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    Chiang Rai

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  1. Age 67. Daily five km walk near rice fields around sunset...lifting weights and barbells every second day, cycling three times a week, 25km each time. Plus, now that its hot, 45 minutes of swimming early in the morning. Despite doing all this for years, I still need to drop at least 10 kgs. Doh!
  2. What a relief. Canada would never want you as the 11th province either!! America has new friends anyways, namely Russia and North Korea. Enjoy your well deserved PARIAH status. :-)
  3. As there is no logical economic basis for the introduction of tariffs, the more likely reason for all this is the hatred that Trump has for Trudeau, who will be replaced today, btw. Hold on, did I use the word logical and Trump in the same sentence? Doh!!
  4. Since marrying a Thai lady 30 years ago, I've supported my wife's parents, put her niece through university, paid for her mums many medical procedures, a nephew through college and am currently supporting a 12 years old grand niece and my wife's dad, who is now 90 years old. I gave her brother some land to build a house on as thanks for helping us put up our house, and regularly employ some local folks to help us cut back some jungle and keep the house clean. Although I wasn't always happy to assist, things have worked out well and I have a strong and intact family that always steps up when i need help of any kind. My attitude towards all this has softened over the years, but hey, you can't take it with you, so....
  5. Sadly, it seems that way. A tiny bit of context for you....my ancestors on my father's side came to a land that later became known as Canada in 1609. Anyone who tries to tell me that I come from a place "not worth saving" is not getting a free pass from me, parrot or not.
  6. Interesting comment. Pray tell...what makes you think that Canada is already beyond saving? Could it be their supremacy in ice hockey, their respect for their own citizens, their acceptance of non white people as valued members of society, their hatred of intolerance, their protection of nature, their willingness to help Americans in times of trouble (housing people unable to fly during 911), helping put out fires in LA, spilling blood in Afghanistan, etc etc ad infin. Canada isn't perfect, but an ill considered, abusive and sweeping statement that it is "beyond saving" is a bit rich.
  7. At this stage, one has to wonder if Trump much cares what the voters think. He has become a self appointed "King of 'Murica" and claims, publicly, that he doesn't need any stinking votes. He just wants to retain power, just like Vlad, his very special friend.
  8. Back in the early 1980's I was a member of student government in my university. A dinner, featuring Henry Kissinger, was organized and I was invited. I wore a Dead Kennedy's tee shirt with "Holiday in Cambodia" printed on the front. The secret service detail wasn't impressed, and requested that I take it off or leave. I left.
  9. I very much want to agree, but Trump may have a way around it — and it’s a method he has used before.: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/11/08/trump-nato-congress-courts-00188426
  10. Your chosen nickname seems ironic, considering your combative attitude. Do you think everyone outside the US has to be neutral about having a Russian ally as President of the USA? What are "veiwers" by the way...is that a new spelling suggested by your golden comb over King? Oh, with regard to your comment about Joe Rogan's popularity, I suggest you look here: https://www.newsweek.com/joe-rogan-podcast-slipping-charts-third-2037713
  11. After watching Musk on a recent vain attempt by Joe Rogan to regain a modicum of popularity he has now lost, I got the distinct impression that the US Social Security system is soon to be under enormous stress. Reports suggest that over 6,000 employees of the Social Security Administration have already been relieved of their duties, a fact that should give some US citizens pause over what may become of their monthly payments. I have no dog in the fight as I am not American and don't even qualify for any pension due to being out of my own country for most of my adult life, but I have several American friends who are highly dependant on SS, no pun intended. Any thoughts on this, or do you see it as just another "conspiracy theory" that will never happen? *Derogatory nickname edited out*
  12. Completely false statement. Check this out: https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/04/politics/fact-check-trump-falsely-claims-canada-prohibits-us-banks/index.html Before you post false statements, I recommend that you check their veracity before hitting send. Trump's claims about the banking system, like just about everything else that comes out of his anus shaped pie hole, is an utter lie.
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