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Everything posted by jvs

  1. Yes indeed,finally you are telling something truthful !
  2. I love the smell of MAGA panic in the morning!
  3. Yes i agree. How long will it be before the right wingers realize there is no more defending of what is inevitable? Soon they will have to see that there is no light on the other side of their tunnel. Just a big gaping hole.
  4. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1164026548495837
  5. Here is a summary of the lies Trump has told lately. Of course these are seen as true facts by the MM's.
  6. People with bone spurs do not do well in the cold.
  7. I am basically satisfied with my life,
  8. Both past governments have added to the national debt,there is no doubt about it. On the other hand all countries in the world are dealing with prize increases and i doubt that will ever change. I applaud Trumps plans to reduce the national debt but like i have said before the way he is going about it makes no sense to me. We will see how this all plays out but i doubt very much the way they are trying to do it is the right way . Each and every one living in the USA will feel the effect of these mass lay offs and it will not be very nice. Again we will see but for the time being it looks really bad. https://www.crfb.org/papers/trump-and-biden-national-debt
  9. So what is the damage Biden did to the economy? Please provide numbers so i can compare them with the numbers i have. You are right about one thing,the US population voted for trump ,that is the reality.
  10. This turntable was very popular by many dj's at the time. A work horse for sure.
  11. The thing is if the dollar tanks a lot in principle it will make the expats who receive a pension in dollars basiccaly forced to leave. Only people like Bob who have millions in bitcoin will be able to stay. Until that bottom drops out.
  12. Clearly something that was not thought about at all! Or maybe Trump will say that those people will get nothing as long as there are other jobs they can do,like working on a farm and pick crops. The MAGA dream is slowly turning into a nightmare. So much damage because of one old mean narcissist . How can a country let this happen?
  13. The numbers shown are only to half of February,it will get a lot worse. Soon the MM's will get tired of winning!
  14. That is because you are flipping? Going gay? maga?
  15. And the USA was part of what country before?
  16. I sure hope our residence complainer in chief(BOB) will not read this post.
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