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  1. You can also use a rice cooker,that is what we have been using for the past few years. I don't smoke,i hate the taste of it, but i make my own edibles . Very easy to do .
  2. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGhrvneMVcx/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  3. Your cult leader has stated more them once that he really likes Putin. Please do not ask for a link,there are multiple videos on this.
  4. We all know who and what your king is.
  5. For what?please be specific.
  6. Even worse,a total nobody feels the need to try and humiliate a Great Leader!
  7. What would have been the reason for Trump to punch him and kick him out? What did Zelensky do wrong? Little girly man? This small little man has more guts and dignity then all of you MAGA morons! History will not look kindly at Trump selling out to Putin.
  8. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGqcJTEokw9/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  9. Oh just let them celebrate their "winning". It will change very soon and then they will disappear.
  10. Yes he is and he is a much better man then i am. I would have blown my lid and punched some one.
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