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  • Birthday 07/30/1950

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  1. I have always used skype to contact them with no problem but now they say they cannot hear me and afte a short wait hang up. I have tested my microphone etc and all is in order so this is some new problem their end. 😞
  2. Sorry, many time the price of Limes
  3. I recently bought and planted 50 Eureka lemon trees and if all goes well have plans for another 100. As I understand it they are relatively easy to grow from cuttings rather than grafting onto root stock. It's an interesting market as they sell for many times the price of lemons. If you think you may be able to supply small trees please let me know with rough costs etc.
  4. Trump wants to make himself look like the paragon of virtue in comparison to those around him.
  5. Thanks guys. I appreciate the help.
  6. Anyone here producing lemons/lemon trees for sale? Looking to plant a few trees. Steve
  7. Oh Wow! Thank you KannikaP
  8. I live in Isaan so no can do.
  9. I am looking for a last will form in both Thai and English. Have seen a few on the internet but they are charging 7000 Baht and more for a few pieces of paper. I don't mind paying something reasonable. Any guidance of where I can find a reasonably priced form would be appreciated.
  10. Have they closed down? That link says 'App Expired"
  11. Looking for advice. I'd prefer a hotel with some life to it. Not too fussed about the price. Thanks
  12. Yeah, When I signed up with Wise some months ago I did so purely to transfer money as Santander wanted me to walk into one of their offices to do an international transfer and offered ridiculous rates. At the time I didn't realise Wise is effectively a bank and I could link my old English based Paypal account to it. I received the car withing days and have activated it simply by entering the 'end date' online. Very easy. so I am now set up but I will still continue arguing my side with Sabtander and have at least got them into an email dialogue. Someone on here suggest I email their CEO as he eventually got to keep his account by being persistent.
  13. Wise do not provide debit cards ifyou joined in Thailand, They say they are working on it. However the Paypal Mastercard debit card I have linked to my Wise account can be used with ATMs around the world for a GBP1.00 fee per transaction. The exchange rate is down to Mastercard and they have some of the best available.
  14. An update which might be useful to some. I already had a Wise Acc. for transferring funds and only just realised I could use it like a bank. Trouble is they don't issue debit cards to Thailand although that may come. My workaround was to link my paypal acc. to my Wise acc. and then apply for a Paypal Mastercard. The card should soon arrive at my brother's UK address from which I first opened the acc.. This solves most of my problems except you cannot withdraw cash from Wiseor can you?
  15. Please go elsewhere with your argumentative aproach. This thread is about UK banking not the Thai postal service.
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