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Posts posted by nikkoid66

  1. leaving money in your back pocket is asking for it.

    I can't believe people are that stupid.

    I agree, I was very upset, not because of the loss of 5000 baths but more because of my own stupidity. You always think it will not happen to you but when it does, it is a good lesson.

    When I go to Walking street I keep my money on the front, on my d.ick, so that if anyone touch it, I will feel something! and I never take more than I need.

  2. To really talk with Thai friends you have to learn Thai. When you are with your "Thai friends", who pays?

    ผมเรียนภาษาไทย ทำไมคุณทึกทักเอาว่าผมเป็นไอ้ทึ่ม..

    "never just assume"

    And in order to stay strait to the point of this thread, here is how a bargirl would have said it

    ผมเรียนภาษาไทย ทำไมคุณทึกทักเอาว่าผมเป็นไอ้โง่..

    :blink: (555555)

  3. I know a nurse who took care of a German farang until he died here in Pattaya. She was feeding/cleaning him, and was very nice him. She said she think he was happy to die here rather than in Germany, and she tried to be as nice as possible with him even when he was really sick and yakyak on everybody. He died in her arm and she said his eyes were saying thank you. After that she did all the paperwork and organized the cremation, and sold his apartment. She never got anything from him, only her paycheck and nothing after he died. She sent the money and everything else to his kids in Germany, no one came in Thailand.

    Sad story, but there are some really warm heart here in Thailand, dying in Europe can be horrible in these specialized place where you are not considered like an human being anymore...

  4. I wanted to tell everybody a story that happened to me when I first arrived in Pattaya, I lost 5000 bath very stupidly but I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Soi4/5/6 there are a lot of Lady boys who try to hug you. AVOID them all, put your arms between you and them and never let them touch you.

    When I arrived here I got caught by one very sticky and funny girl/boy when I was coming back from the ATM with my 5000 in my back pocket. I had a small wallet with the money in the back on my ass.

    The guy put his harms around me and we had some funny time, it took only 1 min. But when I was back in my hotel, my money was gone! Amazingly only the 1000 bills from the ATM were gone, the smallest ones were still in here.

    I came back to the same place another day and saw another farang in the same situation, he seems very happy to be hug... the girls on the other side of the road cannot ignore what these guysgirls are doing here, and they say nothing...

    Just avoid hugs with girls/boys/katoe in the streets, they are really good at their job and I am sure they can get your money from a closed pocket, or even if you put your wallet in the front pocket...

    • Like 1
  5. When you are in that situation: do not pay.

    Just stand up, very polite and go out, never come back.

    I will walk today to see Soi4 if there is such a restaurant, I will not post the name or pictures... I will just tell if such a place really exists.

  6. I talk with Thai friends about what makes the difference between Bar girls and regular and how they can see the difference. And here a resume of the conversation.

    - they speak slang and use special words that most Thai won't use like the word 'goo' to say me and some others words that sounds very bad language for 'regular' girls.

    - shoes and clothes. Bar girls can walk very easily with some of the highest shoes, and also they wear very sexy but cheap clothes.

    - walk, bar girls move their ass in a very sexy way when they walk.

    - they kiss in public or put their hands on their farang ass. Usually Thai girls are shy in public.

    - they always look at other men even when they eat with their boyfriend.

    Now for Europeans, it is different. Thailand's reputation is very sticky and if you are with a young Thai girl everyone will think you are a pedophile, even if she is 18+, just because she looks really young... if you are with a very sexy girl, they will assume silently that you pay her for being with you... it is very hard to change the people mentality in the west. People assume that you should be with someone with your age and that looks the same as you. Pretty girls are with handsome men and young girls with young men in Europe.

  7. I left her in a bar in London when I had to go out and do some business. When I came back 2 hrs later, i was told that she had won 24 games of pool on the trot, knocked back 15 free sambucas, and bottled the landlady for not letting her shoot any more ping pong balls from her hogs eye.

    After 3 hrs in the UK, Our cover was blown.

    Hahaha (or 5555) hillarious comment!!!

  8. Certainly a large number of normal Thai women at some point in their life supplement their wages by the pay for play business.

    I certainly do not agree with that. Like in the West, some girls will never cross the line to supplement their wages, because their value or their education or both...the ones who use the pay for play business are lazy to work 2 jobs, or they want to spend more money for an iphone and cannot adjust their lifestyle to a temporary bad situation, or whatever, they have decided to do it and like another guy said, you can take the girl out of the bar but never take the bar out of the girl. One day or another, if she needs money, there are good chances that she will go back there, even if she is married and have kids.

    Sex is not the same in Thailand as in the west. They are bringing their own values to another culture and judging that culture by Western standards.

    Do a large percent of Thai women who have Falang husbands also have Thai husbands? Of course they do and any Thai can attest to this. But it is not the same as having two husbands in London or NY. This is Thailand.

    Again I disagree with that. I was thinking that before I live here permanently, but once here I realized that girls are watching the same kind of movies, and have a lot of values and culture in common with our Western girls. They want to meet a prince (farang) and are very romantic. Lot of funny Thai movies which are very successful in movie theaters right now demonstrates that it is something very strong in the young Thais culture.

    The only big difference is that lot of girls have no education at all. Their only chance in life to make some money or to meet their prince is to go the bad way...because money = respect in Thailand, when you are a girl, pretty and with no education whatsoever, what choice do you have?

    Do a large percent of Thai women who have Falang husbands also have Thai husbands? Of course they do
    : you must have spent too much time on Soi 6 to say that. Many normal girls would not consider talking to you after you saying such a statement! That's maybe why you do not see this part of the reality.
  9. Many Farang only know Pattaya thu Walking Street, Beach Road at night, Soi 5-6 and Gogo, and these girls are very sweet speaking...red warning!

    Never get emotionally involved with prostitutes. All have a sad story, and man you can have a lot of empathie for them, but they have crossed the line between good and evil and will never come back.

    Good luck with your marriage. Thai women are sweet and loving, not like most arrogant Western girls. They are also very crazy at time which make the life more fun.

    • Like 1
  10. Exploitation is still rampant, specially in the service and labor sector!

    and because of the highly obedient behavior/thought patterns most have no objections... they work and work and work, some 7 days a week for 10-14 hours and more and never complain about the salary of meager 6000-7500 Baht! :unsure:

    Seems they are trained like this, never complain, never stand up!

    I can tell that they complain privately, if you complain publicaly you are fired "if you are not happy go back to Issaan taking care of the buffalos". In the USA it is a little bit the same too, with $8/hour for basic work and the bad economy, lot of people are really poor now and have a life similar to some Thai poor people. But if you complain you get fired and if you are dumped in the street and die, no one cares.

    Complaining is an European thing, but for most in the world, people shut up, and cry when the light is off.

    When you have nothing else, your dignity is your last refuge...they won't show that they are doing bad. A smile can hide a lot of things.

  11. Funds not so much of a problem. Of course it'd be nice to open a business with as little as possible, but I'm willing to invest more if necessary. Setting up a company not a problem either. I think some of the business ideas will not require that much response either. For example, the magazine would earn money by selling ad space. Granted, I don't know the market that well, but if I hire Thai employees, I'm thinking they can target Thai businesses as well to sell ad space. As for the number of expats living here, let's say even 1000 are able to spend money on extras. If you run something like a small school, you wouldn't need too many students to break even. Rents are quite reasonable for a place that could be used as a small school. The internet business would require a VERY small investment.

    I'm well aware of the economic crisis. Maybe that's why I'm being cautious and asking for opinions. I already earn a steady income through other means, so the business would be an addition, rather than my only source of money.

    Buy condos and rent them. At least you are sure you will never loose everything. And your money will make more than staying in the bank.

  12. I would like to know how you come up with the figure 8000 to 12000 baht for salaries in general for regular businesses?

    Maybe for Bangkok, but not true for Pattaya. Please give a figure of the number of businesses that pay that in Pattaya. What kind of businesses are these?

    Your OP definately says a minimum of 5000 baht/month for rent. No mention of nothing less.

    In your OP you state 16000+ is the bare minimum for having a life in Pattaya. That's a pretty comfortable lifestyle unless you are a partier. I know many Thais personally, that live off of 6000 baht per month or less. Sounds to me like your are hearing this from party girls. I would hardly call party girls "nice".

    I know, talked to, and have many nice girls as friends. From all ages. Many have situations far worse than you describe. None of them work in the bars or walk the beach looking for tricks. I find talking to the street girls is quite entertaining. There are other options. They are there out of choice. Many don't like the boring life, back home. It's all a game and you are being played.

    Answers: the point of this thread is not to debate the wages of bar girls, but the wages of the Girls in general, it may change from one person to another. The girls I speak about are the one that are similar to our western girls, who can write and read correctly, speak English, can use a computer, and have a IA comparable of our western girl. Lot of poor people here, but I don't think we can really have a relationship with someone we cannot communicate with - except in the bed.

    In your OP you state 16000+ is the bare minimum for having a life in Pattaya. That's a pretty comfortable lifestyle unless you are a partier.

    Ok so let's do some maths about the cost):

    - 3000 baths = rent

    - 1000 baths = utilities

    - 1000 baths = clothes

    - 5000 baths = food

    - 2000 baths = transportation

    - 500 baths = cellular phone

    - 2000 baths for the parents

    Total: 14500

    She has only 1500 bath for herself, I would not call that a comfortable lifestyle

    Now if she has a kid!!! add +10,000 and you see that a single mother needs +20k to survive in Pattaya.

    Think about it.

  13. There's so many ways for a "gf" to make money out of a white guy, she may be legit, but she's already playing the game of inflating her monthly outgoings, as well as working in Pattaya which are both really bad signs.

    Thanks for your advice... I think it is sad that you lost all your illusions.

  14. So when are you handing your ATM card over ??....:lol: or have you bought the house in Issan already

    Haha, Amazingly I got a different experience (for now) than I had expected.

    No try to take advantage of me, but I'm sure that if I buy her a house she will not say no... my ex-wife in Europe was the same!

    I make x10 time what she makes (x20 what she friends make) so I think it is logical that I pay the restaurant bill sometime, or that I invite her poorest friend who eat noddles in the street everyday to a good restaurant once in a time...it would be the same if I was a rich in Europe.

    But nothing more...actually I benefit from her/her friend help than the opposite. Knowing smart Thai can be helpful for a lot of situation.

  15. r on an ED visa you will get away with telling long term expats how things are in Pattaya.:whistling:

    Please share some of your info, that's the point of this thread. At least I post what I heard around me. My friends are not bar girls, they are regular girls in real estate, having restaurant, working in shops etc... so my info are what these people are telling me.

    I can imagine that a lot of girls are very poor, and some end up in the street.

    If someone has more info, please post your experience...and some real examples.

  16. My Question what do you do to help these nice girls you are talking to on beach road ?

    I have a girlfriend, I got these info from her and her friends not from the beach girls. Like a lot of girls here, when she arrived in Pattaya years ago, she had to struggle a lot with multiple jobs. Now she is doing fine, but she still help her friends who are not so lucky...lot stories are coming out when you ask questions...

    I do not pretend to know everything, I'm just sharing info that I think is relevant here. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong :unsure:

  17. What a load of crap, I know many waitresses who work in "normal" business's and they dont make anywhere near 12,000b a month.

    As for the rent what is it, 2000b, 3000b or 5000b per month, if you wanna publish this <deleted> its best to keep the figures consistent.

    Please read my post first, I said between 8000-12000...it is the true figure for regular business not for the one who sell soups on the beach of course.

    Also for the rent, I said 5000, but yes you can rent for less, or share the rent with others, it is what I said in my post as well...

    If you think my post is <deleted>, then please elaborate with real example from you friends, and make this most more interesting to read rather than complaining.:bah:

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