

    Been looking at Spain for few years now,cheaper to rent there than Thailand,plus cheap wine ,beer the food.

      clean pavements,beautiful seas,back 'ome in two hours for short visit.  Thailand's a real no-no,keep it

    I had thought of it, southern Spain, it is as you say cheaper than Thailand in many respects, also better quality.

    You are probably already aware of it but just in case not so a link to a large property site.

    Plenty of options.



    • Confused 1
  8. Just now, SteveK said:

    How many of my UK friends are "stuck" in the UK because of a ridiculously expensive mortgage or an overweight wife? Pretty much all of them!


    I'm pretty sure most of them would give their left nut to be shot of the place and be living in Thailand with a sexy little brown thing.


    Sure Thailand has it's issues, but they can all be forgiven when the weather, food and girls are so infinitely better than in the UK.

    I suppose we all have different friends. None of my UK friends are stuck in the UK due to an expensive mortgage or overweight wife.   None would give up any part of their anatomy to live in Thailand. None would wish to live in Thailand. Visit yes.


    UK weather is somewhat grim, but there are other non Thailand alternatives that can match and actually better Thailand.

    I do not like Thai food, most of it is junk with so much spice added to cover the bad taste.

    Far prefer European food. As well as various other nation s foods.


    • Like 1
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  9. On 6/28/2019 at 2:36 PM, snowballthecat said:


    thank you for your information.  I sense the health system will take us back, but need to confirm it. 


    The country is in constant change. Last night was listening to Salvini in RAI, about cancelling the SopraIntendenza....so the department that curates the armony of the buildings with the environment....Bravo!




    Hi snoballthecat


    According to social services in the Italian town I am in, even after a long absence the health care system will take you back.

    Just need to register for residency.

    Actually was enquiring for my brother who has been Swiss resident for 5 years but is actually moving back to Italy

    The day you are resident you are entitled to all Italian social and health care services.


    I was very impressed, they also offered help for me to obtain Italian nationality, said it was simple although could take some time.


    On a less serious note, really enjoying it here.

    Food great, people great, weather has been nice, cooled down a bit today but still pleasant.


    All the Best

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:



    And in case you are wondering how Farangs (white people) all feel about each other, just ask someone from the UK how they REALLY feel about Germans or the French, or Americans about Russians who have nuclear weapons pointed at the USA, (and the other way around) or people from the UK who call me a "bloody Yank" (I love that one):clap2:or class warfare like so called low class people versus people with some money and education. And lets not even get started with the Communist Chinese. It is a bottomless pit.   

    Anyway I hope you have a good day.

    That is generalising

    I am British born, chose to live in an area that is sometimes nicknamed "The German Quarter ") naklua.

    I get on fine with the Germans.

    There are a few French here also, I get on with all of those that I have met, some have become good friends.

    Never in my life have I called an American a bloody yank.

    Never have I called an Aussie a "convict " have several Aussie friends.


    Pathetic racist thread.
















    • Confused 1
  11. Just now, Chazar said:

    If you want it positive why ask the question as if  its  open to all replies?

    life in Thailand-still sweet?

    He is merely trying to justify his staying in Thailand.


    For some it might be great, for others not so.


    Some have other options/homes, others do not.


    There seems to be a lot of 'Thailand is great " posts.


    Some are stuck here.


  12. 7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Kilkenny Pub (and Restaurant)

    Soi LK Metro (nightlife area)


    I'm not pretending to be an expert on Sunday roasts as they aren't a part of my background, but living in Pattaya I've developed a taste for an occasional indulgence into that tradition.


    They seem to be an endless subject of debate as to which is the best, which is the best value for money, and which is the cheapest. Similar to the English breakfast discussions.


    Well the 199 plated lamb Sunday roast is clearly not the cheapest or the best.


    However, it's very satisfying and good value for money. The thickish sliced lamb (perhaps a tad overcooked) in gravy alongside LARGE portions of roasted potato. mashed potatoes, mixed fresh vegetables, Yorkshire pudding, and a gravy boat. Mint sauce in a bottle is offered. The meat portion could have been bigger but lamb is expensive. On the bland side overall but I feel that way about roast dinners in general. Beer is cheap. 


    It's a bar. So you sit on stools and eat on bar tables. Oh well. 


    Kilkenny features daily specials the rest of the week, and also a menu with the expected western food and also Thai.

    I have never been there, sounds fine to me, thanks for the review.


    I have been several times to cafe Pattini on soi bukhao for a Sunday roast,

    usually choose beef.

    Not a big plate, which suits me fine as I do not have a big appetite. Service good, never had a bad meal there.

    Just sub 200 baht unless prices have gone up recently.


    Kilkenny obviously another option.


    Where else for a reasonable quality roast ? do not want big, nor all you can eat buffet


    Around the 200 baht mark.

    On a baht bus route.

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