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Posts posted by than

  1. Pretty hard to be a above ground anti government movement as it's illegal under this appointed PM

    Raises an interesting question??

    Who is illegal? The selfappointed government or their democratic minded opponents??coffee1.gif

    The judge would decide, the Amy appointed judge at the court martial, I'm sure it would be a fair trial lol

    Martial court is under jurisdiction of the Judge Advocate General department.

  2. In all countries suspect of horrible murder told they have been tortured...... or forced to make confession

    Let justice do their job.....

    In this case DNA test show that the two suspects were in the murder place.......

    Tell DNA test was bias it is very difficult because Thailand has the same standard for DNA test like other countries......

    This test consist to extract DNA from body fluid, after sequence it for have the DNA fingerprinting. After coroner compare the different DNA

    This test is the same in USA EUROPE and other country.......

  3. Preventing nepotistic kleptocrats from gaining power seems to be anathema to Democracy to some people. "Shows bias" they say, good grief.

    Thaksin supporters are like political snake oil sellers, they'll cry you are against medicine and the well being of people as they try to sell their poison and pass it as a miracle cure to all ailments.

    The next thing you know people will be defending a military coup as the only alternative to democracy.

    When Democracy was bias by criminal and corrupt politician whistling.gif

  4. Well, you can't argue with the facts.

    The DNA results from the victims said the attackers were Asian, so they arrested three Asians

    I would really like to know if all traces of evidence were removed from the bodies before they made it back home and if follow up tests will be done at some point in the future. It could be years away but I'm sure the full proven truth will eventually emerge.

    If that DNA exists outside Thailand then collecting samples to match it with will be trivial in the future.

    DNA test result show DNA from suspects are the same discover on female vicitm's body

  5. x9-18-2014-1-56-53-PM-wpcf_728x413.jpg.p

    Jatuporn can read - I knew he could incite others to violence and crime,...but reading...I did not know that about him. This really changes my attitude towards him and the UDD, there is hope yet! Use this skill, Jatuporn, use it!

    Don't get carried away. Its just a picture he is looking at

    Don't forget his inflammatory speeches during his attempt of revolution in 2010

    He just said if soldier come, reds must burn Bangkok, go to city hall in all province and burn its...

    ​It's not my word but them of reds leaders

  6. Water boarding is a great teller of the truth, love to see these people being arrested and hopefully slammed away, all you liberals save your breath it's wasted on me.

    Personal experience then I take it? An innocent man would confess to anything to stop the torture.. have a wee ponder over that one

    Stop to see torture everywhere when suspect are reds terrorist.....

    For remember during Taksin regime there were no trial no investigation just extrajudicial execution...............

    • Like 1
  7. Oh, American will be downgrade diplomatic relation and take sanction against junta for arrest this poor vendor. Where american fatty will be seat if there are not chair for them.......

    Seriously Beaches are for all Thai people not for only people who pay for chair....

    Cleaning beaches form this mafia is a good thing.

  8. For a while this forum was nice but now the red propaganda machine is turning it sour again

    Ah yes, because one must be a Red to oppose fascism.

    More toothless name-calling from the apologists.

    Red are Fascist because they want to seize power :

    by force and threatening.

    by killing children and innocents people,

    by burning city and destroy private property..

    by using blindness of poor people................

    by using human shield......

    by using pseudo black magic.........

    Reds are the devil, and Thailand need to clean it these rubbishes....

    Pro-red parties have only ever seized power by elections. In the past 2 decades, every time a pro-yellow party has seized power, it has been by unelected means. And I think that a military coup is a textbook example of "seizing power by force".

    Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    In December 2007 Pro red party loose premiership because of election irregularity (vote buying is not democracy. Vote buying is not free and fair election.) Other remember, you not vote for a premier but for a deputy, if majority change in the house of representative is democracy. Not blame other for this but just cupid and corrupt red politician for this.

    2008 first attempt to change country system by reds

    2010 second attempt to change country system by reds

    2008 and 2010 event are two example of use force by red shirt to to change the rule of law.....

    2013 to 2014 red movement use violence means against opposition.

    YL government do nothing to protect the high institution and citizen of Thailand. Her party use some violent element to undermine the country. YL and her government have a part of responsibility in this new coup.

    If they respected the rule of law in the beginning, all of this never do.

    • Like 2
  9. A people court is a great idea, they can judge Red leaders who used human shield during crackdown too

    They can judge red leaders for used forces against innocent citizen, used terrorist method, threaten sick people in hospital, to order looting and arson in Bangkok......

    Before judge security officers and personal for restore law and order and protect innocent , justice must punish the the real culprit of these all tragic events : UDD and their terrorist cronies

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