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Posts posted by Democrat

  1. Mr Abhisit do you have an english passport. I hold a passport from the country I was born and brought up in, not the country of my parents. I would stand by the people I grew up with and the whole country! And my hat goes off to someone, to go to another country, and give allegiance to that country in the way of becoming a politician, to try and help that countries people (I am sure their are many people who do not have Thai parents that would like this opportunity and do a great job of it). But with your background Mr A. would not Accountability be right at the top.

    I know there has been a lot going on in Thailand under many governments and juntas. Accountability where in your roadmap is this? You in your tenure have left, as previous pm's have, more questions unanswered than answered! Accountability would answer many questions. Not made up answers or misleading bits of information, or one story one day and another story another day.

    So what is it with you anyway

    Are you Thai ,Indian or a westerner today

    Just looked at a few of your posts ,so what is it

    Here are some of your quotes

    " I am sure its the farangs. but my wife keeps telling me she is not the only good farang in the world. I tell her Go Hoc!

    hmmm,ok and another

    "And one of these were a win for you farangs"

    Sounds a bit like either your confused,or you are forgeting your porkies which wouldnt be a suprise when you look at your statement on the previous election results

    "They got 36% of the vote + 40% for murdering PTT party members, suppression and junta control of the media and polling stations - 3% for vote buying + 3% for vote buying on the other side. Still 76% for the reds is a clear majority"

    Its not even all that so much but your baseless allegations ,generally as a rule information obtained from your Thai mate

    This is just the two you have used today

    "My Thai friend has dropped a couple of bombshells on me today, he is suggesting that there are several clans against each other. He says it may have been Thaksin but there is another 2 groups that would be happy to demolish anything owned by the central group. Big C was done later than CW and may have been paybacks"

    "Mr Newin is losing a lot of support in his electorate at the moment. My friend from his electorate said they (BP/Govt)have asked from his village 100k about 100 people. the village up the road about 300 people they have asked for the same 100k. A lot of people are starting to get peeved"

    Handy that wasnt it that your Thai mate,lives up north and in the district no less of Newin

    I am sure if i were to go through your posts for any longer than three minutes,i would find out he probably he also lives in Bkk or wherever suits your story at the time eh !

    Anyway,best to leave it with your recent statement when accused and proven of false quoting

    "Sorry about that! the cat started chasing the mouse and I couldn't control it"

    You say it so much better than i ever could !!!!!

    Well thisismadness. Yep sure a farang can be Indian or portugese or english. And the previous elections? your comment does not make sense. Actually I do have many Thai mates, and brothers in Bangkok, as I do in many parts of Thailand. How do you assume baseless information? I am assuming you are saying that Big C was the first to burn and then Central world, and that is baseless information. Madness you may have "This is just the two you have used today" Go and do your research correctly I did not use that quote today.

    The trouble is the only thing you can say is, madness. Maybe put some effort into giving a constructive opinion or news you have heard or viewed. If people are not sure about that information. There is always ghoogle and a network of friends to get that information, do your own research and form your own opinion. feel free to share it with all on this forum. If you have nothing good to say don't say it.

  2. If you know who shot Sah Daeng, why don't you share it with us (and international media, while you're at it)?

    I am sure I have seen an article and footage of a Thai army sniper shooting Seh, and a report in either nation or BP that the press ran to the building where the shot came from. The press were told there is nothing to see here as a team of army personnell with rifles got into a black van and drove off.

    Yeah, a "rumor" of some "Eyewitness" who will have seen it all from quite a distance or heard it, or...

    it starts that this "eyewitness" claimed that he/she will have "seen" a sniper, hooded and all, with a "long stick" on the roof of the Dusit Thani... and then how he/she was whisked off with "Police vehicle" and escort... :)

    Yep, a rumor about an "eyewitness"... :D

    And you are that eyewitness? The Dusit Thani was it. I can quote you on that.

  3. If Abhisit would just return to his country of birth and stay there, Thailand could go forward with its long, long reconciliation phase. With the waters polluted with the hi-so hate-speech of Abhisit, Kasit and others, nothing good can happen.

    And if so, who is going to help reconcile the society? The man who spent billions teaching them to hate for his own corrupt good? The man who taught them how to burn down cities?

    I for one think that a little Western thinking might be just what the doctor ordered. I agree thought that I don't particularly like Kasit, I think they need someone much more professional as FM, maybe someone young and better educated.

    Have to agree with you Rabo. Cannot be a man who sits afar and alledgedly takes billions, and gives millions, and helps to cause riots, burn buildings. Certainly not the man to be a politician, and should pay for any crimes committed. It also cannot be people who alledgedly instigated the death of many people. A bit of Western thinking in this case of a lot of people died Official no 88. actual deaths? Abhisit should resign as leader of the democrat party, In my opinion I suggest they not have ex army, police at the top like some other parties.

  4. In the many hours that I spent around the fighting and protests I never witnessed any tension or hostilities between the protesters and the ambulance personnel -- they were shoulder to shoulder like brothers in arms. I have video footage on the night of May 14th at Soi Rangnam where Vajira Hospital medical personnel attempted to rescue a dead person and being shot at multiple times, taking great risk, but made it out. On the very next day a person from the same Hospital crew was shot in the head and killed by the army, I believe in the same location. It seems to be an indication of media manipulation to say that Reds and Army "alike" were anti-medical personnel. Apparently this is a lie to cover up the truth.

    Somtumtiger and hammerred, your comments show your lack of honesty as well as where your loyalty lies, duly noted.

    "...............a person from the same Hospital crew was shot in the head and killed by the army............"

    As you're not sure of the location, is it not reasonable to assume that you did not witness this event? Yet you blame the army, with no grounds for this belief given, or even a suggestion that it may not have been the army or that the incident was accidental.

    Your red slip is showing, again.

    Tell that to the journalists who saw the nurse shot in the back by the army at the Temple.

    Andrew Buncombe JOURNALIST

  5. Also in order to make it clear that I am not a part of a PR campaign, I did not witness who killed the dead man down near the front on the night of the 14th, and I didn't specifically state who did. I only describe who was clearly firing guns, the sounds and unison of their guns, the extreme obviousness of who they were, and the almost completely unarmed protesters that really were just hanging back behind obstacles watching (admittedly while a half dozen or so were up front at any one time trying to rile up their enemy). I do state however that I have no evidence -- and did not witness -- the killing or shooting of the man that was picked up by med personnel on the 14th.

    Dear Portladstone, you start some previous posts with the statements that other posters are absolutley wrong and that their opinions were not based on facts. You consequently you keep talking about army firing and shooting (and by doing that insinuating) whereas at first you claim to have video material and then claim that you were no witness to whatever incident. Quite a contradiction, as you have no facts yourself and are purely guessing based on what you choose to believe.

    kire B look it up on google. of course that is provided you are not in Thailand. "Pathumwan temple andrew buncombe". A reporter got shot alledgedly by the army. As they alledgedly shot a nurse helping a dying person in the temple grounds.

  6. Quote,

    Dr Thangdan Pisalphong, of King Mongkut Hospital, said all sides should ensure the security of the rescue teams. He said when his team arrived to pick up a body they found a bomb next to the corpse. Quote

    While the fighting was ongoing, I would think that all security measures were taken to minimize the loss of lives. Having paremdics killed would only add to the many problems they face.

    You have to remember that the soldiers seen their fellow soldiers and police murdered by the red terrorist at a time when the soldiers were unarmed and the terrorist snipers used artillery. The soldiers are people who were only trying to do their job. They did not have choice about being there. The red terrorist and the red shirts had a choice. They could go home at any time they wanted to and if they would have done that at the beginning of the demonstrations when they first heard of pemeditated violence talk from their red leaders, then no lives would have been lost. The red shirts are 100% responsible for all lives lost.

    My condolences to the wives and families of the soldiers and police who died.

    Difos you wrote 'at the beginning of the demonstrations'. Can you or anyone tell me when the UDD let it be known that they were going to hold a rally was the ISA invoked?

  7. If you know who shot Sah Daeng, why don't you share it with us (and international media, while you're at it)?

    I am sure I have seen an article and footage of a Thai army sniper shooting Seh, and a report in either nation or BP that the press ran to the building where the shot came from. The press were told there is nothing to see here as a team of army personnell with rifles got into a black van and drove off.

    These articles, AND footage, were in your own imagination or the real world ?

    LOL ... Democrat is putting forward sheer fantasy! The immediate reports from the scene said the shot came from the top of one of the buildings IN Lumpini. Later claims were a shot fired from the Dusit. The coroner hasn't given out much info yet.

    This is typical redshirt disinformation. He won't be posting any confirming links :)

    Maybe ya better put your glasses on and look it up in the Bangkok post and CNN the day of the shooting. Do your own research just like I do. I told you I had seen some information. Some Red shirts do not like to do anything for themselves at all.

    Here is a clue.

    Type in your computer in your internet browser. "www.google.com

    In the search field type "army sniper kills seh daeng" or "sniper kills seh daeng"

    From there you will get many options select one, and proceed to read the information or view the pictures.

    From what you read and view form your own opinion if you wish to share it with us feel welcome.

    Please reserve your unnecessary and unwanted abuse for the punching bag. Most people are good until you provoke them, when you provoke them anything can happen. e.g. Portsmouth making it to the FA cup final.

    Thank you in Advance for being a good citizen, sharing your opinion with us, be it right or wrong and keeping the abuse out of this forum.

  8. Mr Abhisit do you have an english passport. I hold a passport from the country I was born and brought up in, not the country of my parents. I would stand by the people I grew up with and the whole country! And my hat goes off to someone, to go to another country, and give allegiance to that country in the way of becoming a politician, to try and help that countries people (I am sure their are many people who do not have Thai parents that would like this opportunity and do a great job of it). But with your background Mr A. would not Accountability be right at the top.

    I know there has been a lot going on in Thailand under many governments and juntas. Accountability where in your roadmap is this? You in your tenure have left, as previous pm's have, more questions unanswered than answered! Accountability would answer many questions. Not made up answers or misleading bits of information, or one story one day and another story another day.

  9. If you know who shot Sah Daeng, why don't you share it with us (and international media, while you're at it)?

    I am sure I have seen an article and footage of a Thai army sniper shooting Seh, and a report in either nation or BP that the press ran to the building where the shot came from. The press were told there is nothing to see here as a team of army personnell with rifles got into a black van and drove off.

  10. :)

    Unless your brain has been damaged by a constant barrage of Reds propaganda, or you are intentionally dead in the eyes and ears so you can't hear or see anything but what you want to, you have to acknowledge that there were a group of hard core militants, probably with military training at least, in the ranks of the Reds among those camped in Bangkok during the recent disturbances. But I'm still not sure about this story.

    Why would they reveal themselves to a reporter you ask? Well, for the same reasons other criminals talk about their crimes; because they like to brag and boast about what they have done. So I'm not in disbelief that they would take the chance to boast a bit to a reporter. After all, they are proud of what they did...and boasting to a reporter to inflate their own ego is exactly what I would expect from such a group.

    But one of the things the reporter said that I noticed, which made me somewhat suspicious was that the reporter said...."within 10 minutes they had loaded their weapons and ammunition"...they pulled their weapons from concealment under a plastic tarp, then loaded ammo magazines with ammo. If you are hiding a M-16 under a plastic tarp....then why no hide lalready loaded magazines also? Surely if a government soldier managed to get into your hideout, and found a M-16 rifle there....then what's the point of having ammunition hidden somewhere else. If you are armed with M-16's, and need to respond immeadiately, then why have your bullets stored somewhere else from your rifles? Ten minutes to get the ammo and load it is a long time in an emergency...if you need the weapons immeadiately.

    Maybe I'm just being to picky about that.

    One thing I'm sure of however is that there were those with military grade weapons, and miliary training using those weapons in Bangkok.

    For all its worth, during the Red Shirts demonstrations and their occupations of government buildings....more than once a reporter took fleeting pictures of black clad gunmen with weapons. I myself saw a couple of pictures wth black clad men carrying weapons running into the shadows and buildings to hide when a reporter took a picture of the "peaceful" Red Shirt protests.

    They were drinking in between, otherwise they would have had their equipment ready in no longer than 2 to 3 minutes.

  11. men in black

    some of their arsenal

    Leeno you posted some youtube stuff also one with a tar rifle. What is this supposed to mean. I dont get what you are trying to picture as you have not made any comments. Could you explain please.

    Was it one of these people that wrote about the taxi drivers telling him that the black shirts were from cambodia?

  12. I have a suggestions for you. Rent a car or motorcycle. Take a driving/riding tour around the country for a month or two. Report back about how well you respected the traffic laws, and then report about may many traffic fines you paid.

    Paying fines in Thailand has nothing to do with obeying the law. It is simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, particularly with regard to traffic offences.

    Hmm, not sure that I totally agree. I've had friends say the same thing as you about wrong place, wrong time. I never have had a ticket in 5 years of driving cars and motorbikes here in Thailand. Maybe I'm lucky or I don't try to stand out, with new SUV's and Harley's. Thai view: Oh, you have too much money, we'll take some! At least that's my short answer!

    I am the same in 4 years I have had 1 ticket which was legitimate. In the last 2 weeks I have been through at least 10 roadblocks, they have checked I am wearing my seatbelt, and I am not on the phone and waved me through. But I have heard of many things, like what is being written in this column.

  13. I also don't expect much, but it is certainly a much needed thing. Abhisit has been able to do quite a lot legislation-wise. Maybe this is something they can do after they are back in power, after the next election.

    apisit and the democratic party as a whole need to start the action of cleaning up the police heads and military heads NOW.... certainly the action required is.... NOW

    military chief, anupong, very much like the four northern governors failing to take action against the reds and action to protect govt houses, needs to be replaced and relocated IMMEDIATELY for his role of inactivity during the crises.... he really can not be left untouched until his retirement next few months.... he needs to be reprimanded promptly and severely NOW....

    anupong is casting a very bad example for other dept heads.... for assuming that apisit is too much of a gentleman.... to take any drastic actions.... :D

    for a moment i was ranting like i were apisit.... :)

    Urr Mr Fine Gold. Where did you get all that gold?

    When the police force fine someone or take a bribe, where does the majority of the money end up? certainly not in the policeman's pocket? certainly not in the police force?

  14. the Cambodia connection !!!!!!!!!

    A Thai court issued orders on Tuesday to arrest former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on terrorism charges, accusing him of helping to fund two months of anti-government riots.

    The court says there is enough evidence to believe that Thaksin was the mastermind of weeks of anti-government riots that began in April and left 88 people dead and 1,400 wounded.

    Government officials say Thaksin contributed millions of dollars toward the 10 weeks of protests and is believed to have organized the smuggling of arms and fighters from Cambodia.

    Arresting Shinawatra may not be easy. It's believed the telecom tycoon has resided in Dubai since his ouster in a coup in 2006, but he keeps his location secret. He was last believed to be in France for the Cannes film festival.

    Thai prosecutors and the Foreign Ministry said they would launch a global hunt for Thaksin. If he is captured and convicted, he could be sentenced to death.

    That last sentence is what will absolutely ensure that no government wil deport him to Thailand. But if the governement has money to burn trying to get sophisticated countries to behave like this third world dictatorship, will let them enjoy spending it.

    You are right about that and they have probably done this as the evidence may not be to good. Every body keeps saying he is a smart men, he is not going to leave any trails. But it is also a fact that the people from the north and north east donated an enormous amount of money not for an illegal cause but to help there fellow countrymen at the protest area.

  15. mate you don't need anymore proof about Western Media and their attitudes, than to go back to when that Australian Shiela STOLE the bar mats from the pub in Phuket.

    I followed the entire episode very closly in all forms of the Australian media. TV, Radio, Press and Internet. It was the most blatantly biased and supremely arrogant reporting since the Dingo ate Azaria.

    My mother in Aust who is well into her 80s now, has been a frequent visitor to the LOS and Mother In Law to my Thai Wife was so incensed, for the first time in her entire life, rang the top rating radio station in Melbourne and gave them all a spray!

    She refused to go on air though.

    Wonderful report from a Journo in a Phuket deckchair. It was really bad everywhere ,why do you think we had ED in so many provinces, and the violence could have broken out anywhere, do not forget it was a political rally, and terrorists were involved. If you read one of the previous articles they even had problems in Pattaya and Phuket among others provinces.

    The Shiela "Her friend" put one bar mat in her handbag. Yeah missed out on some easy money eh! They were not happy at all.

  16. In my travel around some western countries I have seen that same Tatoo. Take a good look at those pictures they are white men with that tan stuff you can buy from the chemist. My wife shes white, wears it fairly often. Looks just the same. On motorbikes out of Klong Toey, many expats live there, and these people are probably holed up there, at their friends places. I am sure its the farangs. but my wife keeps telling me she is not the only good farang in the world. I tell her Go Hoc!

  17. Lets wait to see how many interrogations lead to subsequent arrests, perhaps the militant wing is already back in Cambodia, where Thai people go to hide.

    The Black clad shooters are from Cambodia , there is now evidence to be released this week on who and why they were contracted for the job, The pay check Master Thaksin made his $$$ deposit some months before this in the case he needed them to cross over into Thailand if he lost his money in the court ruling , Since 911 the world has a special practice of wire tap /cell phone word searching for key words, Thaksin made this list some 3 months ago and all of his evidence now will list him as the money leader behind the terrorism attacks now in Thailand .

    he likes to say he has no connection but his mighty dollars linked the WAY

    Could you a link a source to this information? First time I've heard this and I'd be interested to read more about it.

    i know too much from my Thai wife who works in that area in Bangkok, Big things are coming for Thaksin " Dr Evil " , watch his private plane get impounded next

    If you know too much. That's one Dr Evil, we all know that. Tell us the other ones. It takes 2 to tango. But at a guess there is more than 2 players in all of this.

  18. I have just read the whole thread on this, and it seems nobody has mentioned the the PM offered early elections and a five point road map. His deputy also handed himself in to DSI as requested by the red shirts.

    The redshirts could have gone home with a victory and saving face if that is truely what they wanted.

    They did not, they then put up further demands which were unreasonable.

    The government bent over backwards to help the red shirts but the leaders just did not want to know.

    It seems they had a lot more in mind and that was shown when the military HAD to move in to dispan them.

    The red shirts need to be educated in what democracy really means.

    You are totally right. Because the red clan had got away with so much they thought they could achieve a totally victory, they were wrong.

    My friend, a nurse informed me that three arsonists who torched government office in Ubon were shot dead. She received them at hospital.

    And Mr Thaksin you are really happy about the three people being shot dead.

  19. Broken record 'Democrat'.

    Your fantasies will not get fuelled here. Abhisit is more likely to face a Nobel Peace Prize than see the Hague - unless he chooses to holiday there.

    Yes continual Human rights Abuses get awarded Noble Prizes, in your imagination do they. By the way netherlands do not allow brits to holiday there, you have to be from one of those SA nations.

  20. What do you want? A serie of unrests/insurrections? In such a case, continue endless inflammmatory postings.....It is not my option.

    So, instead to polemicate over the past conflict, we should focus on the issues and how to fix them. There are real issues in Northern provinces and they must be adressed. The first thing to do is to start a dialog which should begin to defuse the situation.

    If we continue inflammatory discussions, no way we will succeed. It does not mean that everything is forgotten: justice has to be done through the regular channels but in the same time, Thais have to explain each other...

    First step, how to find representatives of the Population of Northern Regions? My solution: by opening temporary local committees in every village in the Northern Provinces, then those committees will name delegates to some regional committees in order to summarize the issues and claims. So through this system of committees, new leaders should emerge. and the dialog can start after...

    In reality whoever has the money will run for the PPP and buy enough votes to get elected. Then they will work tirelessly to fill their own bank accounts while doing nothing for the people in the north.

    Urrh and us democrats we NEVER buy votes here in Thailand, and of course the Bhumjai Party NEVER buy votes, etc. You're imagination would not even come close to the amount of money spent. Imagine all that money going to help Thailand. LOS Big, Big. I do have to tell you though you are right whatever party gets elected they will not spend money on the north, because according to most pundits Bangkok is Thailand? Happy to say wrong!

  21. Yoshiwara. All I have seen on TV in Thailand is Propagandists talking. No questions allowed. What is being hidden from us. The democrat party and its democracy.

    Speaking of mealy mouthed witterings. It is time the PM and his deputy hurry for the curry and resign. How can they unite the country after inciting so much trouble and so many deaths.

    You too.

    Supporting the burning down of Thai working people's livelihoods.

    You are the enemies of working people.

    Like Thaksin always blaming others for actions your beloved reds undertook.

    Get out of Bangkok and don't come back.

    You support the burning down of peoples livelihoods. That is a disgusting thing to support. I do not support rioting, but I do not support 1 death even more. My beloved reds you really are in a dream world. My beloved Thai people, Yes. What has bangkok to do with it. This is Thailand. Negative attitude's are not required in this country. If you can see the whole community, working with someone that has been involved in deaths of their brothers and sisters you need to think again. Does not matter what you think it matters what the Thais think. And if you think Abh and Thugs can do it, Good luck to you, but you are wrong. But most of all good luck to Thailand and its people, that is all of Thailand

  22. You might be very right, I myself was vastly more shocked by Thai troops shooting at Thai citizens as compared to the buildings that went up in flames, but I guess that's a question of getting your priorities straight.

    No, don't get that one.

    There was nothing shocking about troops firing at self-declared terrorists who invariably fired first. Oh ! and they were illegally occupying the protest site.

    Watching rampaging terrorists indescriminately looting and burning Bangkok property was truly shocking.

    You need to first understand the meaning of the word terrorist, what we have seen are not terrorist by any stretch of the imagination. They were Thai citizens protesting for what they believe in. Also I am very much in doubt they fired first. The first attack on them seemed to me pretty much unprovoked. In any case, the army is not the body that should disperse demonstrations.

    It seems the word terrorist is pretty much inflated in Thailand nowadays.

    Nope, don't get that either. Try this for education:-

    terrorist [ˈtɛrərɪst] n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a. a person who employs terror or terrorism, esp as a political weaponb. (as modifier) terrorist tactics

    I think the video evidence is there to prove that the red leadership and the red guard (+ a few black shirts, etc) were indeed inciting terror as a political weapon. End of story, court cases to follow.

    Everyone knows the meaning of Terrorist but when in Thailand have they had terrorists. Yes court cases to follow. And I am sure they will get a fair trial. Abhisit will in The Hague.

  23. they were noisy, disruptive, confusing and messy, big deal... hardly a crime worthy of execution. Now over 80 people are dead...mostly protestors, mostly unarmed...do we think getting shot at may have got a few people mad enough to run amok? Shopping malls can be rebuilt human beings can't... Seems so many people happy to go back to the same old same old...if its not over then that's because maybe noone on any side has learned anything new!

    Certainly that appears to include you with your meally-mouthed witterings about 'protestors' and 'unarmed'.

    First the riot.

    Then the cover-up of responsibility.

    When that fails, the fake reds.

    Yoshiwara. All I have seen on TV in Thailand is Propagandists talking. No questions allowed. What is being hidden from us. The democrat party and its democracy.

    Speaking of mealy mouthed witterings. It is time the PM and his deputy hurry for the curry and resign. How can they unite the country after inciting so much trouble and so many deaths.

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