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Posts posted by Democrat

  1. Prison is too good for him. Considering all the evil he spawned, like extra-judicial murders upcountry, I think a bullet to the head is his best reward. But, then again, I ain't had my coffee yet :lol:

    I am sure their would be a lot of people that would like to do that, as well as people who would do the same to the people that caused the deaths of the hmong and rohingya as well as protests and many other slayings. So there goes T, A, S, and i imagine many other politicial personnell. Why not just take all their money and assets and make them work in a mine in siberia.


  2. If only the reds would denounce Thaksin in all of his evil forms and all his wicked ways we could actually get on with reconcilliation. As it is, there is no choice but to support the military, no matter how corrupt they are, because the alternative the PT represents is even worse.

    The reds and their leadership are far too entwined with Thaksin for this to take place. I would be first in line to support a totally independant movement exposing corruption, keeping politicians, police and military honest and calling for justice on all sides. There is nothing democratic about an organisation financed by a crooked politician, having leaders either self appointed, or chosen by that same politician, making enormous decisions without a word of consultation with the grass roots members (claiming the protest was all about getting early elections and then three people rejecting outright an offer by the government following the receipt of a text message from who?), and being aligned with a political party that is itself aligned with the same corrupt politician that finances the group. A true pro democracy group would have accepted early elections, negotiated to see how far they could be moved forward, be open to free campaigning by all sides (instead of bragging about how they attack and terrorise anyone they don't agree with), made it clear they would monitor the government up to those elections, made it clear they would be watching all sides for vote buying and voter intimidation, made it clear that they would accept whoever won, and made it clear that they would continue to monitor the next government's performance. Points the reds fail miserably on. Their "pro democracy" face is the biggest scam in Thailand.

    I think your painting the picture of several Thai political parties here. They are all the same. Hopefully all the deaths and misery, (drugs, hmong, rohingya, protests, riots) of the Thaksin and Abhisit eras are a thing of the past, over 6,000 people died or missing.

  3. I don't really understand how what they did falls under "terrorism". They occupied the airports. They inconvenienced hundreds of thousands of people. But they didn't threaten people. They didn't shoot at people or blow things up. They didn't "terrorize" people.

    They definitely should be charged for the damage that they did to the economy and for the occupation itself and also the damage and occupation of Government house, but it's hardly terrorism.

    This part is a bit of a laugh: "The PAD also planned to file charges of malfeasance against all police involved in what Panthep called the "unfair charging"." What is "unfair charging". They were breaking the law. The police have the right to move them on. Not with exploding gas canisters of course, but that has already been dealt with.

    Try that at Heathrow or LAX in LA :lol: It would never ever happen.Amazing Thailand. The whole world is laughing.

    Agreed. But a group peacefully blocking access to Heathrow or LAX wouldn't be branded as terrorists, would they?

    I agree with you but I do not think Panthep agrees the airport was blocked.


    We didn't close the airports. The rallies were at the terminals while the other parts were still available for services," Panthep said after the meeting.


  4. :ermm:

    Abhisit wont abide by the international court rulings. People from other countries who do not have vested interests. But he expects Thaksin to abide by the Thai courts rulings. The democrat party need to have an election for a new leader and PM. The democrats need someone with integrity and accountability who cares about their people and country, someone who abides by the laws and does not interfere in the due processes. Surely it cannot be that hard to find someone. How about a women OOPS would the Thai's with money accept that.


  5. Mermaid there are ways of owning a house or condo in thailand. It will cost you a bit more than 4,000 though. If someone sets up an approved project of houses or condos e.g. 100 houses, they sell 51 houses to thai nationals, and 49 to people from other countries. That gives the 51%/49% ratio required for owning land. This way you can have the house in your own name. If you google owning property in Thailand, you will get some helpful hints.

  6. The democrats have a lot of big money people to fund them. And these people have a lot more money than the PTP backers, but wont part with it. Part of one of the allegations they are defending is that some of the money went directly to party members. If this is true why do they not give it back! And what of all the extra donations they have been acquiring in the last 3 months, they could hire Robert Amsterdam to defend them with that money. Or they could just do what the DP, PTP, BJT, etc have been alledged of doing, use government funds. I do not envy the voters in some countries it is not a case of picking the worst of a bad bunch, it is the case of picking an evil one amongst the devils.

  7. <BR>
    <BR>Was wondering if PTP has ever done anything constructive in this term?<BR><BR>Seems to me everything they do is designed to either hurt the Dems or the country.<BR><BR>Their MP's were elected by their constituncies to be part of a parliament that is there to run the country for the good of the people.<BR><BR>Just because they are called the opposition doesnt mean they have to oppose anything and everything.<BR><BR>They should be working for the good of the country, sitting on comitties, supporting good legislation, trying to improve bad and if it cant be improved then opposing it.<BR><BR>They appear to be hunting for any small excuse to disrupt the country and prevent it moving forward.<BR><BR>I suppose their platform for the coming by-election says it all when the only real policy they have is bring back Khun T.<BR>
    <BR><BR>Pretty similar tactics to the Dems a few years ago.<BR>Remember the unopposed election ???<BR>What's good for the gander etc......<BR>
    <BR>The only thing the Dems have done in this term is try to bring Thaksin down. The Dems it is Thaksin Thaksin and more Thaksin. Forget about Thaksin and start doing your job. Typical politics buy your way into power, and then do nothing for the people only yourselves. Anybody would think the Dems are in love with Thaksin they can't stop talking about him.<BR><BR>
  8. "Quote" "Students who overly expose their flesh could become the victims of crime, he said, and urged parents to watch what their children were wearing."<BR>Is this charnwit's words or  a bit of Thai journalism. Seems someone is trying to encourage people to commit crimes.  The girls skirts in the picture are a lot longer than what is seen on television and the newspapers everyday including Bangkok streets. Funny enough in the north they are a lot longer than in Bangkok, usually below the knees.

  9. Well, I don't think Khun Rucharee is a troll, but I am quite certain that 'Earthalien' is a mannerless lout.

    Dru2 I feel maybe earthalien incited you with a violent reaction here. This is a good point, when the reds first got attacked what would your normal reaction be. fight back. The PM wants reconciliation, he should give amnesty to all yellow shirts, red shirts and no colours for breaking the law. To brand any of them terrorists is quite ridiculous. What name would you give the generals that were involved in all the coups over the years? All politicians and government officials should be given an oppurtunity to return monies and land not legally acquired, that includes there friends and associates who have aqcuisitions because of wrong doing. Then these politicians and officials should be forced to resign and never be allowed to hold political or government jobs again. You then have a chance at reconciliation a new government would have tens of billions in $us to make this country as it should be. health, education and jobs for all. like the above dream inciting red, yellow or anybody does not help anyone, let alone reconciliation. Maybe the yellows will invite the reds to protest with them against Mr Abhisit. Dru2 you should keep your cool you could end up like Mr Savage.

  10. Be interesting to see who really shot the reporters.

    As opposed to the sniping incidents, when some of the grenade attacks occurred, it was easier to identify the perpetrators, like this media example:


    An unidentified injured journalist is helped by fellow newsmen after a grenade launcher was fired by anti-government protesters during an operation to crackdown on the Red Shirt movement Wednesday, in Bangkok, Thailand.


    There have been bombs going off grenades going off for close on 3 years now. The blame is mostly 99% put on red shirts not neccessarily anti-govt protesters. Not one time have they charged someone. They have brought in a few suspects but they were far away from political nonsense and easily proven innocent. It just seems like a farce It seems they know who but will not do anything about it. So many incidents they are not that incompetent.

  11. So - I would suggest are a lot of the comments on Thaivisa over the last few months.

    The government have made it very clear that they will be checking web forums for comments that are deemed by them against the law. So you are right their probably is a few savage's on this forum. But I am sure the mods are on the ball and delete offensive material.

  12. They should also look at the human rights of people who were stopped at roads by army and red shirts, the rights to hold a peaceful protest without an ISA and emergency decree initiated before the protest had started. The human rights of people who were attacked by Army bearing weapons of war. And people attacked by snipers and grenades by army, police, red shirts, yellow shirts, Ronin. People who lost their business, jobs, livelihood and who were incovienced by the riots, riots instigated by a puppet govt with double standards. The innocent people killed during the "Thaksin" drug war. The innocent Rohingya people that were killed and suffered, and the innocent Hmong who were killed and still suffer atrocities because of govt decisions.

  13. . And don't get me started on K. Jatuporn, I might loose my temper.

    Hello Rubi, Khun Jatuporn lost his temper. He wanted to have a peaceful demonstration, but the govt put roadblocks and

    ISA everywhere and tried to stop it. But that failed. As he was demonstrating peacefully the govt took all the yellow imitation

    media away. that failed as he went and got it back. the next roadblock on his peaceful demonstration (how have you not

    lost your temper yet Jatuporn very patient man) came when the govt used the army to attack him and shoot some of his

    supporters and foreigners who were firing back with loaded cameras and sticks with red flags(it was self defence).

    The govt had enough weaponry for a war to fight Tanks aircraft you name it. they failed. So he put his own roadblock up

    and started to resort to the govt's tactics, I think he lost his temper. If you want to talk about the multitude of roadblocks

    put up prior to that by the govt and its supporters There is an 815 page book to be released soon. "The roadblocks to the

    roadmap of reconciliation by I.M. Yellow. Hilarious book but many true words said in jest.

  14. Might want to reread the article before making blatently incorrect statements. The vans used are a local hire, they don't visit their own bars, nor do they bring beer from America to drink. Many might want to have girls from the Philippines, but after being in the gulf for 97 days, where would they get them?

    And 14 containers of supplies. “People think the only benefit to the local economy is the money sailors spend on nightlife, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. When the USS Ronald Reagan was here they loaded 14 containers of supplies. It is a huge.

    Heard they were trying to get a Navy ship in for the navy league independence day charity event 4th july. with American beers bud, millers etc Yum Yum cant wait. But the ship is a no go for sure now. I doubt the phillipine girls as well. American beer for sure

  15. Abhisit is starting to sound like a clown with his pathetic excuses and inability to take responsibility.

    And when are the Red Shirts going to take responsibility for burning down our city? It's so hypocritical of Pheu Thai to attack the Prime Minister when one of their own was right out there inciting the riots.

    Most of the 80 killed were killed trying to violently overthrow the government. Just because they call themselves 'peaceful protesters' doesn't make it so. They got what was coming to them.

    If it's "your city," then I guess it is "your country" too! And by "one of their own" do you mean a separate class of citizenry or something perhaps, less? And if one person acts indifferently, then everyone else within their party should be considered guilty by association and therefore relinquish their right to criticize, or "attack" as you put it, the Prime Minister?

    The 80 people who were killed, I believe that number included the women who was killed in Silom, a nurse, two emergency responders, two journalist and others who were unarmed; so, were they trying to "violently" overthrow the government? Did they all get what was coming to them?

    It sounds to me like you are suffering from a severe case of elitism that has diminished your ability to be objective. How sad you are.

    One of their own meaning a Pheu Thai MP, ie Jatuporn. If your English sucks and you don't understand what I'm writing, do yourself a favor and ask for a clarification rather looking like an idiot trying to put words in my mouth. And don't try to tell us that Jatuporn was a 'peaceful protest leader' either. We all know otherwise.

    And yes, I did say MOST of the 80 killed didn't I? The ones not included in the 'most' are the medics and reporters killed. As for the others, they got what was coming to them. Their comrades in arms had rifles and grenade launchers and they also knew a crackdown was coming. It's not like the government didn't give them a chance to leave. They were there by choice trying to overthrow the government. If they died, they died.

    You call me an elitist. Of course, you would call me that. It's to be expected from a Red shit. I mean I must be a Bangkok elite if I don't support them right?

    If that is your opinion well be it. But to say they had it coming to them is not right! If you are a trained elite army specialist and someone was shooting at you, would you not make sure the shooter died. I bet you no marine worth his salt would let that happen, if his mate died beside him imagine, they would let the shooter live. Not one so called black shirt caught or dead, Why?

    And no you don't have to be elitist, to say things about the red shirts, just remember not all of them are shits as you express it. The majority of them are very nice people, just like the yellow shirts and no colours and maybe some of the blue shirts, but probably not the black shirts.

  16. Does anyone know the international standards for evicting a large mob of criminals from a barricaded section of a major city? What is done in the UK or the USA when armed terrorists occupy the streets and attack security forces? Suggesting that there is a standard method for dealing with the Thai crisis is ridiculous, when has a similar event happened anywhere else?

    A similar event occured in in Thailand in 2008, when a large mob of facist criminals barricaded different sections of the city for a total of 192 days. The government response was to allow the protest to continue until the large mob of criminals got what they wanted and the protest ended.

    Ummm no

    In 2008 a (by far and large) peaceful group of protesters staged an illegal act of civil disobedience for a long time. It did not cripple the financial center of the city.

    The Reds were told they could remain at PanFah Bridge as long as they wanted. The problem is that Thaksin needed faster action which is why they moved to try and cripple the government by both armed terrorism and financial terrorism.

    Wow jdinasia illegal act of disobedience, first day of protest block roads and don't allow school children through to get to school. Then takeover govt buildings for days on ends and ransack the buildings, takeover 3 or 4 airports and hold hostages. No the yellows did not cripple the financial centre. Why is the baht so strong and the share index so strong throughout the red shirts rally? They crippled tourism. And yes the reds have crippled tourism as well. Maybe the govt thought the redshirts were going to be copycats, but they didnt block the roads for a long time, they allowed people to go about there business, and in the end caused a huge riot(nearly as big as LA's riots or is that LA's terrorism). Many questions everywhere, much speculation, no answers. Govt wants to put there facts forward, without answering questions, Why? When the yellow shirts were protesting did the govt of the day answer questions to the press or were they the same as it is now? I cant recall as the politician said to the judge!

  17. Does anyone know the international standards for evicting a large mob of criminals from a barricaded section of a major city? What is done in the UK or the USA when armed terrorists occupy the streets and attack security forces? Suggesting that there is a standard method for dealing with the Thai crisis is ridiculous, when has a similar event happened anywhere else?

    But Chad dont you remember this was a peaceful rally till the army marched in. Abhisit or whoever had control stuffed it right up. They let the UDD, PT, whoever, right in the door. The traffic was still flowing it was like a carnival for many people not only the reds. That fateful night apr10 the army marched towards the protesters, no barricades. All hel_l broke loose, what a stuff up. Had the controller, Abhisit, whoever, waited for them to make a wrong move. He would be a hero,

    The nightly grenade attacks in Bangkok and the periodic street battles with the army are evidence this was not a peaceful protest. Sure with so many clowns it will feel like a carnival, but that's not the whole story. On April 10 the protesters tried to storm an army barracks, that set the tone for the night that followed. You are also the forgetting that on April 10 the militant reds used the confrontation to launch armed attacks on the army killing several soldiers. Peaceful rally surely you jest.

    The nightly grenade attacks by who? Why has not one person been caught? A bit like the new years eve bombs. If the storming of the army barracks is the one led by Veea, that is where the red was talking to the officer over the fence as they were both trying to avoid confrontation. From memory a few days before some red shirt protesters forced there way into parliament? If the army had of kept away how would the militants been able to launch armed attacks on the soldiers, by marching in with armoured cars etc. you are inciting confrontation. It seems to me Abhisit was trying to stay a step ahead of the red shirts. Firstly, an ISA before they had even rallied. Then telling the world they had protected buildings with army personnel, why not just place them without all the bignoting of oneself. This was like putting a sign on all these buildings attack me. Then an emergency decree. Then an emergency decree in provinces with many red supporters, where there had been many protests with little trouble. They just seemed to be making bad decisions in many cases, trying to cover themselves, but when speaking to reporters not allowing questions. Abhisit even seemed to disappear for a few days. Unfortunately too many blunders, people died and as in most western countries, the person at the top resigns.

  18. Does anyone know the international standards for evicting a large mob of criminals from a barricaded section of a major city? What is done in the UK or the USA when armed terrorists occupy the streets and attack security forces? Suggesting that there is a standard method for dealing with the Thai crisis is ridiculous, when has a similar event happened anywhere else?

    But Chad dont you remember this was a peaceful rally till the army marched in. Abhisit or whoever had control stuffed it right up. They let the UDD, PT, whoever, right in the door. The traffic was still flowing it was like a carnival for many people not only the reds. That fateful night apr10 the army marched towards the protesters, no barricades. All hel_l broke loose, what a stuff up. Had the controller, Abhisit, whoever, waited for them to make a wrong move. He would be a hero,

  19. 'chaoyang'

    It's a tough one. AGREE

    * A mob takes over part of the city and basically says it will never go away unless it gets everything it wants.


    * An extremist member member (Seh Daeng) is assassinated and his still-breathing corpse is charged with terrorism.

    * Finally the army moves in with live ammunition and 80+ civilians are killed.


    * After the group is fired on by the army of its own country, some members apparently torch highly valuable properties.

    Ya, there are a few human rights violations in there, but then Abhisit tried every other means and showed a great deal of patience (either that of the army refused to move earlier).


    If a group had taken and terrorized Times Square in New York, the US National Guard would have opened fire after about the second day, not the 60th, but then in "free" America, protesters wouldn't have been able to pull off what the Reds did in BKK. They would have been shot before the barricades ever got up. IN AMERICA IF THE PROTESTERS ARE PEACEFUL THEY WOULD NOT SEND THE ARMY IN WITH ANTI AIRCRAFT GUNS ARMOURED VEHICLES ETC. THEY WOULD NOT SEND THE ARMY IN FULL STOP. IF OVER 100 PEOPLE DIED AND WENT MISSING AND IT WAS STATE CONTROLLED THE GOVERNOR WOULD RESIGN. IF THE PRESIDENT SENT THE ARMY IN AND OVER 100 DIED AND WENT MISSING THE PRESIDENT WOULD RESIGN.

    Lets face it Abhisit has made too many mistakes, I agree he had a difficult job but he screwed it, and should show accountability and resign.

  20. Yes, in my country if someone commits a crime against another country they can be sent to face the charges in the other country. That's what extradition treaties are all about. They are agreements between countries to respect each others' laws and deport persons to prevent them from hiding from justice. An arrest warrant is what is needed to take someone to court, that is where guilt is determined. I'm sorry you have so little respect for Thailand that you think its institutions are a joke and that they are unable to seek justice for the murder of their own citizens. Arrest warrants are usually based on evidence meaning a judge is convinced that there are grounds to bring charges against that person. I'm not sure what more you want or what is heavy enough for you. Maybe you are waiting for a videotaped confession, but that is not necessary, although some of Thaksin's videochats might be just that. Arrest warrants for Terrorism aren't just purchased at 7-11 and are not something to be taken lightly by other nations.

    Humungus,make just ONE thing in propper and FAIR way, will you? Way you talk is really boring and so much you are blindfolded by your idol Mr.A. or you are well paid to defending him for his mistakes?

    Warning you this time man:don't imput to me what i didn't say.

    Where i said i have a little respect for Thailand and it's institutions? Show me where isaid that?

    Just because you dislike i am speaking against method your idol used in BKK should not be the reason you be rotten about my words here.

    Don't twist my words and meanings.

    Otherwise i will think all you are saying about my words is personal so you could hear of me.

    I am reading all posts here and i said i am aside.

    Even more, i liked Abhisit when he was in campaign but that doesn't mean i will be at his side even he make something wrong. Read carefully my posts so you will see i was very clear that i am neutral and i am telling to all people to don't be flamable about reds but also yellows.

    So, please, don't twist my words and don't imput to me words i didn't say.

    Next, to explain to you things and way it works.

    What you said here can not be done as Montenegro don't have any established relations with Thailand in diplomacy. Can you understand what does it mean? Exactly as PM said, will be "harder" to get Thaksin now. This is the reason he said so.

    So, the only way Thailand have to try is to make official request from Interpol.

    As you are speaking about institutions in Thailand and its capabilities, can you explain to all of us why Thailand and Mr. Abhisit didn't already ask Interpol officialy and before his statement in medias?

    Why they didn't first prepare all in official way, respecting and following procedure about it? What do you think is reason they didn't make official request to Interpol?

    And, i will ask for your personal oppinion, do you think Thailand will make official request to Interpol at all? When?

    In your post you claimed that the police and papers can say whatever they want, you seem to think that they aren't fair and balanced. To me that suggests that you don't have much respect for them. I didn't interpret your all caps rant as saying the police in Thailand are super duper. Abhisit is not my idol, I do however think that he has been put in a position few world leaders would envy and has had to make tough decisions about the best interests of Thailand. If your paymaster Thaksin hadn't started the protests Abhisit could have spent time governing instead of dealing with this crisis. Of course Thailand will make a request to interpol, please remember that only 10 days have past since the protests ended. Further charges could be added against your dear leader, as it is the ink is barely dry on his existing arrest warrant, so give the diplomats more than 5 minutes before you claim that they haven't taken action. Montenegro is a haven for criminals which is why Thaksin is hiding there, the caves in Afghanistan must not be up to his 5 star expectations. Fortunately Thaksin doesn't seem to like it too much and travels abroad constantly. I will eagerly await your next personal message, they are ever so fun to read.

    Humungus I am just not sure about what you said. If someone commits a crime in your country against another country they can be sent to face the charges in the other country. That's what extradition treaties are all about. I think it depends on whether that country's laws are the same as well. The person being extradited can challenge that extradition in that countries court and if he wins he will not be extradited. Also for example if you go to Singapore and paint graffitti everywhere and leave the country. If singapore try to extradite them from many countries it would not happen. I think it is because in singapore they will get caned if found guilty and most other countries do not agree with this type of punishment. There are many laws in countries that are regarded as against Human rights and right to life. Thaksin is a good example correct me if I am wrong, but in Thailand terrorism charges can receive a death penalty. You may find that many countries will not extradite Thaksin due to the fact that he could receive the death penalty. Just check this website http en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extradition

    Also if you have a quick look at human rights, un, reporters without borders, you will see why many people hold little respect for the police and army in Thailand. There are good army and police personnell in Thailand. I cannot understand that some crimes and very serious crimes are solved in a very short amount of time, and others are never solved. The case of the New years eve bombings 2007. 3 months later the police dropped investigating it. Why?

    By the way Thaksin did the crime he should pay the time. Abhis or thugs do the crime pay the time. Same for all.

    About having respect for the police they have to earn it! There was a blog not so long ago fines imposed by police. read that blog and see how many people have respect for the police.

  21. The fact is that possession of ganja or small quantities of yaba does not automically equal deportation and immigration blacklist. Depending on how much "bail" you can pay, you can have your case expeditiously closed in about 7-10 days with no record outside of the local district you were prosecuted in. Thank you, come again!

    If you doubt this, I suggest you take a peek at the Samui district court house which has clearly been subsidized by Full Moon Party busts.

    This is so I've heard anyway :)

    Why they not use the guy to catch the dealer, get the dealer behind bars, do some waterboarding to make him tell where he get the stuff from etc. This innocent guy could have helped them to roll up a whole gang (but guess that's not what they want either)

    Not so long ago in phuket a young kiwi guy was done for valium. told the police the pharmacy in Patong where he bought them. read this: www phuketgazette.net/archives/articles/2010/article8252.html NO charges for the pharmacist.

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