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Posts posted by than

  1. 2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Could you explain the actual stricter regulations that the EU wanted, the UK alternative position and how the UK managed to shoot down the EU wishes? 


    that is some advantage of British MEPs (Members of European Parlement) vs continental MEPs : 


    -The British MEPs have received compensation for their travel in their constituency, but not the MEPs, although their constituency is larger.
    - A lump sum of just under £ 19,500 was paid to the British MEPs for their expenses at the seat of parliament, whatever the time they actually spent there. The MEPs received £ 150 per day of attendance and had to prove their presence by a signature.
    - First class train tickets were given to British MEPs for their wife and children up to thirty times a year. MEPs have not had this privilege.
    - The British MEPs received two return tickets per year for each European Parliament or the European Parliament itself. Not the MEPs.
    - At the end of their term, the British MPs receive four months of office allowances, when MEPs receive three.


    (Source Scandalous British privilege in European Parlement  Le Monde 2016)

  2. 50 minutes ago, Raymonddiaz said:

    conclusion: The people who did it are close to the men in uniform.

    "Anthony Davis dismissed speculation the bombing resulted from army factionalism turned violent. He said internal conflict within the armed forces has winded down since a new army chief not aligned with Prayuth’s faction was appointed in October."

    Anthony Davis, security consultant for IHS-Jane’s  Khaosod English 2017, May 25

  3. 11 hours ago, Credo said:

    1/There should be access to the cargo hold.   It would make for a good place to drag passengers who are unruly.


    2/There are a lot of problems with computers in the hold, the biggest is the fact that there is a good chance of theft or damage.   When I travel, I need my laptop.   I don't need it in the cabin, but I do need it and the information on it to arrive safely.    Maybe the next rule should be no cash allowed in the cabin, it must be in your luggage.   


    I do trust that the people in charge take security seriously, but I seriously wonder if this is the best way to go about it.   

    1/ They should be......

    2/ I'm agree, and with laptop in hold luggage, US authorities can easily access to your laptop without your consent.

    What guarantees that US authorities do not inspect the contents of your laptop.


    Inspection Notices: TSA may inspect your checked baggage during the screening process. If your property is physically inspected, TSA will place a notice of baggage inspection inside your bag. This is to inform you that an officer conducted an inspection of your property.

    TSA notice found in luggage : 

    "To protect you and other passengers, the law mandates the TSA to inspect each registered luggage. In the process, some baggage is opened and inspected manually "


    more information on TSA website https://www.tsa.gov/travel/travel-tips

  4. 3 hours ago, tonray said:

    If they are putting them in cargo that presumes they are being inspected more vigorously beforehand. Why not just have that inspection for carry-on ? I'm missing something here....a bomb in a laptop is still a bomb in the cargo hold or passenger compartment. So just intensify the screening for carry on baggage.


    Huuummmm with a lot of lithium-ion batteries in cargo hold a flight to US will become really hazardous and dangerous




  5. 8 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Personally i had hoped Le Pen would win.

    She would have been a thorn in the side of the corrupt EU.

    Macron will just be the EUs puppet.



    Le Pen and FN are corrupt too


    A former adviser to Marine Le Pen denounces "a system of generalized corruption" in the FN




    Marine Le Pen refuses to repay €300k of 'misspent' EU funds



    France's Marine Le Pen summoned by judges over fake job scandal





  6. 7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I do not see America firing anything into the North, without the full prior approval from China, which I also do not see happening.

    The only way anything will happen is if the North are stupid enough to make an offensive move, leaving retaliation as an option.


    I'm agree , i not sure US want to restart a war in Korea peninsula. There are not peace treaty between the two Korea and a strike by US could be seen as a violation of Korean armistice agreement and could lead to a new conflict with uncertainty about the reaction of china.

  7. 8 hours ago, Ricardo said:

    But there weren't,  while his sister's PTP-led government  was in-power from 2011-2014,  yet still he didn't feel able to break his self-imposed exile ? :wink:


    And that after his cousin-in-law Surapong, while Foreign Minister, had gone to the trouble of getting him a new Thai passport, too.


    One can only speculate as to why not ? :whistling:



    Hi Ricardo, It's a waste of time to discuss with Baboon. 

    He continues to believe that his god, fleeing justice for hide at Dubai, is only a mere innocent, that he never changed the 1997 constitution for his own interests. That he never threaten press and critics.
    He continues to believe that black shirts are a pure invention of the international press. :jap:


  8. 2 hours ago, yardrunner said:

    but any election here is deemed corrupt if the elite and army dont like the result


    You just forget that Thaksin belongs to this elite that you denounce


    Thaksin regime was characterized by  the authoritarianism ;


    "Since taking office, February 2001, Mr. Thaksin was regularly criticized for his authoritarian inability to tolerate criticism, whether from opposition, intellectuals or

    Quote from : The Thaksin Sytem: A Halt to Democratization or Democracy the “Thai Way”?  

                          Nicolas Revise  Centre d'études et de recherches internationales Sciences Po Paris


    During his mandate he toppled all institutional safeguards (Electoral and Anti-Corruption Committees, Court
    Constitutional ...) supposed to prevent the traditional evils of the Thai elections: patronage, clientelism and vote buying.


    "If the elections of 6 January 2001 innovate through this pragmatic confrontation and the vindictive style of Thaksin, they nevertheless remain faithful to the tradition of the elections precedents: voting purchases are legion, A member of the electoral commission that this election said that this election is "the dirtiest in the history of Thailand"."  

    Quote from : The Thaksin Sytem: A Halt to Democratization or Democracy the “Thai Way”?  

                          Nicolas Revise  Centre d'études et de recherches internationales Sciences Po Paris



    Thaksin has never been a democratic politician, he is just a populist

  9. Well well well......


    Since few years Major Gulf airlines have invested heavily in the internet aboard aircraft, for passagers can use their computer for entertainment or work.


    15 days ago the US major Airlines meet Trump about competition with gulf airlines (Emirates, Etihad and Qatar). Trump promised retaliatory measures against these airlines


    US carriers have poorly develop internet inside their aircraft...


    UK have only ban muslin countries with airport security problem


    Simple coincidence ?


  10. 4 hours ago, JAG said:

    Australia was fighting a war in Vietnam and needed troops to do so, so it had conscription. Thailand is not fighting a war, nor is there any imminent threat that requires a large standing army. That army is largely untrained, immobile and not deployable. It is equipped with a bewildering variety of equipment, purchased in small quantities from a wide variety of suppliers, which equipment seems to have little to do with any possible actual requirements, and much of which is broken anyway. There is little effort made to repair or maintain it. There is virtually no meaningful collective training. The large number of idle conscripts are there to justify and serve a ludicrously bloated officer corps, whose interests and activities have little to do with defending the state.


    Jonclark is right.



    And what about Switzerland, Denmark, Finland and Greece ?


    These countries are not in war, but all male citizens of these countries must serve in military service.....


    Sweden reintroduce military service next year after  8 years of suspensions....



  11. 1 hour ago, Bonefish said:

    What a fantastic Empire! I am very deeply impressed...

    Anachronistic Map of the French Empire, In Dark Green, the 1st Colonial Empire (1534 - 1815) including the Napoleonic Empire (1804-1814 and 1815) and other European territories having a provisional French military presence and not having Is part of the French colonial empire. In light green, the 2nd Colonial Empire (1815 - 1946) + territories under French military occupation such as Fezzan, Saar, etc. Not having been part of the French colonial empire.



    The second map shows the current distribution of French territory in the world




    9 hours ago, fruitman said:



    So they also speak flench in this royal court??? connerie mon ami.

    It seems your understanding of English language is not very good

    Court definition : 

    the establishment, retinue, and courtiers of a sovereign.

    Example : the emperor is shown with his court

    synonymes: royal household, retinue, entourage, train, suite, courtiers, attendants


    "Deux choses sont infinies : l’Univers et la bêtise humaine. Mais, en ce qui concerne l’Univers, je n’en ai pas encore acquis la certitude absolue."

    Albert Einstein

  13. 1 minute ago, fruitman said:

    He shouldn't write nonsense like every court in Europe speaks flench. 


    I also speak several languages (including flench) and it's much more important to learn decent english.

    can you translate that for me?? 

    All royal court since the Renaissance use french in diplomatic ties, because during this period french has replaced latin in all diplomatic relation.


    In this days French is always use as working language in UN all treaty was write in French....

  14. 46 minutes ago, fruitman said:

    Ridiculous, let the French and Thai both learn English so they all can speak to the rest of the world.

    French is one of diplomacy language (In French you can say f...K with touch and subtlety) , The French is one of the 2 officials languages in NATO, French is the official language of the Olympic games...

    All court in Europe speak French, the queen Elisabeth II is francophone and francophile


    This is a map of repartition of french speaking around the world


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