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Posts posted by than

  1. An other evidence that Yingluck has no honor. She send puppet to defend herself.

    But these puppets don't give answer about some question :

    why this scheme lost money ?

    During her regime, Why farmers no receive their money since several months ?

    why some rice stockpile disappeared ?

    Why no country buy thai rice during her regime ?

    Why Yingluck let farmers commit suicide ?

    Why Yingluck regime help only rich farmer and no poor farmers ?

    Why She let corruption prospers in the rice scheme ?

    • Like 2
  2. It was already strange that Air Asia changed the flight's departure time to two hours earlier than the original time. I haven't seen any explanation given for that.

    One possible explanation could be that at this peak period of the year the flight was overbooked and ground staff preferred to let it take off two hours before scheduled departure (indeed some people missed this flight due to the earlier departure and survived).

    What is the meaning of "not cleared" : that this was a flight added before paperwork was done.... to cope with too high demand?

    Yes your in the money. Also I think AirAsia are only allowed to opperate from that airport certain number of days. In any event the cause of crash is speculation.

    I don't like people posting ideas with no basis....however just as an input.... I rent my home in AU to 3 pilots. We had a chat when I was briefly in AU. They used technical terms but the gist was....in certain weather conditions, water droplets are pushed upward at incredible speed. Less speed they hit plane as ice and just bounce off. In some instances the are still droplets of water and cling to aircraft. They then turn into ice. This process continues. Also this very good aircraft is controlled very much by computer system. They then send all conflicting messages etc. The lads mentioned that this happened with a famous air crash. Think it was air France.

    All this is second hand knowledge. Just found it interesting. I have zero background in aeronautics.

    If you have sore donk pm me

    It was Air France 447 & exactly some of what I refer to many times. The AF447 crash is a really good example of inexperience not identifying with a basic condition of flight 'aerodynamic stall' . It's also a good example of Automation gone crazy.

    Bring back Cables and flight controls, or at least give pilots plenty of opportunities to use the ones they have. No go check airline sops about the manual flying of aircraft.


    In AF447 final report show a lot of mistake from crew, first one no apply false IAS procedure, second pilot on command no proceed correctly with stall at high altitude... The FO and the second pilot were not enough training in this condition of flight. Captain was not the competence to pilot this day due to lack of rest......

    BEA report :

    • temporary inconsistency between the measured speeds, likely as a result of the obstruction of the pitot tubes by ice crystals, causing autopilot disconnection and reconfiguration to alternate law;
    • the crew made inappropriate control inputs that destabilized the flight path;
    • the crew failed to follow appropriate procedure for loss of displayed airspeed information;
    • the crew were late in identifying and correcting the deviation from the flight path;
    • the crew lacked understanding of the approach to stall;
    • the crew failed to recognize that the aircraft had stalled and consequently did not make inputs that would have made it possible to recover from the stall.
    • Like 1
  3. If ATC cleared them , then they had permission , trying to pass the buck ?whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

    Are you saying ATC has copies of all license agreements for every airline departing and landing in a given location. You do realize that ATC has a lot if stress placed on them just trying to keep planes from running into each other and perhaps has no time to try and figure out if an airline is ignoring their license agreement with a given country.


    ATC has no involvement in where airlines are licensed to fly. They are asked for clearances, and give them.

    The bigger questions would be:

    how did the airline expect to get away with it (they would know they would be caught out);

    why did the flight leave an unprecedented two hours early;

    why did ATC wait almost an hour after losing contact with the aircraft, before reporting it lost;

    and why did Tony Fernandez sell almost a million shares of Air Asia's Tune Insurance (the insurance travelers buy when booking the flight) two days before the incident?

    ATC and FIR are involve in Flight route and authorization. first when a company make a flight it file flight route date and time to flights offices of Singapore and Indonesia. If there are a problem one of this two offices must to tell...... Now on CAAS website, Singapore give authorization to Indonesia Air Asia to operate flight that day. This is under agreement between Indonesia and Singapore............

  4. The "Men In Black" came with one purpose, to incite urban warfare and create enough martyrs for the cause, so that partisan ghouls could score political points in pursuit of an agenda.

    You think they wouldn't do that? From the horses mouth:

    "UDD co-leader Jakkrapob has told some contacts privately that he favors instigating small acts of violence in hopes of triggering an overreaction by security forces, which in turn would give momentum to red calls for systemic change."


    Exactly, Jakkrapob and red shirt leaders are used some method form communist insurrection or anarchist movement like Black block for their personal gain.

    Your video from CNN show the evidence that Red shirt has been armed during this conflict and this is reveal to the world face. Now some red fanatics cannot deny the facts !

    This is rise another question, what were the real purpose of this insurrection, topple Abhisit government or more ?

    • Like 2
  5. Students with old faces ?

    some old face faction how try to disrupt reform process........

    A self elected junta made up of a military oligarchy, in any country in the world, who steal the people's vote with guns and imprisonment can not be called reformists except by fascist sympathisers.

    When a political party win election with cheating, threatening and vote-buying, when an "elected" use terrorism to silent opponent and kill children, when an "elected" government use extra judicial process for kill some innocent people without trial, when an "elected" government try to topple rule of law and constitution by illegal means, when " an "elected" steal money from tax payer, steal and cheating poor farmers I'm not call this democracy but Shins Dictatorship

    All of this "elected" people believe they are above the law, now it's time to change this for Thailand have true democracy........

    And work begin and not please to old factions....... First their ally in police begin to loose their influence, some of them have been jail now..........

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    It's not a problem PTP/UDD are not democratic element in Thailand.......

    Whereas Gen. Prayuth and his friends who stole power at the end of a gun barrel are of course, consummate democrats?

    What about a political party would use illegal means to control totally the country, to govern for a convict fugitive person and not for the well being of the people, to try to destroyed check of balance of institutions for their own profit.. I call this an anti democratic party

    You've been reading 'The Nation' too much!

    Not only, BP, le Monde, Washington post, Courier Internationale, the Diplomatic World............

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