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Posts posted by Democrat

  1. If any human, the key you have to be a human, sees what these terrorist have done in the area they stayed (Ratchaprasong) for weeks, will never give the hero welcome. They lived and destroyed everything they could like wild animals.

    SHAME on you should not call yourself a Thai EVER

    I agree. There will be no regrouping unless they do it on someones buffalo farm. I doubt they will be allowed "peaceful"protests ever again

    You are so right there till next year when they win elections. But in the meantime it was ok for the yellow and no colours to break the emergency rule. Once again DO THE CRIME PAY THE TIME WHATEVER COLOUR!

  2. Agreed, this would be good all around.

    And yes start PAD's trials out too.

    Let's just clear the air COMPLETELY.

    PAD set the Silver standard for this stuff,

    but Red have passed Gold and went right for Platinum.

    There is an abundance of incrimination that I can see,

    more than enough to pick the best for a court.

    I heard they were after the gold in CW but I didn't know they went right for platinum was there much damage? Isn't that where you buy the legal copies and legal fakes?

  3. So, clearly, both the PAD and the UDD have threatened to burn buildings. And both of them were armed and shot people.

    If your point is that both groups were wrong, you are correct.

    Yep. And I'm also correct in that Abhisit needs to do something about the apparent double standards in Thai society, otherwise he will just deepen and worsen the divide. There needs to be something done fast about the problems in Thailand, or we'll see much worse in the future, I'm afraid.

    Be Careful You are probably right but you might be held culpable.

  4. It is not a case of defending him. It is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Why is it so many politicians get to dodge the courts and therefore convictions, and get to stay in politics, from ALL PARTIES. Why not give an unbiased view of all parties? You sound like the govt Thaksin, Thaksin, and more Thaksin. And you should really eat your words convicted by the Thai courts, I heard many of them were educated in Australia and they sometimes love KANGAROO. So many people have short memories. And I will be happy when they nail Thaksin legitametly as long as they nail everyone in all parties that have committed illegal acts. I cannot use terrorist acts because that would be a straight out lie. That line is used by propagandists to get the people behind them, and yellow shirts to try to stop farangs coming here on holidays, and red shirts for govt. Bangkok until you understand you are part of Thailand, and give every one the same deal it will just go in cycles.

    You cannot use the term terrorist acts because it does not fit with your agenda. If you admitted that the reds committed acts of terrorism you might have to rethink your support for them. But when a group uses violence against a civilian population to overthrow the government, when it targets journalists, uses explosives, and burns buildings, it is hard to find another term besides terrorism to describe their actions. You might not like the term, but thats what it is. By using terrorism against his own nation Thaksin has gone beyond just corruption. He is a traitor to Thailand and should be punished as such.

    When did a group use violence against a civilian population? The Army is a group! When did a group target journalists? The Army again just ask some of the reporters, and ask the people at Pathuwan temple. What kind of explosives are you talking about, I have not seen any reports about explosives. Maybe you are talking about grenade launchers and molotov cocktails. I disagree with violence and this was wrong but not terrorism. Burning buildings that was rioting but I think there is more to that than meets the eye.

    So it is ok for the Army to attack a peaceful protest.

    Everyone knew the reds were going to protest exactly when and where. The govt chose to set up a bunch of @#$@$ to monitor and put in place a decree. So before the rally has started they are inciting the public. The rally started off peacefully the govt kept bringing in draconian laws to incite the public. And one of these were a win for you farangs. No more than 5 people to gather in a group. If you were farang you could. For the tourists(HaHa). Hey then you march the troops in. Then Abhishit calls it terrorism, how to scare the tourists away. Puts ED in provinces where there is no problem, scare the tourists away. Then they say it is political unrest, this covers the whole country, embassies advise do not travel to Thailand. Many places in Thailand were not affected, but hey, us bangkokians don't have tourists, why should anyone else. Then you call the burning of buildings Terrorist acts, now the call the burning of the buildings riots.

    Bangkok will rise like a Phoenix, not likely till they get rid of corruption, and the justice system treats everyone equally. I do not condone 1 of these avoidable deaths, no matter what colour you are.

  5. What a sad day, guess some reds woke up now. Time for Thaksin's head rollin'.................

    Why not stop?Always Thaksin,Thaksin,Thaksin,why always blame him,what do u actually know about Thailand and past of Thailand?

    We blame him cause he did it. We know that he was a corrupt politician who used the people in the north to grab power. We know he is a ruthless person and greedy for power. We know that several of the red shirt leaders claimed to take their marching orders directly from Thaksin. We know he has been convicted and sentenced by the Thai courts. We know he is desperate to reclaim his ill gotten money and will burn the whole country to do it. The question is why anyone would defend him.

    It is not a case of defending him. It is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Why is it so many politicians get to dodge the courts and therefore convictions, and get to stay in politics, from ALL PARTIES. Why not give an unbiased view of all parties? You sound like the govt Thaksin, Thaksin, and more Thaksin. And you should really eat your words convicted by the Thai courts, I heard many of them were educated in Australia and they sometimes love KANGAROO. So many people have short memories. And I will be happy when they nail Thaksin legitametly as long as they nail everyone in all parties that have committed illegal acts. I cannot use terrorist acts because that would be a straight out lie. That line is used by propagandists to get the people behind them, and yellow shirts to try to stop farangs coming here on holidays, and red shirts for govt. Bangkok until you understand you are part of Thailand, and give every one the same deal it will just go in cycles.

  6. Mr Newin is losing a lot of support in his electorate at the moment. My friend from his electorate said they (BP/Govt)have asked from his village 100k about 100 people. the village up the road about 300 people they have asked for the same 100k. A lot of people are starting to get peeved. Also a lot are peeved Thai soldiers shooting thai people and innocent people. But as I pointed out to my friend they were not innocent one man had a camera loaded with a nuclear bomb.

    Not sure what your post says democrat, care for a rewrite.

    After watching the afteraffects of the red terrorists occupation of bangkok. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhDZ9-OHfC8

    Many people in the posts are saying no innocent people were killed in this protest and further riots. According to Erawan I think 85 people were killed. That's 85 innocent people. I suspect that it is a lot more than that. Correct me if I am wrong. Is there not a current politician who maintains he did not order the killing of students, at the previous uprising, and there was only 2 deaths? While there was over 200 deaths. You would think they would learn. So the point with the camera was the Army thought the photographers camera was a nuclear bomb, they were not innocent, and that is why they killed them. But the PM and his assistant need to resign. anyone with integrity would resign. HaHa that's right Mr Thugs resigned so he could not be charged but kept his post as Deputy PM. But he maintains he is innocent. Avoid the Trial like someone else. 2 men that would make good bedfellows...

  7. I have been reading messages like yours all through the conflict, people calling for Abhisit to resign, calling for reelection and so on. Could you please explain what was taken over by the govt here on TV?

    Give peace a chance :)

    jbhh I have to agree with most of what you have said. But, in answer to your question "Human rights" and "the right to life" Freedom of Speech, was taken over/away. For this reason alone PM Abhisit should resign, as should his deputy Thugs. I thought Thugs was in jail or on bail anyway.

  8. Plus there's an election to get through at some point in the future. As we all know in Thai politics there isn't much interest in using your vote to oust the guys who formed the government. PUZZLED


    That is a key point mca. People keep spouting that the PTP will win in a landslide in the next election. I think they are dreaming. They only took about .3 percent more votes then the Dems in the 2007 election. With their hand in hand approach to the Red terrorists, they will not "Gain" support - they will undoubtedly lose some. You guys always seem to forget about THailand's most serious power broker Newin. His party will certainly pick up more seats (Say 50 total) and he and the Dems are firmly in each others corners (although more from circumstances than from choice), and they will see themselves back in power for another term.

    Mr Newin is losing a lot of support in his electorate at the moment. My friend from his electorate said they (BP/Govt)have asked from his village 100k about 100 people. the village up the road about 300 people they have asked for the same 100k. A lot of people are starting to get peeved. Also a lot are peeved Thai soldiers shooting thai people and innocent people. But as I pointed out to my friend they were not innocent one man had a camera loaded with a nuclear bomb.

  9. To do it right he need to continue to refer to his road map that is not dead and still going forward.

    But he needs to add to the map complete investigation of what exactly cause of riot and make sure follow the money and include terrorisms act by everyone including the people who funded , incited, and ordered all these destructions

    Before he investigates the cause of the riots. He firstly needs to investigate who sent the army in to incite a demonstration and shoot their own countrymen, and who was shooting all the grenades off, and who accused who off shooting grenades not at the barracks but elsewhere.

    The only real grievance this govt. seems to have is one. THAKSIN.

    Abhispit's road map does not include investigating prior criminal actions from members of the PT, Democrat party, Bhumjai Party, etc. and the yellow shirts, no colours etc. He only wants Thaksin not other members of the opposition party?????? and red shirts.You do the crime you pay the time, whatever your background. His road map does not cover corruption for anyone, and the paying back of excessive wealth gained except for Thaksin. So the criminal who pushes aside his friends crimes is just a big a criminal as Thaksin.

    Peace and fairness to Thailand.

  10. What has he been doing since he seized power?

    Giving more free education to monkeys who not care to be sent to school by there braindead parents from CM-CR etc

    The rest of the time he has been defending the country from low-life crap as that you are.

    that's for a lot of us enough for now, he has brought more good to uor country as any red-scum will ever do or have done.

    What did you bring, violence and destruction, well done moron

    What did you bring, Their is no need for uneducated abuse that incites violence.

  11. Maybe to help get things back into order, somebody could start a forum with suggestions to help the country.

    Like go and volunteer to help at your local school. You could teach English, Italian, sport, cooking whatever, maybe you could be the lollipop man at the school helping the kids cross the road safely.

    If some people with spare time on their hands help some people it would be good for all. (Yes, a lot of people with spare time on their hands sitting he writing .....) Ensure you get the right permissions. It would not be any good someone trying to help the country, getting deported because they do not have the right permissions.

  12. Abhisit should make available a long list of possible hand-outs and financial opportunities for the people in the North East.

    Then he should explain how NONE of them will be happening due to the spending needed to rebuilt and cover the costs of the violent red mob. Then he should further show the new plan how to seize all assets of those who participated in the mob AT ANY TIME DURING THE LAST MONTHS to help offset some of the costs. Further he should talk a proposed law to also seize assets of relatives living with anyone who participated in the violent red mob activities.

    Abhisit should make available a long list of possible hand-outs and financial opportunities for the people in the Army/Govt.

    Then he should explain how NONE of them will be happening due to the spending needed to rebuild and cover the costs of their violent actions. Then he should further show the new plan how to seize all assets of those who participated and instigated the Army on Apr 10. to help offset some of the costs. Will not need a proposed law to seize all assets of relatives all costs will be covered, just petty cash.

    Bugger They still get the handouts as well. They pay with one hand and, get double back in the other.

    just like Mr Thak

  13. For true order to be restored!

    Its now time for reconciliation. Time for a new start. Thailand does not need a civil war, it does not need underground groups destroying the country further. It needs reconciliation.

    Part of that process will be to have discussions with the former PM Thaksin. Face has no part in reconciliation. Like it or not the former PM has a lot of supporters, more than most people will admit.

    This Tragedy is Thailand's opportunity to forge ahead with a democracy, unrivalled in S.E.A.

    Give the poor an opportunity to live a reasonable life.

    Improve the Education system, ensure children go to school and get an education.

    Improve the health system.

    Ensure the police force is paid a reasonable wage. Ensure they enforce the law on all Law breakers equally.

    Stop the carnage on the roads, enforce the law. Less injuries and deaths, more time for the hospitals to help the sick and old people.

    Give people their Human Rights and Freedom of Speech. Release all political prisoners. Work with other countries, and work to help the less fortunate from other countries.

    Time for the Govt to buy products direct from the farmer for export instead of the middlemen.

    Ex armed services and, police do not mix in Politics.

    Allow the senate to be voted by the people. Ensure the law's are followed, especially the army protects its country, not shoots it own citizens

    There are many good things in Thailand but it's time to change some of the bad.

    Love your people, Love your country.

    In my opinion Mr Abhisit and Mr Suthep you should both resign and elect a new leader. No loss of life should have occurred. You are as responsible as anyone else and, therefore, should resign.

  14. The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

    Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

    And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

    But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

    Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

    That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

    Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

    Their are many homes on the gold Coast Australia sell for 11 million plus

    owned by the rich elite

    But you do not see us burning down Surfers Paradise do you

    Hard work to get ahead never hurt anyone

    Yes about 200,000 of them you can go to many places in Sydney and NSW worth the same maybe another 500,000 thats 700,000 already. What do you mean by Hard Work, is that where the farmer goes out all day and works hard. He then gets a pittance for his labour(rice), the buyer or middlemen sell it to their friends, the govt, at a very good price. Why not sell it straight to the govt at a reasonable price MONEY. And if you want to check up on these middlemen just go to the HRC website.

    But you are not burning down SP. I do not condone what was done. I would love to know the real facts about the looting and burning but that will never come out. And if the Army came out and started shooting your family you would. The difference of course, you would have razed it to the ground and left nothing.

  15. The PAD didn't burn the airport to the ground when they left. The PAD didn't set 39 buildings on fire. The PAD didn't hire snipers to kill their own in order to make the government look bad. The PAD didn't injure 400-500 soldiers and police, killing 6 of them. The PAD didn't kill reporters and engage in a months long bombing campaign of terror throughout Bangkok.

    In short, there is very little similarity in either the scope of the PAD protests or the damage they inflicted on others. WHAT NONSENSE!

    The pads inconvenienced people to get their point across, Unlike the reds that caused the deaths of innocent people.

    I would rather be inconvenienced than die.

    Anyone that disagrees with that is devoid of human feelings and should be put to sleep inhumanely. jmho

    I DISAGREE WITH WHAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN! Not one person should have died. Not one road should have been blocked.

  16. The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

    Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

    And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

    But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

    Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

    That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

    Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

    The poor people in the north whatever color might be need better representation and they need regular town meetings where their concerns and problems can be addressed.

    Right now the representation has the "what's in it for me" attitude, do their jobs ineffectually as they really don't care. Paid official is a good position.

    Give these people effective voice, give them answers to their problems and they stop following the meglomaniacs that promise them the world while robbing them.

    Very good but they should include, the poor people in the north east, and north west, as well as the south, and all other areas should also get fair representation. Because the attitude is in many places whether you are red, yellow, blue or no colour.

  17. Too late... he's already left Thailand in a "harrowing escape"

    Lawyer Recounts Harrowing Escape From Bangkok

    May 20, 2010

    Robert Amsterdam is no stranger to dangerous assignments, so the client he's recently gone to work for puts Amsterdam back in familiar territory.

    The Bronx-born international defense lawyer, best known for representing jailed Russian businessman Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was retained earlier this month by former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra via supporters of the telecom billionaire.

    The assignment put Amsterdam in the middle of Bangkok for three days just as Thai troops were stepping up their crackdown on Thaksin's Red Shirt supporters, creating some anxious moments for him.

    "I just got out of Bangkok where I was in the Red Shirt compound," Amsterdam says by phone from Hong Kong.

    "I did not know if I would get out. The whole fuc_king thing is just a terrible tragedy."

    Amsterdam says Thaksin is being unfairly vilified.

    "These people are risking their lives and the government is trying to portray Thaksin as some kind of terrorist that they should go arrest, because he's the most popular man in Thailand," he says.

    "Thaksin was popularly elected on a number of occasions, unlike some of the individuals currently in power."

    Thaksin was deposed in a bloodless military coup in September 2006. The four years that followed have seen political paralysis seize Thailand with protests beginning to gain new momentum last month.

    Thaksin's foes accuse him of being the most corrupt politician in Thailand, and efforts to go after his assets originally led him to retain Baker Botts to fight the seizures.

    The firm is no longer representing Thaksin, who remains in exile. (Michael Goldberg, chair of the firm's international arbitration and dispute resolution practice, handled the assignment for Baker Botts but didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.)

    Meanwhile, the civil unrest currently roiling central Bangkok led current Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to declare a government holiday between May 17 and May 21. That in turn forced the temporary closures of the offices of several international law firms.

    Out-of-office e-mail responses from several partners at firms with offices in Bangkok indicated that Baker & McKenzie, Herbert Smith, Linklaters, and Mayer Brown have all closed their doors until the situation calms down. None of the partners contacted immediately responded to the messages.

    As for Amsterdam, he's trying to muster international support for the Red Shirt cause after the group's leaders turned themselves in to avoid more casualties.

    Amsterdam says he was with the leaders in their compound drafting a platform that contains pledges to avoid violence and to negotiate unconditionally. (Amsterdam's personal blog chronicles some of his other experiences on the ground in Bangkok, as does this op-ed he wrote about the Red Shirts for The Australian.)

    Amsterdam says he flew to Hong Kong early Wednesday (EST) with several of Thaksin's Thai lawyers because "we could no longer function in Bangkok."

    "The [Thai] government is going to use these protests as a pretext to try to go after my client, because they are just deathly afraid of him," Amsterdam says. "Now we are going to investigate and document the absolutely extra-legal behavior of the Thai government and military."

    Amsterdam says the Obama administration has been "incredibly quiet" about what is unfolding in Thailand.

    "The writing is on the wall that this [Thai] government is not long for this earth," Amsterdam adds. "Abhisit has to resign and they have to call for elections."


    the Lawyer and the Liar, good bedfellows..........

    You took my line The lawyer, the liar T, the liar A, the Liar the other T, the liar the other A, and the judges, would make very good bedfellows....

    If they thought they could nail him they would have an arrest warrant a long time ago. So it was approved and then rescinded. They are being very careful the world is watching. They will need concrete proof. Statements from people will mean nothing as people can be bribed.

  18. Kavit great piece of distorting

    "Thailand's election to the UN Human Rights Council last week saved the country from sinking deeper into the abyss. The hard-won seat, which came at the height of street tensions and battles, showed that the country still enjoyed a good reservoir of support among the international community. Scoring the second highest votes of 182 after Maldives at 185, they did better than the other 12 countries, including Spain, Switzerland and Poland. However, the diplomatic capital, especially on the home front, is getting thinner by the day".

    Hard won seat 4 nominations for 4 positions. Excellent analysis!

    5 votes more than Qatar and 3 more than Malaysia.

    From below you can see Thailand have 25% of the vote and Spain have 50% of the vote but that is distorting information as well.

    Below from UN make your own assessment. Don't forget Political prisoners over the last whatever years. Rohingya, Drugs, Hmong, internet and media.

    Number of votes in parentheses obtained in a single round of balloting (the required majority was 97):

    • African States (4 seats)
      • Angola (170 votes)
      • Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (155 votes)
      • Mauritania (167 votes)
      • Uganda (164 votes)

      [*]Asian States (4 seats)

      • Malaysia (179 votes)
      • Maldives (185 votes)
      • Qatar (177 votes)
      • Thailand (182 votes)

      [*]Eastern European States (2 seats)

      • Poland (171 votes)
      • Republic of Moldova (175 votes)

      [*]Latin American and Caribbean States (2 seats)

      • Ecuador (180 votes)
      • Guatemala (180 votes)
      • Peru (1 vote)

      [*]Western European and Other States (2 seats)

      • Spain (177 votes)
      • Switzerland (175 votes)

  19. My Thai friend has dropped a couple of bombshells on me today, he is suggesting that there are several clans against each other. He says it may have been Thaksin but there is another 2 groups that would be happy to demolish anything owned by the central group. Big C was done later than CW and may have been paybacks. This is all getting confusing it reminds me of 'The night Chicago died'. Will anyone ever know the Truth? I am sure the judges will know. But the courts never will.

  20. May be someone knows the owner of the Big c Building as many pundits say why central and Big C and other shops nearby not touched. Firstly I thought maybe it was the red rabble. Now I am getting suspicious. Did the govt and the red leaders together know or hope this would happen, and if they did who is behind it and what for? Or has someone sent there own red rabble and fueled this? There is certainly very poor propaganda machines working on both sides. Why have banks and some institutions all over the country been closed including Yala. I know because the insurgents in Yala may bomb one! Ooops that could happen any day. I think they are trying to alienate the people they have not already alienated.

  21. I am sure that guy in the picture you will find on Bangkok Post somewhere. He was near Khao san apr10 and got hit by rubber bullets or something cant remember the exact story got out of hospital recently. lucky to be alive a couple of inches the other way and he would of been another number. the number should be zero. no excuse for wanting the destroy property that is not yours. Angry Ant. Cant sue them can do sfa he's pissed.

  22. So TWAP's comment that he hadn't seen a single innocent murdered is ridiculous.

    During violence by a mob no-one is innocent.

    Again, please then put forward any proof that many of the people shot was not part of a mob, not sporting stones, slingshots, sticks, handguns or Molotov cocktails nor that they helped others that has this.


  23. .

    The world will not forget the Demon Crazy scenes of chaos and complete disregard for human rights on all sides.

    However, one photo will always stand out amongst the many others and that is the one of a proud father holding his crying child up above the barricades while all round him there is danger and chaos. What kind of intelligent person does that? Only a brain dead monkey man in amazing Thailand that's who... You can't even refer to him as a stupid buffalo because buffalos protect their young...

    The man is a fanatic, but his religion must be easy money and cheap booze...

    He is indicative of those religious fanatics who train their kids to be Maters for a religious cause. But that's another story...


    The rule of Law must be upheld or there will be a repeat of this debacle...

    Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it...

    As a parting note: There is an old saying: Don't eat Yellow Snow!

    We may have to apply that to next year's rice crop if the farmers are still pissed (pun intended) off!

    So, my advice to you all is: Do Not Eat Yellow Rice!

    Peace to all...


    MR J. You blew it.


    Speaking of MJ which makes you higher, the yellow snow or the yellow rice.

  24. If the majority support the government, why didn't Abhisit call an election, win it and then none of this would have happened. The blame rest firmly on his shoulders. You cannot deny people democracy year after year and expect no consequences.

    You are right, in a democracy the majority rules and wins..... Democracy is NOT what is happening in Thailand. It hasn't seen democracy since the coup.

    Well said. The elections which brought PPP / PT were completely undemocratic, so why are the reds complaining now??? :)

    Well said jonclark! They were undemocratic elections and the PPP/PT still won.

  25. This is an Editorial does that mean the editor wrote it? I think he is saying the red leaders created Frankenstein. I bet he got a very fat payday for this one! So it is ok for the Army to go to a demonstration that had no problems and start shooting people. Firstly why does none of these blogs except the fact that the army has nothing to do with it, and I really hope that Frankenstein whoever they are that sent them in, spends a lot of time cooling their heels in the dirtiest rat infested hole of a jail they can find.

    But the red leaders do not have a monopoly on selfishness and insensitivity. You are right about that one go look in the mirror. And take a look at some of the politicians on both sides.

    “Never mind Tiananmen Square, but let's imagine if this was Paris, London or New York, the reds doing what they have done, they wouldn't have lasted for more than a week.” The Army would not have lasted more than a week because every citizen in the country would come out and destroy the government. Can someone please explain what was wrong with there protest (apparently 5,000 people) before the army marched in with the equipment to clear 20million people, yes grenades, assault rifles, anti aircraft guns, tanks.. Paris, London, NY. Change Hands!

    There was one poor bloke on this blog who lost his business because of what has happened, He was ready to do something to people who caused this he was very angry. I would bet if I was standing next to him and said something he did not like or was part of the cause, he would have punched and then kicked and maybe killed me. He sounded very angry. The reds did the wrong thing by burning and looting they saw red and where enraged, but they should be brought to justice just as the instigators will rot in hel_l. Have a spit and thuggery are crimes as are some other politicians and there handlers.

    When did Abhisit make a serious offer. If he was so serious why did he start with the army and when he made his offer with conditions why didn’t he withdraw the conditions and make a serious offer? Example, ‘I will dissolve the house on Sept 1 so an election can be held on Nov14’ Very Very simple.

    I still cannot understand why he wanted to stop the protest.

    He should have resigned on April 11th.


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