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Posts posted by than

  1. So to get this straight the EU is punishing Thailand for removing an accused mass murderer, accessed terrorist and convicted criminal fugitive that is running Thailand while being unelected and was ushered into power through the UDD who funded the 7 months of terror attacks in Bangkok. I wonder what the EU members would say if these daily terror attacks happened in their country? I wonder if they would ask for the government to be returned if their children were killed by terrorists that supported the illegitimate regime and that regime refused to arrest anyone that committed crimes in defense of it? I wonder?

    The EU clearly understand however that elections do not define the legitimacy of a government in power. Look no further than Ukraine and the EU support of armed neo-nazis in overthrowing an elected government. Western media narratives portraying the rabble as aspiring for “freedom,” “democracy,” and “closer ties with the West.”

    The Russians called it a "bloody coup" however. Who to believe? On Jan 25th, 2014, 29 Ukrainian leaders of political parties, civic and religious organizations, sent an open letter to the UN and leaders of the EU and the US, decrying the Western support for the neo-Nazi campaign to carry out a bloody coup against a legitimately elected government. So do we believe the Russians here or the West? I am not perplexed because I understand the fundamentals of global politics that the people that call me naive don't.

    The EU's condemnation of the Thai coup, but support of violent neo-nazi uprisings exemplifies that special interests over principles, define when "democracy" must be respected, and when it can be ignored. Americas condemnation of the Thai coup, but support of the Egyptian coup against a democratically elected government, exemplifies that special interests over principles, define when "democracy" must be respected, and when it can be ignored. Governments do not adhere to political ideologies, they simply use them when and where profitable. Some are naive to think otherwise.

    It is not this love for democracy that some on here purport to respect because if they did that narrative would have been evident under the PTP regime. It is a measured groomed narrative that through propaganda allows one to have this warped ideal that the West is right so Thailand's coup is bad. It is those same people that believed the PTP propaganda too. Those same people that without thinking praise the Ukraine uprising and praise the Egyptian coup.

    They are propaganda and conspiracy junkies and it makes their naivety look like Einstein’s intelligence on steroids. I am not angry with them or hate them. I pity them.

    ​May reconciliation be with you. It is contagious you know!!!

    You are well resume the situation. I'm not remember EU or US condemn murders of children.......

    We cannot tell anymore !!!!!! Well done

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  2. The writer spent time in China? The whole piece reminds me of the propaganda pieces coming out of Beijing.

    In any event, you have to stop reading at "...tear apart the fabric of the social order." In Asia, except Japan, there is no social order ideal. It's a "get there first by any means and other people don't exist" ideal.

    You must review your Geo political, the writer show you the real fact of the world, US lose influence in the world, and new developed countries rises and now form a block to counter US. They detain a large part of world economy..... If US no want Thailand to be reform and go forward, the BRICS could accept it.

    Just for memory China detain a main part of US debt, if China want it can topple US economy quickly.........

  3. I'm very surprise to not see US in the Tier 3 too, because this country use a lot of slavery manpower around the world for his own industries.....

    for example, US textile industries use Bangladesh slave........ Some US company use Mexican salve in Tijuana city border......

    US just use an excuse for prevent military to reform country

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