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Everything posted by jvs

  1. You flipped? lol.
  2. Haven't seen many of these lately.
  3. I would love to see you i a "Me too" t-shirt!
  4. I am going to stop making music. Why you ask?
  5. Well MAGA people,stock up on tissue! Not looking too good for mr Trump and his band of unqualified mongers. Any one how can not see the trend is either an idiot or a total fool. You get to pick which one you are. Free country and all that ,
  6. Takes about the same time to get the papers ready over here. Just went thru this earlier this week with people from India. Language barrier is the biggest problem.
  7. So how come donald won then? Is he a better cheater?
  8. The things is(and you missed that)the manufacturing prices of all cars will go up in the US because of tariffs on steel and aluminum. So the US consumer will end up paying more for any new vehicle. If they have to buy a new car they will buy smaller Japanese cars first. So much winning !
  9. Are you a socialist now?
  10. Several cars manufactured in Thailand are exported to the U.S., including models from Toyota, Honda, and Mazda, with notable examples like the Toyota Camry, Corolla Altis, and Yaris, as well as Honda Accord and Mazda models. Here's a more detailed breakdown: Toyota: Camry: A popular sedan, with production in Thailand. Corolla Altis: Another popular sedan, also produced in Thailand. Yaris: A compact car, with production in Thailand. Yaris Ativ: A compact car, exported as Toyota Vios. Corolla Cross: A compact SUV. Yaris Cross: A compact SUV. Honda: Accord: A high-end sedan, with production in Thailand. Mazda: Mazda has a presence in Thailand with AutoAlliance (AAT) and Mazda Powertrain Manufacturing Thailand (MPMT). AAT builds compact pickup trucks and SUVs primarily for the Southeast Asian market, with exports to other developing markets and Europe. Other Notable Thai-Made Cars: Isuzu D-Max: A popular pickup truck, produced in Thailand. Mitsubishi L200: Another popular pickup truck, produced in Thailand
  11. There, there, feel better now? Finally you are admitting it is all driving by hatred. You are a cult member!
  12. Reading some of the replies i almost start to think this has nothing to do with America first but to punish the rest of the world! For what?
  13. Do you have a car in Thailand?
  14. picture or it did not happen!
  15. If some one decides to build a car factory in the US ,there are many things to consider. Firstly,you can not start building and selling cars tomorrow. Building a large factory will take 2 years and a whole lot of money. What can change in two years? Flip flop tariffs,may or may not last ,may or may not go up or down. Trump may be gone for a number of reasons. Those cars will be only sold in the US because other countries will be putting tariffs on that also. It is a mess and it will only get messier. Trump is going to destroy the US economy,well you get what you voted for but almost the same amount of people voted against him and every one now has to deal with the consequences. A lot of countries are looking to buy arms elsewhere now. Not soon but very soon some people will get very tired of winning i can assure you. I said it before,how long can you keep defending the undefendable? US citizens ,start paying off your credit while you still can,you could be homeless in six months.(then donald will put you in a camp for your own good)
  16. Is that one of Bobs "girlfriends"?
  17. Have you been to Pa mak?
  18. 1 % is a very low number. I am quite sure that there are areas that are a lot higher!! You are looking at a number but the percentage of mispayment (not fraud) is very low.
  19. Apparently that is what you believe,as long as that makes you happy,go with it!
  20. Plus he is receiving a lot of tax payers money in subsidies ! Have a look at the fraud there!
  21. there are none so blind as those who will not see
  22. It is a flaw in the system,very little fraud. If fraud because a fault in the system then fix that! and not pretend there are 10 million people who collect SS.when the should not. https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-doge-social-security-150-year-old-benefits/
  23. He won by a 1.6% margin,hardly a landslide i would say but keep repeating the landslide thing and some day you may believe it.
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