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Everything posted by jvs

  1. As far as i know there are actual massages for your manhood and your testicles. And it does involve a happy ending. I had it twice in Thailand and it was done in a very professional way,a lot better feeling than just a happy ending. There is actual training for that and it has a special name. It is not seen as anything sexual,there are also places that do prostate massages. Again you can not compare this with a shop that uses "massage" to hide prostitution.
  2. @mikebell,things do not always go the way we would like and it sure is enough to get some one disgruntled. Never mind,a new week and new chances.I think you may have to go back to the bank and get sorted over there. It is of course not wise to lose your temper but non of us are saints. Try to go straight to the manager and sometimes a little sweet talk does wonders. Don't let it get you down,keep you eye on the goal.
  3. Yes ,not reporting your 90 days is not a crime.Your visa is still valid.
  4. Getting back to the topic. I had to do farm chores at a young age already,later when i was in my teens the chores got more and any school trips i did not go along because my time was better spent at home. No issues for me there,it was what it was. Later when i was working outside my home country i was just a farm laborer trying to make ends meet and eventough this was hard i never had any resentment towards my boss who had a big farm and had time do do his hobbies. I knew when he started farming he had it very hard in the early years and i thought he earned what he had. Skip many years and now i am here and i have a gardener who has been working for me for the past 15 years or so. No, i do not feel guilty for having more then he does and i don't believe he resents working for me because i have more then he has. Sometimes when he is working in the hot sun and i am in the house or going out i think about this but again,it is what it is. Is inequality fair?Maybe maybe not. When i wanted more money i had to make it happen myself,i started to work for myself and worked my way up. My gardener does not have that ambition. That is up to him,nobody is holding him back.
  5. Brump?
  6. I think donald Trump is not the problem ,he is being bought and used to enrich Elon Musk. yesterday i did a lot of reading about Elon and his background and that of his parents and grandparents. Who really needs the minerals?to make batteries? Donald Trump was so against EV's and know he is advertising them(for Elon) There is a lot more going on behind the scenes. Elon is the main danger now imo.
  7. Back off,i was gonna say that lol! You know yourself well!
  8. You are right,only if you have money like Elon you can buy a free election.
  9. Second one ,being obnoxious.
  10. The first one,being humble.
  11. I can find at least 20 other tasks and you would fail.
  12. Every one is desperately trying to ignore it,if they do for a few more weeks the rains will come and problem solved for another year. Face saved! and that is more important than anything else.
  13. You use words like"pain" and "arse" and you are rich,maybe bob will be your friend? Do you have a Rolex?
  14. Remember the bipartisan deal that Trump rejected? Another foul play by Trump.
  15. This past week we had a few very clear days here.
  16. If you take a drive down to Prachuap and go a bit further south you will find all kinds of nice little resorts all along the beach. It is a very nice drive and i stayed there somewhere last year during a bike trip but i can't remember the name. Go during the week but now with the school holidays it may be a bit busier. I paid 500 baht for a decent room with aircon and hot shower. We saw a lot of resorts all along the beach there. Just drive inside ,look around and ask for a price. Some have food and some don't but finding a nice place to eat is never a problem here. The beach itself was beautiful and the water clean.
  17. Imo ,having a job(work) can be freedom if you work for yourself. Working for a paycheck makes you a slave.
  18. Anything to own the libs right? Why don't you just let it rest and do something useful ?
  19. I can tell you i have seen the holding cells over there,nothing degrading or in humane there. Very basic but it is not a hotel. The story about flooding and having to drink his own urine imo is totally bs. Maybe all in his head because according to his own words he was hallucinating and had no idea what was going on? Holding cells are not prison cells.
  20. As always there must be a lot more to this story. I find it very hard to believe.
  21. Do you eat food harvested by Mengele equipment? Like i said before,no one is not guilty if you look at it that way.
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