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  1. 5 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    It is junta time. They don't snatch :partytime2:power, appoint crony anti corruption agencies, protect themselves with amnesty and use article 44 to seize assets of political enemies for nothing. 


    Like other thread, you not understand what happen in Thailand, this is an article give you an analysis of problem in the rice pledging scheme




    Only 8% of farmers receive benefit from the scheme (high to moderate-income farmers), poor farmers have not enough plot of land to participate to the scheme (but in the PTP programm all farmers and not for one categories of farmers). 


     For example, it found that the farmers who would receive the most benefit from the scheme would be high to moderate-income farmers (around 1.185 million households), because they are capable of cultivating considerable amounts of rice for the purpose of selling their product to the government. (Id.) In contrast, low-income farmers possess only the ability to cultivate rice for consumption by their own households. Thus, they would not have enough rice to enter into the rice pledging scheme. (Id.) Furthermore, THAI PBS found that only 8% of farmers would benefit from this scheme. (1 Year: Problems of Rice Pledging Scheme of Yingluck Administration, supra.)

    Now she cannot (or not want) to stop corruption and cheating in the scheme, rice from Cambodia and Myanmar were used by thai traders for the scheme.



     According to a Burmese news outlet, Ye Min Aung, Secretary of the Burmese Rice Merchants Federation, stated that “at the beginning of this year (2013 ), Thai traders started to buy normal rice and broken rice [grains] from Myanmar and transport it across the border. This cross border rice trade is related to the Thai government’s rice scheme. Thai farmers will benefit if they buy cheap Burmese rice and import it into Thailand for this scheme.” (Thai Subsidy Scheme Leads to Burmese Rice Sell-Off, THE IRRAWADDY (July 3, 2013).)



    This trial is based on evidences not on your supposed plots. She was negligent in her duty to control and to stop the scheme when she can.


    During 2012 to 2014 she receive warms from IMF, scholars and oppositions parties, but she decide to do nothing. In the European countries, this scheme would be scrap immediate for stop loose in states budget.



    • the World Bank (2012): a loss of 1.2 per cent of GDP for the 2012/2013 Program (or based on the Thai GDP at 2013 it equals $11 billion);

    • Recently, the Bank’s 2014 East Asia Economic Update quoted an estimate by Thailand’s Ministry of Finance suggesting a loss of 3.8 per cent of GDP (or based on the Thai GDP at 2014 it equals $14.7 billion) (The World Bank 2014).


    This time the attack on a programme that is costing the government billions of dollars a year and adding to worries about the country’s economy is delivered diplomatically, but none the less forcefully, by the International Monetary Fund.

    In its annual review of the Thai economy, the IMF said this of an initiative into which the administration of prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra has now poured well over $20bn since it was launched in late 2011:

    "The staff sees clear merit in replacing the rice pledging scheme with budgetary transfers targeted at low-income agricultural households." (In fact, surveys showed that only High and middle-income farmers were the real The real beneficiaries of this schemes).

    Financial Times : Thai rice scheme: IMF ramps up the criticism Nov 12 2013


  2. 56 minutes ago, starky said:

    Let's see if you can guess who else was also buying votes at the same time but lost because they were no where near as popular. Which happens every time there is an election which is why the silly fycks have to keep having coups, cos they just can't win....it rhymes with the fellows

    2007 PPP loose his majority in parliament due to vote buying.......


    If PTP follow the rules, it can stay in power. If it's main purpose his to help a criminal it cannot stay in office.


  3. 21 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    Oh rubbish. The people vote them in. Over and over the people vote them in. 

    And quite frankly why shouldn't he be absolved. He paid 37 billion already. The man is adored and the people wanted him back. 

    When voter were paid for vote to him. People like is money not him......



    why shouldn't he be absolved

    Because he must to pay for his crime.......He is a corrupt capitalist politician and he has numerous case against him

  4. 38 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

    I am basically ambivalent when it comes to Thai politics, but the best thing the Pheu Thai party could do would be to make Khunying Sudarat the leader as Monthatip is a Shinawatra and Seripisut is a retired Police General.

    K.Sudarat has the most credibility with her long association with P.T. That in itself may be a handicap though.


    Not sure Brother N°1 will be agree. PTP is Shin for him

  5. 6 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

    So less than a year after several airlines, including Thai airways, were red flagged for lack of maintenance they consider themselves a able to be the worlds No.1 MRO.


    Only in Thailand someone would even dare to make such a ridiculous statement.

    Big lie, Thai Airways has never been red flagged for maintenance issue. If Thai Airways was a maintenance issue it will be automatically black listed by European Aviation Safety Agency , sorry for you, this is not the case. Meanwhile, TG an PG are successfully completed IOSA audits reflecting compliance with over 900 global standards on operational safety.


    It's the former DCA who was under scrutinize of ICAO. ICAO found problem in the DCA. In it report They noted a lack of personnel for the operations of certification and control of air operations





    Thailand reportedly only satisfied 21 out the 100 criteria inspected during the USOAP audit with problem areas said to include personnel licensing and training, airworthiness assessment and certification, airline operations oversight and the granting of Air Operator Certificates (AOC) to airlines



    Alan Polivnick, a partner at global law firm Watson Farley & Williams, which specializes in aviation matters, says the biggest issue is how other countries will respond to the red flag.

    Polivnick says it's the regulator -- not individual airlines -- that the ICAO is looking at.





    The audit covers a broad range of areas relevant to aviation safety and airline operations but is intended to assess the performance and expertise of the civil aviation authority and not of individual airlines. Some of the key areas considered are personnel licensing and training, airworthiness assessment and certification, accident investigation and airline operations oversight and licensing.



  6. 6 hours ago, Smarter Than You said:

    You obviously didn't read all of the report you cite otherwise you would be aware of its conclusion


    "Forensic evidence and witness accounts detailed in a May 2011 Human Rights Watch report, "Descent into Chaos: Thailand's 2010 Red Shirt Protests and the Government Crackdown," showed that high numbers of casualties among protesters, volunteer medics, reporters, photographers, and bystanders occurred in the areas designated as "live fire zones" by the government-appointed Center for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES). Most deaths and injuries resulted from excessive and unnecessary lethal force by the Thai army and other security forces, Human Rights Watch said."

    Hold elections + respect the results = nobody dead.

    Only one side doesn't respect elections.

    As a result of that, unfortunately extremists from both sides have resorted to violence ... and now this lady is off to jail.

    All political sides not respect election in Thailand, UDD and PTP in first place.

    In 2007 PPP are no respect election rules : NO FRAUD during election. But their High members decided defied this ban and massively buy votes. They been catch and  found guilty for election fraud. 
    Verdict, they lose they MP seats and the majority in parliament. In Thai system people not elect premier, just vote for MP how elect PM.



    No election fraud = No loose majority in Parlement = nobody dead.


    Now why there are live fire zone in BKK during reds uprising. Because some reds leaders are launch there private army in the street of Bangkok for assault innocent people too (clash between multi-colored and red)....... if you read carefully HRW report, you will see blame go to the two sides : Authorities and reds shirts. HRW blame different government DEM and PTP not to have pursued the various protagonists.


    This lady just had the bad idea to get caught after her crime.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

    I would have thought if the Red Shirts were going to be far anything it would be left.


    You my friend have described the PAD, the Yellow Shirts, Pitak Siam and last but not least... the PDRC.


    The Red Shirts are the majority, they are predominantly good and decent everyday folk who have grown tired of being exploited by a greedy and corrupt elite that cowardly hide behind the military's guns - too scared to face elections.


    The Red Shirts want this dispute to be settled with ballots in voting booths, it is those you described that have chosen bombs and guns in the streets.



    As night fell, renewed clashes erupted when the army attempted to move in on the Phan Fa camp and were confronted by well-armed and organized groups of armed militants affiliated with the UDD. Known as the “Black Shirts,” they fired M16 and AK-47 assault rifles at soldiers, and used M79 grenade launchers and M67 hand grenades at the Khok Wua junction and at the Democracy Monument, devastating army troops in the process. The army unit’s commanding officer, Col. Romklao Thuwatham, was among the first to be killed, apparently in a targeted M79 grenade attack. Many senior officers were wounded. Panicked and leaderless, the troops withdrew into backstreets, often firing directly at UDD protesters massed before them. The result was Bangkok’s deadliest violence in decades, which left 26 people dead, including five soldiers, and more than 860 wounded.


    A foreign photojournalist was behind army lines in Din So Road when the soldiers were attacked by Black Shirts with grenades and gunfire. He told Human Rights Watch:

    [T]hey [the soldiers] got hit by a grenade. They fell back and had injured with them, so to give cover to their wounded they returned fire. The Black Shirts were ahead of them, attacking….I could see their fire incoming at us….The Black Shirts didn’t come to try and take territory—they shoot and then they leave; they hit [the soldiers] and retreat.

    It sure the red cowardly black militia used human shield for make they deadly action 


    Source Descent into Chaos HRW May 3, 2011

  8. 19 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

    Surprise surprise, after all that happened in 2010, it is a Red shirt that is going to jail.

    Maybe they'll move onto the Yellows next and then follow them with the military - after all, these two groups had the higher kill rate.

    If she is guilty, the sentence seems awfully light though.

    Red shirts is a far right criminal organisation. They used terrorism method against authorities (arson, armed rebellion, bombs attacks.....). Now they paid for this !



  9. 33 minutes ago, NoBrains said:

    Funny how Thailand works, he did nothing wrong in Thailand and still they throw him in Jail.
    Now they hearing alot of inspectors in the Netherland  , van Laarhoven aswell wrote a letter to the Dutch King ,  and something went wrong in the communication between Dutch and Thai authorities that they throw him in Jail,  normaly they get be deported back to the home country.   Dutch Authorities says that Thailand not respond on requests.

    Thai Law B.E 2527 Legislation Procedure for Co-operation between States in the Execution of Panel Sentences specifies that applications for transfer shall be considered only for detainees:
    • Not possessing Thai nationality
    • Having acquitted or being pardoned for the fine and damages set by the court.
    • Not having been convicted of a crime of lese-majeste.
    • Having executed 4 years of detention or one third of their sentence (at most favorable for the detainee). This period shall be extended to 8 years for any life sentence of a drug offense.
    In addition, the Thai authorities will only agree to a transfer if, on the day of the commission, the remaining penalty is more than one year.

  10. 555555


    And some people find it unfair to sue him in Thailand because he was the owner of a coffee shop. But it seems that the Dutch authorities have some charges against him.


    Drugs (including cannabis) are officially illegal in the Netherlands. But Dutch legislation distinguishes between hard drugs (which are forbidden to distribute, sell, produce or possess) and "soft drugs" (including cannabis).

    The sale of cannabis (or its purchase) remains illegal, but burglaries are not pursued: the police prefer to target large traffickers who sell hard drugs rather than look for hazards to small consumers with a few grams of grass on them provided To respect the 5 golden rules adopted by the parliament in 1996 (see below)


    Coffee shops in Amsterdam
    Coffee shops are places where cannabis and marijuana derivatives can be purchased and consumed; They are simply tolerated, and governed by strict rules.
    5 Rules: (Act passed by Parliament in 1996)
    1. No Hard Drugs
    2. No advertising,
    3. Respect for public order
    4. Prohibition on sale to minors
    5. Not more than 5 g sold per transaction and per person
    Licenses are no longer renewed in the event of closure, as the municipality wants to reduce the number of coffee shops by at least half.


    In general in Nederlands, avoid smoking cannabis on the street. It is very badly seen by local people.

  11. A pathetic actress. You and your entourage had never shed tears for these poor farmers who committed suicide because of your disastrous policy. These people trusted you but you betrayed them.
    If you must blame a person, it is your brother that you must to blame. He used you and he did everything for you finish in prison. Your brother is only a liberal capitalist who has tried, with the help of your policy, to manipulate rice prices in international markets. But this is back against him and unfortunately has had a deplorable impact on Thailand and its farmers

  12. 8 hours ago, Seismic said:

    Pattaya can never be a family friendly resort as long as there is so little parking, polluted beaches and water, terrible traffic, flooding , constant road works, scams and rip-offs. While they are trying to paper over the 'farang visited' bars, they dont seem to have done much about the numerous karaoke and thai bars that also feature prostitution.

    With the high number of Russian staying in Pattaya it seems to not be a problem


    3 hours ago, webfact said:


    "(Qatar) embraces multiple terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at disturbing stability in the region, including the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS (Islamic State) and al-Qaeda, and promotes the message and schemes of these groups through their media constantly," state news agency SPA said.

    Don't forget, Ben Laden was a Saudi citizen


    10 of 11 terrorist in 9 11 were Saudi citizen


    A WikiLeaks released memo from the United States Secretary of State sent in 2009 asserted that the primary source of funding of Sunni terrorist groups worldwide was Saudi Arabia.

    source Eric Lichtbau and Eric Schmitt Cash Flow to Terrorists Evades U.S. Efforts The New York Times, December 5, 2010


  14. But but But, did not Mr TRUMP claim during his visit to Saudi Arabia, a great bastion of democracy and women's rights in this region, that Iran was the country that endured terrorism?
    Mr Corbyn risks reserving a vindictive tweet from our American twist rectifier, Donald.

    Oh yes, there is one at the White House who is mistaken in enemy: ISIS is Sunni (like Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc. ...) contrary to Iran which is Shiite.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Al Jazeera is far from propaganda, They did one of the best Yingluck Shiniwattra interviews. Much better than the fawning Head/BBC.


    RT do carry some interesting stories that otherwise don't get aired. 


    TV5 Monde. 


    For Thai news it's Channel 7 and a couple of others.


    I've worked with Reuters, not on journalism, so know them, and follow them. Xinhua is good. AP okish.


    All news media have their bias. Whether country, government or owner driven,

    Well you look a french Tv


    for RT http://www.fakenewschecker.com/fake-news-source/rt-russia-today

  16. 6 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    I follow the BBC, Al Jazeera, Russia Today, CNBC, CCTV, Australian TV, TV5, Japanese and German media.


    Even so, it's getting harder and harder to decide what's real.

    Media part and crosscheck is just for national news, for international i follow AP,  Reuters and Xinhua


    Al jazeera Qatar brotherhood sponsored TV

    Russian today kremlin sponsored TV


    TV5 you speak about TV5 Thai, or TV5 Monde ?

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