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  1. Why do you want Canada to be broken like the US? Things are going just fine there,jealous?
  2. Good morning Bob.
  3. Happens a lot in Africa but also in the US and Canada. Elephants,buffalo,lions and a lot more . It is a good way to sustain the parks and control the animals at the same time. Do you know a better way?
  4. To a lot of people hunting means food on the table.There is nothing wrong with a real hunt and providing for the family.
  5. We have a few rabbits but mostly birds. Handtame budgies in the house,canaries and cockatiels outside. Two dogs and a whole bunch of wild birds and squirrels that come around every day for food. Four pigeon coops with a lot of rare color racing pigeons and around 40 chickens and a bunch of ducks. Lately these guys have been visiting the garden a lot. I3usH8AQ.mp4
  6. If you want to be better-be better! I am not a racist at all,i am more of a behaviouralist (knew that was not a real word) People who act normal and treat me right will receive the same respect. Behave like an axxhole and get what you deserve. Nothing to do with race,all to do with culture. No need to overthink this, I do think i am better then people who drink and drive,all about behaviour.
  7. jvs

    VHS tapes

    Recently i received a few VHS tapes from years gone by. I would like to be able to view them ,preferably on my pc. Does any one know how to do this or has any leads where to get this done? I am in the Cha-am area but of course i can send it any where in Thailand.
  8. You can hunt and protect wildlife at the same time! Poaching is something totally different.
  9. Recently there have been a lot more sightings of rare animals there,tigers and a Malayan Tapir. Looks like the park wardens are doing a good job!
  10. I know a guy who went and got his motorbike twice! from the local police lock-up. He went around 2 am carrying a big bolt cutter and cut of the chain,started the bike and went home. He never heard anything from the cops,mind you this was nearly 20 years ago.
  11. Yes and his second in command also. Almost looks like something very hard to do. Some one is sending a message.
  12. I wouldn't mind paying taxes if this would mean i could also join this health care coverage plan. After all, with a duty comes a right?
  13. Well you almost sound offended! Maybe you should look into who he is,
  14. Yes the russians are gaining ground!but are they wining the war? At what cost?Endless supply of human resources?What is with the North Koreans then? Gigantic loss of life and material.Economy slowly falling apart. For the worlds second best army to run over a much smaller country in 3 days ? How much have the really gained? So who is "doomed"? No one is as blind as he who does not want to see.
  15. Pad Krapao is also standard lunch and dinner for the arrested at the police stations.

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