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Everything posted by jvs

  1. Does that make any sense?By trying to invade the Ukraine the russians are moving closer to NATO themselves! russia also helped to convince Sweden and Finland to join NATO. but of course we were given excuses and no reasons.
  2. NATO was formed in 1949 to form a pact against russia.
  3. Well the vote has been done! Now send all that stuff to the Ukraine in a hurry so they can kick the russians out. This is a game changer,soon also F-16's and then the Crimea bridge can be taken out! Air dominance will make a very big difference. Also this is a strong message to China and Iran. Not much more to say for now,i hope this can be over soon. I am sure unforeseen things can happen but this is a much overdue step by the US government. Go Ukraine!
  4. Yes you are right and also as a sidenote it really helps if you dress politely,no wife beater shirt and no shorts and flip flops. A guy i know had to three times and after the second time he stopped by my house to complain about the way he felt treated. I asked him"in these clothes"?Yes he said. told him to go back wearing his best clothes,he did and no issues at all.
  5. This makes a lot more sense than a twenty baht bill,the larger bills work as a stimulant for the ladies. (how do you spell aphrodisiac)?
  6. Where do you put the bananas?lights out?
  7. That sounds a bit gay to me but what ever you like.
  8. jvs

    Yellow book

    Yes is possible,some places make their own rules,i am single and got the Yellow book.
  9. jvs

    Yellow book

    No you don't have to be married but i realize some rules are being made up but they have a very big book with all the rules in it and if they care to look at that it will be easier.
  10. He was told this more then once but you know it does not fit his narrative. He is a putin lover, i better stop here.
  11. True,but who was the German officer who made the big change?
  12. Oh no,another one! If it wasn't for the help of Germans you would still be a colony of the UK. Read and learn. Any chance you are not a native American?
  13. I have not posted here in awhile,i purposely avoided it. The reason? A few people om here make my blood boil! I was just trying to keep my true feelings in and would i have said my part i would have been suspended. I lived thru the cold war and i have heard the stories about what the russians did in WW2. I believe they will not stop until made to stop. It was getting very bad for the Ukrainians at the front and some smug people on here kept rooting for the russians and telling the Ukrainians to roll over and play dead. Yes it is bad at the frontline but look at the damage the Ukrainians are doing behind the line and even in side russia? That must hurt. There is hope!and more then that,the vote is finally on the table and i expect for the 60 billion dollars worth of ammo and missiles to be sent to the Ukraine ASAP! And before the usual people say the money is better spent inside of the US?They are sending old material that will has to be discarded soon anyway and replace it with the newest gear inside the US. Win win for both sides.!!! But why has it taken so long?The blood of many innocent Ukrainians is on the hands of Mike Johnson. But he flipped!No more talk about securing the US border first,what happened to him? I am sure he got a call from some body!Who? There are a few possibilities but who cares? Please get the vote done and send a lot of missiles and SAM's in the direction of putin. The tide is finally turning. Go Ukraine! Pleas watch the video,Mike does not look very happy,like a little boy who is made to apologize .He is saying things he does not like to say.
  14. Is never going to work and a very bad idea imo.Do you think there is no rape at all among people of the same sex?How are you going to fix that? The death penalty is one way of assuring the same person does not do it again, but are we going to view any male as a potential rapist?
  15. This is not over yet,a bigger storm is brewing. He has some real enemies and some powerful allies. Will the truth ever come out?Maybe,if he can stay alive. We all now who is running the country now,and it is not the elected government. We live in interesting times!
  16. Does this mean the arrow will come back?and bob will become a mod? We live in interesting times.
  17. So you are saying he should be in court?Then why all the whining about trump? Will you accept the outcome?
  18. Here you go,now i am waiting for your link or did you forget? https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/03/donald-trump-legal-cases-charges/675531/
  19. He is in court because of stealing and cheating! Do you believe all of the charges against him are false?
  20. I hope you are alert and awake,i asked you yesterday for a link about the students you claim shouted"'death to America". Did you find it yet?
  21. I knew this dog from a young puppy on wards. He bit me when he was something like 6 months old,the owner had no clue about the dog and how to handle it. After the dog bit a few people he was taken to Isan some where. It may have been a good working dog but it needed an owner who could read and handle such a dog.
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