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  1. Oh ok, got ya. Of course i care about feelings of biological women,every one should. Like i said before, you close the door behind you and you are in private. Not your words but some people are talking about the rights of women to privacy and safety. Great i am al for it but i raise a few questions when the rights of the same women is taking away concerning other issues. In different countries i have seen toilets for men and women being separated but in front,easy access,there is a toilet for disabled and pregnant women(no not pregnant people). Should there be two of those?One for each sex? Again in my opinion this whole issue is about people being against transgender people and you can take off from there. By the way,i do not condone trans athletes to compete in womens sports,that is unfair on so many levels.
  2. Sorry i don't understand what you mean. I mentioned transgender and that covers any person involved in that.
  3. I just can't believe all of the excitement over this. Does it just come from people who are scared of any one who is different? I have been using toilets in many countries and i really do not care who is around me. No one is telling you to grab a transgender and taking her with you into the stall. No, you close the door behind you and what you do is private! I am not scared of transgender people and i do not believe(unlike others here) that transgender people are perverts or sick in the head. As for trans people using the same room to change clothes in? Why not? What danger is there in that? Time to let go of your fears and face the world.
  4. Maga is what you call yourselves? No it is not name calling at all. I am pretty sure tariffs are going to hurt the American tax payer but like i said before with a lot going on we just do not know what will happen.
  5. No matter what your standpoint is or how much name calling certain people come up with this tarif idea is totally against the Status Quo and nobody really knows how it will effect things. As always when things are getting turned upside down there will be many unforseen factors that will come up. Factors that no on saw coming. To make it simple,the tariffs that the Thai government levies on imported foods over here do make a product more expensive for the consumer. I do not see that being different in another country. Mixing this up with mass deportations among others things has the potential to really shake up the US economy and even society. Like i said no one can predict what will come out of the wood work and we all will just have to wait if any of these planned policies even will take place. I do not see name calling me a leftist is helping to solve any issues,it just makes the name caller look weak.
  6. Oh ok,i see.Thanks,a little like maga then?
  7. It may come as a surprise to you but the world is bigger then Kansas. Why the name calling? There are such things as blank guns,many are bought and converted into real fire arms. Many are used to commit crime. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturday_night_special
  8. A blank gun is designed to ignite blank rounds. It can not fire real rounds. Guns like that are just for sporting and training events. I have used a 9mm gun like that many times. In most countries you still need a permit for said type of gun.
  9. Really? So if all those taxes are cancelled the consumer pays less?
  10. Can you explain to us what leftism is? Can you deny that whatever you are spouting is not hate? If you want an honest discussion with people and the first thing you do is calling them names then don't be surprised when you are receiving backlash . In all of your posts the hate shines thru,why? You are winning,celebrate! At least for now so keep gloating.
  11. I bet the shooter did not have a license to carry the gun,let alone use it! Was it even a real gun?Not enough info here like usual. This article leaves more questions then it gives answers,good for clicks i guess?
  12. It seems that bike riders who transport women like to brake hard. I have heard this from different women and that they say is the biggest reason they avoid them.

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