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Posts posted by than

  1. It is to be hoped that there will be an international observer at the autopsy.

    What do you insinuate ? That military kill this man ?

    This death not profit to military but only one group people, red terrorist group.

    The Gunman now dead cannot give the name of red leaders who order to assassinate Sutin Taratin.

    Only reds group can profit of this death......

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  2. Not only khun "T" has resource to launch a terror campaign, some people like is foreign layer Mr "A" has a lot f contact and can make this.

    Khun " T" is distance them self from Mr "A", but Mr "A" is a close aide to Red shirt and anti-monarchist movement.

    I think investigation could made in this direction, perhaps some foreign government or agencies are implicate in this terror campaign

  3. Same law are in force in Western democratic country, where justice and government can ban gathering people for security purpose or if not respect freedon of other people. In western country you can see police crackdown rally.......


    Welcome to western democracy 


    "The freedom of one ends where someone else's begins" French proverb 

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