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Posts posted by than

  1. 18 hours ago, colinneil said:

    The price of rice would be stable if the politicians stopped interfering.

    Every time they start playing with commodity prices things go horribly wrong.


    Politicians are not only to blame,

    Speculators and traders have a responsibility in handling rice prices.

    Currently the price of rice returns to its 2006 level.
    During the economic crisis that hit the West, speculators have abandoned risky markets to raw material


    This Represented changes in the price of rice from 1990 to 2016graphique_bdm.png

    the second oil prices on the same period


    graphique_bdm (1).png


    both reached a pic to September 2008


    When you see rice price up to $ 1,000 / ton, greedy minds can only pushed to overproduction and lead, consequently, a drastic fall in

  2. 3 hours ago, shirtless said:

    What a load of rubbish Prayut has taken the country back 20 years , and failed to stop terrorism  which was his only real mandate to seize power.


    A thesis of Science Po Paris 2005 says Thaksin pushed down democracy a quarter century in Thailand



    "Aujourd’hui, après quatre années de pouvoir de M. Thaksin, on peut légitimement s’interroger sur le risque d’un véritable coup de frein au processus démocratique qui s’est amorcé en Thaïlande depuis une génération. Pour certains auteurs, le Premier ministre serait même carrément revenu sur un quart de siècle de démocratisation politique"


    "Today, after four years of Thaksin's power, one can legitimately question the risk of a real brake on the democratic process that began in Thailand in a generation. For some authors, the Prime Minister would be downright back on a quarter century of political democratization"


    Thaksin system: brake on the process of democratization or "Thai way" to democracy? / Le système Thaksin : coup de frein au processus de démocratisation ou « voie thaïlandaise » vers la démocratie ? Nicolas Revise Les Etudes CERI N°115  Juin 2005 (French only)


  3. 11 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


    The insurgents don't give statements. 


    Anthony Davis, a security consultant with IHS Jane’s, said the attacks were staged by the BRN, the most military-capable of several groups fighting for independence in the Deep South, in a bid to force the junta to recognize its demands and start a meaningful peace dialogue.  

    “What we saw was a watershed moment. The BRN has crossed the Rubicon, which is dangerous,” Davis said at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Thailand. “They are demanding Thai government respond to what happened, but today the government preferred not to respond at all. They fudge over it … instead of biting the bullet.”




    Since few years Thaksin was much closer to the BRN

    He meet their leaders in Dubai in 2012-2013

  4. 12 minutes ago, waitforusalso said:

    But now he owns property in England & spends a significant amount of time there. So they must have realised the charges were politically motivated bullshit.


    Well a lot a European countries has take distance with him since he was convict,

    the only invest I found on internet it a support of internet security start-up in UK 

    Not sign of travel in Europa since more two years

  5. 55 minutes ago, BKKBrit said:

    The UK froze $4.2 billion of his assets? Since when? It was Thailand that froze his assets - something like Bht50 billion. 

    2008 after Thaksin conviction



    The UK froze his reputed $4bn of assets, forcing him to sell Manchester City to Abu Dhabi's Sheikh Mansour. To add to his troubles, his UK visa was revoked - oh, and his wife divorced him last week.

    Catch me if you can Arabian Business.com 30 November 2008


  6. 4 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


    Return to serve a sentence that was politically motivated while there is a military junta running the country and systematically dismantling all checks and balances?


    Let's think that through again. 


    If sentence was "politically motived" why UK revoke his visa after his conviction, why UK refuse to give him political asylum, why UK froze $4.2 billion of his assets in the UK

  7. 9 hours ago, Thechook said:

    This is extremely bad news for junta huggers, if it isn't the boogey man Thaksin then there just isn't anything left to live for.


    When Thaksin has contact with BRN, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"



    Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra won much admiration from the separatist movement for his initiative that led to the peace process in the deep South, according to a former member of the insurgent group that recently agreed to peace talks with Thai authorities. [...] Thaksin was involved in talks with BRN leaders a few years ago. The ex-PM met with a group led by Hasan Taib for the first time in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

    The Nation 10 March 2013


  8. 22 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    For every person the redshirts have killed the security forces have killed 10 civilians. Just go back into the history of the country and you will see why civilians are prepared to kill for what they believe in. When you have security forces that disregard life the people follow their example. The only way in the past they could obtain more equality was through street protests and violence. That is not to say that two wrongs make a right but there is a historic context to use when evaluating peoples behaviour.


    When red/black shirt used human shield to commit their crime, The world has witnessed these acts !





  9. Quote
    16 minutes ago, webfact said:

    the UDD resorted to peaceful means in waging its political movement





    Terrorist attack in Bangkok (2010)

    Arson (2010)

    Guerrilla war against the security forces (2010)

    Use of human shields (2010)

    Assassination of opposition (2013-2014)

    Grenade attack against civilian (2013-2014)

    Child murder (2014)


    etc etc etc.......



    "the red shirts may now be anti-monarchists no longer interested in a peaceful struggle for democracy. "

    Asian Sentinel , November 2010


    However, Human Rights Watch’s investigations found that the attacks did not originate with
    Red Shirt Guards, but with a secretive armed element within the UDD whom protesters and
    media called the “Black Shirts” or “Men in Black”—though not all were dressed in black.

    HRW, Descent to Chaos 


  10. 1 hour ago, manarak said:



    these bombs were designed to be anti-monarchy (mom day and locations in hua hin) and to hurt people (placed close to crowded areas and stuffed with boltnuts) and to hurt tourism (bomb placed in resort city near tourists).


    my money is 80% on the muslim separatists.


    The movements of the red shirts has many anti-monarchist
    Some of their leader proclaims in some foreign news (article of Nirmal Ghosh of the Straits Times) that 90% of them are anti-monarchist

  11. 42 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Reasonable.  After the 2011 election Abhisit accepted the results and took responsibility for the Democrats embarrassing results.  He did not go to court alleging election frauds. 


    It seems that ANFREL was correct in declaring the election results legitimate.


    ANFREL was correct but it reveal some irregularity in some province and violence too read page 53



    Five red cards were expected during balloting in Sukhothai Province, Chaiyaphum Province, Maha Sarakham Province, Sisaket Province and Buriram Province in reference to campaign fraud. There have been allegations of massive electoral fraud against third-place finisher Bhumjaithai Party that could potentially lead to the party dissolution by the Constitutional Court[59]

    On 21 July, the Election Commission ordered the re-elections to be held in Sukhothai province and Nong Khai Province. It also ordered a recount in Yala Province.


  12. 12 hours ago, heybruce said:

    Like in all democratic countries, if election irregularities don't reach a level such that they might have affected the results, the results stand.


    Have all elections in Austria other than the one you mentioned been absolutely perfect?


    When is not perfect all candidates wronged can attack the result in court and court can invalidated election. In some country not need constitutional court only administrative court.

  13. 7 hours ago, The manic said:

    Border line illiterate crass nonsense. You should be ashamed of your self.


    Still in denial





  14. 8 hours ago, heybruce said:

    I see, you reject the results of any election that was not perfect, even if the flaws were not of a magnitude to change the results.


    In that case I assume you reject the results of this referendum.  The flaws--no free discussion, no independent monitors, no meaningful choice--are obvious and major. 


    Had the election simply given the people a choice of constitutions the results would have been very different.  Unfortunately the referendum gave people a choice of continued military rule with the constitution on offer, or continued military rule with a constitution to be chosen by the military.

    Like in all democratic country, in Austria election for President of Austria has been invalidated because of irregularities.

    In France, these last years the election of some politicians have been validated for electoral fraud (another name for vote buying)

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