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Everything posted by jvs

  1. Yes that is what i call it too,that would be on a Wednesday and the pounding the next day.
  2. My neighbors kid was severely bitten in the face by his own dog a few years ago. The dog was always extremely aggressive towards strangers but the dog slept in the bed with the kid. The dog was always viciously barking at us when we had to pass him but there was a fence so he could not get near us. A few days before the attack i walked to the road and the dog went berserk like usual but this time while he was barking he severely was shaken his head. Giving my background in working with dogs i knew right away the dog had a severe ear infection,it made him even angrier. The attack on the kid happened two days later. Kid in emergency and we never saw the dog again. When a dog has been irritable for a few days there usually is a cause.
  3. The right wing Maga supporters are starting to realize their world is slowly falling apart. They are lashing out and hoping to create chaos. Some of the rats have already abandoned the sinking ship. It will not help you in the end. Most MM's do not have the brains to understand. Just watch,
  4. They used to hang out in Spain but then Brexit happened.
  5. The Russian government is now offering a financial reward to 16 year old girls to get pregnant. Talk about being desperate.
  6. Sounds a bit bitter,are you coming back later?
  7. I have not had a Binta burger for at least 15 years.They were not bad at all.
  8. I have heard of rent a pussy here many times,renting a cat is something i have never done before!
  9. So do you think there will be hundreds of billions coming into the USA? Did you already plan how to spent all that money? You will be so rich you won't know what to do with all that money! Are you going to buy a new Tesla and a Cybertruck?
  10. Set the reminder in your phone,it will ring to remind you as often as you want. Saying that,i missed my 90 days for the first time in 17 years last year. The fine was 1000 baht cash or 2000 with receipt.
  11. Yes,another option! lol.
  12. You think you have only one mouse? There are probably more meese then you know! Or it is mouses or mouseses?
  13. I actually prefer sex with three people participating,two girls and me. Not because i am selfish but it is to accommodate the girls,when i fall asleep right after i am done they can cuddle and have some one to talk to.
  14. As far as i know there are actual massages for your manhood and your testicles. And it does involve a happy ending. I had it twice in Thailand and it was done in a very professional way,a lot better feeling than just a happy ending. There is actual training for that and it has a special name. It is not seen as anything sexual,there are also places that do prostate massages. Again you can not compare this with a shop that uses "massage" to hide prostitution.
  15. @mikebell,things do not always go the way we would like and it sure is enough to get some one disgruntled. Never mind,a new week and new chances.I think you may have to go back to the bank and get sorted over there. It is of course not wise to lose your temper but non of us are saints. Try to go straight to the manager and sometimes a little sweet talk does wonders. Don't let it get you down,keep you eye on the goal.
  16. Yes ,not reporting your 90 days is not a crime.Your visa is still valid.
  17. Getting back to the topic. I had to do farm chores at a young age already,later when i was in my teens the chores got more and any school trips i did not go along because my time was better spent at home. No issues for me there,it was what it was. Later when i was working outside my home country i was just a farm laborer trying to make ends meet and eventough this was hard i never had any resentment towards my boss who had a big farm and had time do do his hobbies. I knew when he started farming he had it very hard in the early years and i thought he earned what he had. Skip many years and now i am here and i have a gardener who has been working for me for the past 15 years or so. No, i do not feel guilty for having more then he does and i don't believe he resents working for me because i have more then he has. Sometimes when he is working in the hot sun and i am in the house or going out i think about this but again,it is what it is. Is inequality fair?Maybe maybe not. When i wanted more money i had to make it happen myself,i started to work for myself and worked my way up. My gardener does not have that ambition. That is up to him,nobody is holding him back.
  18. Brump?
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