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Posts posted by Democrat

  1. One of the earlier posts was not very clear. Something about paybacks and Barnham. Were they saying he would get the contract to rebuild CW. I cannot see how Thaksin is paying him back if his men torched it. That would be more like a present I would have thought. Does anyone now whether barnham uses Thai labour (Issaan) or mynamar labour? If the govt picks up the bill or part of the bill for the rebuilding of CW, will the small shop owners get something from the govt (I mean more than a token gesture)?

  2. Hey monkey, I'm missing the warrants against Aghisit and his horde for murde innocent people.

    Do you have any brain or lost it last night in a bar???

    I have yet to see a single innocent murdered in the riots...enlighten us please.

    The Japanese photographer really his camera was an anti aircraft gun. we were only defending ourselves. My condolences to all the families that lost their loved ones.


    Sorry about that! the cat started chasing the mouse and I couldn't control it.

  3. Hey monkey, I'm missing the warrants against Aghisit and his horde for murde innocent people.

    Do you have any brain or lost it last night in a bar???

    I have yet to see a single innocent murdered in the riots...enlighten us please.

    It is sad to see buildings destroyed in this manner. Was this meant to happen? or did it go further than the prem expected.

    The Japanese photographer really his camera was an anti aircraft gun. we were only defending ourselves. My condolences to all the families that lost their loved ones.

  4. This is a stupid and irresponsible editorial.

    Wrong..... Red Shirts = lost the last election = sore losers.

    In 2007, free and open election....red shirts (Puea Thai) only got 36% vote. But they still formed a coaltion govt with other parties. After their first two choices for PM were removed on technicalities...they still controlled the govt thru their coaltion. BUT....Newin/Bhumjai withdrew from the coaltion..legally, per democratic process...and formed a new coalition with Democrats and other parties....who had the MAJORITY of duly elected MPs. The government of Abhisit is the duly elected government. Any attempt to deny this is anti democratic. Period.

    Red Shirts - Puea Thai... will not get more than 20% of the vote next time. The country is sick of their violence and anti democratic bully tactics...incited by the most corrupt PM in Thai history....megalomanica Thaksin...the butcher of Tak Bai.

    They got 36% of the vote + 40% for murdering PTT party members, suppression and junta control of the media and polling stations - 3% for vote buying + 3% for vote buying on the other side. Still 76% for the reds is a clear majority. Before you sprout go check your facts. Newin/Bhunjai withdrew WHY? open your eyes Thaksin and his cohorts are @#$# Abhisit and his cohorts are exactly the same. Difference Abhisit has started the killing and injuring of a lot of people. Now many gangs a lot of them red protesters are looting and burning. A smart pm could have avoided this.

  5. I agree with your points above. However, I don't personally think that it is continueing, escallating and spreading because people want to voice their anger (anymore) - I think it has turned into mob rule. Looting, violence and chaotic lawlessness of the mob mentality is now in free run. Blanket curfews gives a way of separating the now headless roving mob from bystanders and a chance to stop it cold - hope it works - stopping a boulder rolling doesn't necessitate the destruction of the boulder (I hope) but unfortunatly there will be some chips and scaring.

    Yes agreed I think every gang in Bangkok whether red, yellow or no colour will seize the opportunity to join in and damage and loot as much as they can while they can. The atm machines seem like jackpot machines for every gang at the moment.

  6. The government and soldiers deserve nothing but praise. They gave the protestors every opportunity to walk away peacefully, but they declined, and stayed to whip up the crowd with their vitriolic rhetoric to the degree that the crowd was uncontrollable. The protestors (should we be calling looters and arsonists protesters??) came looking for a fight and got one. No sympathy for any of them.

    The city and country bleeds because of their pig headed stubbornness to enter into dialogue. Interesting to read many Thai 'twitters' who are now refusing to donate blood as it will be used to treat injured 'protesters'. As Nattuwat said last week "Victory is inevitable" A fine victory indeed.

    The problem with this is where in Thailand is a leader who can unify the people??

    Axx ho

    You are really one of the biggest axx hole I have ever seen to encourage for the attack.. What will you feel if you family or anyone die for just protest? You should be ashamed for your entire life who posting this comment..

    And you need to read what i wrote.. How can i encourage something that has already happened? I support the action taken by the government. They didn't just die for protest. They died confronting soldiers; They died looting, burning, stealing and intimidating ordinary citizens, They hijacked a major business center, blocked roads, set up illegal check points and searched cars; They cost many people their jobs and livelihood; They ignored a state of emergency. If you think that is protesting well i will do a quick bit of cut and paste and say....

    You are really one of the biggest axx hole

    So yes the government and soldiers deserve praise for taking the hard decision to restore the rule of law.

    Axx hole.. read back the old newspaper and go for internet if you do not know who bring the "hijack" idea to the red-shirt protester.. I NEVER say that the red-shirt protesters were doing the right thing.. those red-shirt protester started for those extream action after the first round killing by the government.. besides, a smart and reliable government should take better action rather than killing people just to recover the so call temporary peace.. Trust me.. if you believe those hard decision can bring peace to the country.. i lose 10 meals to you.. remember my name..

    Agree with you! What the.. has it got to do with the Army! Exactly Nothing PO. The govt started it. If you really think they will get Thaksin with heresay and no hard evidence of Terrorism or jacked up evidence back into this country you have got to be joking. Watch the Television if you are right and feel confident you have done the right thing, you would have no fear to answer reporters questions, not tell people this is fact without the facts. Anyone with a bit of intellegience knows when you don't allow anyone to ask questions you have something to hide. So what are they hiding. Smart and reliable govts dont get there army to kill their own citizens(not Terrorists). They do what any western govt do. If they are protesting peacefully they allow it just like in the USA currently and the protest that went for over 2 years that wasn't always peaceful in Australia. If they protest like Greece they send in the riot police with teargas, water cannons, riot shields and batons Oh yes the Greece riot police had molotov cocktails thrown at them as well. Those protesters started it because the police didn't have guns or tanks or Ha Ha anti- aircraft guns.

    My guess is we will never know the truth because the people yes more than one silly, whoever they are that are masterminding this do not care about life, and life is worth more than money and face.

  7. All his and his family's funds should be seized to help rebuild the country he has tried so hard to tear apart.

    Do you honestly think that there is anyone with any political power what so ever in Thailand today that would use Thaksin's seized Billions of Bahts to rebuild... the country? :)

    Try "help rebuild their personal wallets" and you might be closer to the truth... :D

    But I agree, it would be the right thing to do, if it could be done...

    Exactly but they started some time ago.

  8. I have to say this about the Australian media tonight,

    My 14yr old son was watching a 7.30pm News Report tonight on the today's Bangkok Red Shirt Dispersal when he said to me "Mum there playing the soundtrack to the New X-Box 360 Halo Game"

    Yep, the Aussie Media put a thrash metal, X-Box 360 Halo soundtrack as they played video footage of the Carnage, violence, pain & suffering that was a recap of the last 5 days of Bangkok Protests!!!

    Aussie Media - You Have A Lot To Learn, Make Me Sick!!!

    Well the govt station had John Lennon's "Imagine" on here showing the similar. Makes me sick to the core! Next they will play Elvis the Kin_g of RR "Please Mr Postman" with a shot of Thaksin in a parcel being delivered to them.

  9. The reds never actually asked for an election. They asked for dissolution which by its very nature causes a power vacuum.

    Inquiring minds may want to think about what wouldhave occured in that power vacuum.

    The reds never actually asked for anything. They demanded, demanded, demanded. They had three days of negotiations, then demanded that their demands be met before they'd "negotiate" further. They initially accepted the road map and November elections (LIKE KIDS TOMORROW I WILL BUY YOU NEW BIKES, TOMORROW; I HAVE TO GO OUT OF TOWN ON BUSINESS; NEXT WEEK; NEXT MONTH KIDS I HAVE TO GO ON HOLIDAYS. WHEN WERE THEY GOING TO HOLD THE ELECTIONS?) then demanded that Suthep turned himself in to the police. He did so. They demanded he turn himself in to some other police, and the government quite rightly withdrew its proposal (MAYBE YOU SHOULD DO SOME RESEARCH ON HIM START WITH GOOGLE THAN GO THROUGH THE THAI COURTS SYSTEM, AND LET ME KNOW YOUR OPINION THEN). They demanded that the army cease fire and withdraw, despite the army being away from the main protest site and it was the reds' own thugs that were coming out to attack it. And despite all these demands, not once did they ever tell us just what they ultimately wanted. NOT ONCE WERE THEY GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO TELL ANYONE ON EVERYDAY CHANNELS. THEY ALWAYS HAD A TROLL SPEAKING OVER THE TOP OF WHAT THEY WERE SAYING. Sure, they demanded dissolution of parliament, but then what? They demanded a change to the system, but how? By voting in the same old corrupt PTP mob? Chalerm and Co? The same miserable bunch of thieving, murdering rogues who, by decades of support for the rice barons, the joke education system and the "do what you like if you're rich" mentality, are directly responsible for the poor being in the position they're in?EXACTLY RIGHT BUT DONT GIVE ONLY HALF THE NAMES AND POLITICAL PARTIES GIVE THEM ALL. ONCE AGAIN DO YOUR RESEARCH YOU COULD START WITH LETS SAY YOU MENTIONED RICE BARONS OK NHRC THAILAND

    No, the current protests and thuggery THIS STARTED WHEN BROTHERS, SISTERS, ETC. GOT ATTACKED BY THE ARMY FOR @#$# SAKE AND KILLED began when Thaksin had over half his frozen assets confiscated, it ended for the leaders when he, and his family and associates, had their monetary transactions frozen, although the glut of new pro Thaksin members here suggests he's found a new way to "invest" his money, now he no longer has to pay off the protestors. The assurances by his brother, and by Seh Daeng, that it would all be over if he was pardoned. How much more evidence is required? IF THEY HAVE THE PROOF; DO THE CRIME! PAY THE TIME! BUT THIS SHOULD GO FOR ALL PEOPLE. LET OTHERS OFF LET THEM ALL OFF INCLUDING THAKSIN. MY POSITION IS DO THEM ALL INCLUDING THAKSIN.

    The current burning and looting is an aftershock. Hundreds of young men, many who are, from video evidence, plainly drugged up and/or drunk, who have been wound up by the constant hate speech coming from the stage, and broadcast around the country, are running riot. It has happened in all major riots in the west too, a group of violence lovers who seize the temporary lapse in law and order to go on the rampage. They'll be rounded up and dealt with over the next weeks, if not days. Sorry for bursting the bubbles of all those gleefully posting here on the fall of the country, the start of the civil war, the beginning of the end. You're out of luck boys, go find another country to tear apart. But then again, anyone celebrating the senseless, willfull destruction of property and people livelihoods doesn't really warrant having any time spent on them, so, other than saying my own thoughts on hearing of the destruction of Central World, and all the other places burning tonight, are simply ones of immense sadness, that's enough. WHO MADE THE PROFITS ON THE DRUGS?

    Enjoy your research. time they found someone who is going to be honest and bring the country back together with honesty and fairness by prosecuting ALL guilty parties and stopping the double standards. (Yes what a dream). I am sure if it was possible to have an complete open forum many eyes would be opened including mine. We don't know halve of what is going on behind the scenes. But we are all trying to put 2 and 3 together.

    I can also see a couple of rednecks from the govt camp in a lot of international trouble.

  10. Oh really? So I guess the people whose lives and jobs have been completely ruined by this two month long "protest" and subsequent burning of their city should take the law into their own hands and go to the villages of these red-shirts and burn that s_hit down, too?

    It appears you and my wife are reading from the same playbook.. she is disgusted right now with the "thai" people that did this.. she can't understand how anybody for ONE second that claims to respect the King would ever even consider doing something like is happening in BKK right now. She wondered aloud what would happen if a group of people headed up to KK or Bumfuc_k Nakon to do the same how things would go. Of course she caught herself and said what am I thinking those crazy buggers would shoot us all on site just for being born in BKK... sad sad sad... more so that its so close to the truth for some of these thugs

    I couldn't agree more this has got out of hand and there is no reason for the govt or anyone to kill people, and no reason to loot and burn buildings. but if I shot your brother, sister, wife husband, daughter, son you would retaliate, I would have to run for my life. I am not condoning it and it should stop, but I can understand they are Angry. So I guess the previous posters are angry at the people that caused this peacefull protest to turn into the shambles it is today. Well done whoever ordered army, rifles, armoured cars, tanks, anti-aircraft guns etc.

  11. The redshirts have conclusively proved one thing, they never wanted democracy and don't even understand what it is. All they do understand is the hate propaganda spewed from their leaders for months on end. They feel a deep sense of injustice as their paternal despot was removed. To some degree this is understandable with all the goings on since 2006, however this does not excuse anarchy.

    These are the human dregs, the scum of the earth who usually get locked up, however sadly Thailand has no system of governance and has always had the potential for anarchy just below the surface. The authorities need to get hold of this very quickly and if it means shooting to kill then that has to be done, otherwise Thailand is going down the same path as either Cambodia or Somalia.

    Very Sad indeed.

    Very Sad indeed. the pot is calling the kettle black. I need to say they are not all locked up, as you are proving unless you are posting from a prison. Only scumbags kill one another and only scumbags incite other people to kill one another. It is very sad indeed that so many posts encourage this type of behaviour. Maybe you should look at both sides your comment 'the red shirts spewed propaganda' I am sure they did. But what do you call continual broadcasts on all channels at the same time by the govt and cres explaining what they did not do and what the reds did (they even mistakenly showed a shot of a soldier shooting a red and are still trying to blame it on the reds) and then will not answer any questions from the media. spewed out propaganda would be the correct term. I am just a bystander and at the start thought if the reds blocked the roads or govt house or the airports for a period of time the police would don their riot gear and batons, water cannons and disperse them. But no they send the army in. What the F%#@*? And the start of this bloody mess a red gets shot by a soldier not 5 feet from a farang. Up until then I didnt really care much. I had heard that Mr T, P, and the other Mr T and a few others were ripping the people off. But when you start killing people that is scumbag sort of stuff and I don't agree with it. And you can blame Mr T all you want he didn't fire the first shot, nor did his supporters. Steely dan was it your request for the anti-aircraft guns so you could see a lot of bloodshed.

  12. Now watch the 'red shirts' thugs, scumbags and criminals loot and steal. Thaksin has created a monster and now it has a mind of its own

    Thailand, Thailand's lethargy, Thailand's corruption and class separation, The elites desire to have power that was not given to them by the people, all these things have created a monster. Once again a poster not seeing the bigger picture about what is actually happening here.

    Are you talking about the world? But other countries are more lucky, they don't have Thaksin.

    And don't dream the communist dream. It's just an illusion!

    You are so right Thailand has 1 Thaksin and 2 thaksin equals. So that is 3 reedy honey mungry %$#@$%# who do not care about life!

  13. Only amnesty for Thaksin.

    That is the only clear demand.

    Same for anti-red. Everything they think of will relate to Thaksin.

    Even a picture while he shopping is still be an angry issue.

    oh man. How blindful they can be.

    Well shrek Thaksin shopping for genuine loius V. I am not sure that is right he should be doing that. Abhispit can only buy fakes for a long time, maybe thaks will send him a real one. Would not surprise me to see the democrats change the PM soon, a bit hard to have a pm when the old hague is coming for you.

  14. Ch3: 30 teenagers stormed into Office of Narcotics Control Board at Din Daeng Intersection and set fire to it /via

    This must be the peaceful reds

    Maybe the yaa baa using members, or those they may have recruited from the slums, may have been promised this building in return for their role in creating chaos on the streets.

    ?????? it is neither red nor yellow it is gangs of youths taking advantage of the situation. I foresee a lot more of this. I do recall someone saying something to the effect of if I lose control i will resign, not even twisting the truth, fibbing just barefaced. He is living in fantasy land.

  15. Oh, these rioters are well armed! Easy to say that when your feet are standing in London.

    The live fire zone has warning posted everywhere. as with other public warning signs, if you proceed then.........!!!

    The army can put signs up and the govt can declare live fire zones anywhere to make life difficult for Bangkok residents, they have every right to shoot people going about their everyday business, Even where there was no problem. There is 2 ways to do things. And for the life of me I cannot understand that the leaders of the govt made the first mistake, now both sides are screwing it right up.

    There is only one way out of this mess and that is international intervention, Stopping companies and innocent peoples financial transactions because they do not agree with you. How low can you go. Not allowing news media to report facts. Is this called suppression, for sure. Attacking innocent people and initially causing 26 deaths. The redshirt leaders are to join the judicial process, hey aussiebob how are the kangaroos down there. I don't agree with what the redshirts are doing either burning tires, blocking roads, ransacking, firing bullets etc. and I dont agree with what the yellow shirts did taking over and ransacking govt house, blocking airports, making it difficult for kids to go to school, blocking roads etc And the so called invisible hand. bombing phone boxes and killing 5 people when the reds were in power and now bombing indiscrimantly and trying to blame the reds, and assasinating opposition members as well as The General with the bal_ls to stand like a man, not run or hide like a few cowards are doing. The money is too important for the people at the top, lives are not. I just hope this can be resolved without further loss of life.

  16. Another one night wonder

    When will you learn

    Governments and PM's are not voted in in Thailand

    MP's are

    It is the MP's who then put in a Government and they choose their Prime Minister

    MP's can cross the floor at any time and change the government

    Same in England and Australia

    Gee I hope this is the last time we have to say this

    Now I am really confused.

    "Governments and PM's are not voted in in Thailand

    MP's are"

    Many of the blogs say MP's buy their way into their position. So what has a vote got to do with it?

  17. Let foreigners do what they want. Foreign born and foreign educated Abhisit seems to be doing just fine!

    And yet he speaks Thai better than 99% of Thais.

    "Oh yes old chap", I can speak english better than 99% of english people. 'Put the prawns on the barbie', I can also speak Australian better than 99% of Australians. As well as 2 other European languages. By the way there is apparently as my many Thai friends tell me, a foreign born and foreign educated person (I think british and british parents both) Andy, Candy something like that that also speaks Thai better than 99% of Thais. A very difficult one for the PM. I myself being in a similar position. But in my heart No. 1 is my birth place and bringing up. No.2 is my mothers country and the country I now live in, very close and very difficult. I do not envy him. Maybe different for him, in that he may have attended boarding school in England and lived in Thailand?

    Before apr 10 a look would have been ok. But now foreigners should stay away from the protest site. That's what these posts are for, for dialogue and at appropriate times humor.

  18. Wow...... where do u get those drugs from.....I want some of them .....PM your dealers number

    Phuket. How did you know he was my dealer. By the way you got any free land for me down in Phuket.

    Nothing for free in Phuket....you got to have money here boyo

    I've got plenty of money but my dealer told me that was why the land is free. Must be the drugs.

  19. I'm sorry to say this, but this is a democratically elected government. Based on the system of government we have in Thailand, Abhisit is indeed entitled to the leadership. The December 2007 election saw the PPP win 233 seats and the Abhisit-led Democrats 165 seats. This out of a total of 480 seats. Therefore, no single party won a majority. The PPP had 36.63% of the vote (26.3 million people) and the Democrats 30.30% of the vote (21.7 million people). Not really a lot of difference. The PPP, naturally, as the majority party had first crack at forming a govt. Later, as we all know, there were sufficient defections from coalition partners and some PPP members to hand the Democrats a majority on the floor of the House. That's parliamentary democracy at work (for example, look at the recent British elections). Whether Abhisit and his party are right for the country is up to individual perspective, but as far as the democratic system is concerned, this current govt is as legitimate as the current Constitution allows.

    Urr were the votes bought?

  20. I hate to say this once again, but do you really think that armed people would be allowed to block off Times Square for almost 2 months? or the downtown of any "western" country? I am from the US and understand that with freedom there must also be responsibility(which is lacking in US among some). Here in the US- the redshirts , the first time they brought weapons to any major city they would be promptly removed. The mexicans are rallying in Arizona-peacefully and politically-this is great, if they bring guns to the rally then the rule of law takes over and they will be promptly and correctly be thrown in jail, this is also great.

    Were the reds not rallying peacefully. The army brought in their anti-aircraft guns (still find this unbelievable, if it wasn't so serious it would be funny) and other weapons, shooting rifles into the air(CRES), eyewitness account (bbc, not journalist). 'The army shot a red shirt in a pickup not 5 feet from me, I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it, than the sound of shooting was everywhere'. Then robin hood and his merry men, get in on the action. The protesters seized weapons and full body armour (again if it wasn't so serious it would be funny)

    I don't disbelieve some reds were carrying weapons as this is a normal occurrence in Thailand. From there it has escalated into more unnecessary deaths.

    So in your country it would not have become a blockade of times square for 2 months as the military would have no involvement. The riot police would not take in armoured vehicles, anti-aircraft guns etc. They would have batons, water cannons, riot shields. They would have allowed then to protest as in Arizona. I also concur if they bring guns the rule of law should takeover.

    People have died and that is not right. there are a lot of people responsible for this and they should be held accountable.

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