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Everything posted by jvs

  1. I rest my case,you have no personal insight,only MAGA repeats. I just hope you can cope when the hammer comes down,the ignorance you show is off the charts.
  2. The problem when trying to discuss anything with a MAGA victim is that they really have no idea about the broader implications. If you finally had enough of trying to have a conversation with an idiot like that they just skip that part and come up with some other bs. That is all fine in itself but if you finally stop responding to them they think they have won. Let's just wait a few weeks and see what happens,nothing good for MAGA i hope.(i know)
  3. You are using the word 'stupid' not me. If the shoe fits,
  4. Yes if only you would but you do not have what it takes. You keep repeating the same old stuff. That is all you have.
  5. See what i mean? When you start using your own brain you have to see Trump is not doing so well. He keeps digging but soon the holes will be visible from space. Reality will have to kick in.
  6. Ok, back and forward from both sides ,as usual. A lot of deflection if you challenge or question some one from the right,let's say MAGA. The problem with MAGA is ,they do not have any level of critical thinking. They just repeat at nausea what they have heard from their leader. @ Yellowtail,no i do not mind at all if Trump is trying to curtail government over spending,i applaud it and hope more countries would do the same. But,how is the best way to go about it? Firing a whole load of government workers sounds like a great solution right? Right,send them home and save billions! It is not that simple. In real life when a company needs to clean up their act they can hire a problem solver and let them fire a lot of staff and right a new game plan. Maybe they need to pay some severance pay and we are good to go. In government it does not work like that. On paper once you fire people you are saving a lot of money and right now it may look fine. No wait, there are big cracks already showing,some really bad and some not so bad. People wanting to go into a nature park have to wait for four hours in line to get admitted to said park. Why? Because a lot of workers were let go(fired) without any thought except saving money and trying to divert the attention of non critical people. Some really bad things,people in the US are mostly living from paycheck to paycheck and the loss of government services will affect their daily needs right away,food etc. When the government fires people these people will not go away,they have mortgages,car payments and they need to eat. First few months there will be unemployment but what after that? Tens of thousands of people fired,what will they do?Take the job of illegals that are getting removed? It is not that simple. Trump is just trying to fill a hole by digging a new one. Get rid of government waste? Do not play golf as President,one million dollars at the time? Do not let the Secret Service stay at Mara Lago at inflated prices. Make the 1% pay tax. Let companies like Tesla pay tax,the have gotten millions from the government. I could go one,promises are not being kept by Trump but that is nothing new right? Another thing is a lot of MAGA supporters proudly claim they are against any form of socialism,are you really? Not possible to live in the USA and not benefit from socialism. Think critical people and don't just repeat a mantra made up by your cult leader. Things are going to change really fast in the next few weeks.
  7. Hold on to that thought,someday soon you will be totally convinced that Harris would have been better! Are you man enough then to admit that? At some point you will have to face the facts.
  8. Yes but Bob and his other names are getting clicks!
  9. Did i not mention i do not condone violence? I don't condone violence. Where did i do? You know because you may not understand.
  10. Yes that is for sure and they are starting to regret it already!
  11. That is what is claimed anyway. Firing the CIA and the FBI will leave some snipers with nothing else to do. Maybe it is time for the other side to take a shot? No word about firing the Secret Service? Three guesses why not? I am not for violence at all but i can understand when people get fed up!
  12. If you can not see that then there is no point in trying to explain.
  13. You hate socialism? What a joke you are! https://mccollum.house.gov/press-release/mccollum-offers-amendment-cut-millions-dollars-wasteful-pentagon-spending-eliminating
  14. I have been using an old tv as a pc screen and it works just fine for me. It is a 30 inch Samsung and easy on the eyes. Lots of second hand tv's for sale.
  15. After i saw this i just folded ,picked up my cash and got out of there! Not sure if i will go back.
  16. Like paying off porn stars?
  17. We are all still waiting for Mexico to pay for it! That was one of the original lies.
  18. Yes soon the money send outside the US to retirees in another country (Thailand) may stop also. I will start buying popcorn and ear plugs.
  19. I am in Hua hin very often,i have never seen a gym with a price tag like that. Whoever you are,you are lying!
  20. You mean 'Vlaams",? is almost the same as Dutch if i remember right.Belgium is bi lingual.
  21. No,in name he is but Elon is calling the shots.
  22. Yes the court ordered him to honor his bid after he tried to back out.
  23. Yes he did really well buying twitter,since he bought it the value has gone done 80%!!! Win win win!

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