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Posts posted by Bakseeda

  1. Suthep has only brought the Bangkok Chinese middle class together to blow whistles, shout slogans and act as if they are superior to the Thai rural farmers in the north and northeast. Name a policy outside of taking away the vote from rural Thais, setting up an oligarchy and removing the Shinawatras from political power. His rhetoric is sad and devoid of anything constructive.

    Yes , but he WILL go down in history as a hero and saviour of Thailand as a nation..... Rock on Suthep ... wai2.gif

  2. understood... here my wife actually goes to a poll site and ticks the box of her choice..and places the ballot in the box etc.so it is pretty clear that follows some sort of expected electoral process and has been that way since '03... since we've been married but i can't speak for other regions or other practices...nothing of course here is consistent...but the point I was making is that even these relatively "grass roots" individuals are tired of Suthep inserting himself everywhere... the delay and distract and attempt to confuse tactic ( my opinion) by trying to stir every possible pot... maybe starting to backfire on him a bit... I think people are weary of the name Suthep now...

    Well DirtBox Farmer.. obviously you live out in the sticks... try living in Bangkok and you will realise that Suthep is a Hero... it was the hard working tax-payers that lost all that hard earned cash that Yinluck and her devils stole from Thailand.. people out in the sticks never pay tax... ask your wife to show you all her tax payment certificates... none.. what right do non-taxpayers have to go to a poll site and tick the box...none.. shame on you...

  3. If the Bank of Thailand had enacted fiscal measures to reduce the value of the Baht when finance minister Kittirat Na Ranong asked them to do so, Thai rice wouldn't be overpriced in the international market. The bank, ruling elite members to a man, refused because their mates in the Ruling Elite were strutting around the worlds financial stags with bulging wallets bloated by the strong baht, buying up stocks and companies. For all the corruption in the rice scheme, it has been a major factor in the growth of the Isaan economy, which has pissed off the ruling elite because now they have to go to Burma to find room maids and gardeners as less Isaan people want these poorly paid servile jobs. But one wouldn't expect The Nation to print reports like that.

    Words are cheap..... Isaan has no economy... all subsidised by the good tax-payers of Bangkok..

  4. Even being dead isn't enough, to get one's name off the DSI's list, Oh My Budda ! facepalm.gif

    Yay for Red Intimidation Investigation ! rolleyes.gif

    A person can provide funding before he dies, or can leave a bequest, or an estate can donate on behalf of the deceased.

    The alleged list is in respect to donors. If you picked your nose yesterday, and you died tomorrow, would it mean that you did not pick your nose?

    Have not seen your red nonsense for a while... and now you resurface with more of the same... you should be proud of your little Yinluck, she has almost bankrupted the country , all to please Big Brother and you... get back in your hole and hide yourself in shame..

  5. More lies from the Shinawatras. From rice sales to China which were never made to phantom loans to 'pay' back the farmers. You said you got the loans? Great! When will the farmers be paid then? Are your promises to pay the farmers as reliable as Chalerm's promise to behead himself? Just go quietly. You guys have just 2 months left.

    I don't think they are going to reply to you as they are concerned about having the loans blocked by pressure from Suthep and his powerful friends again.

    The crazy old coot is even trying to set up with an alliance with the very people he has been using as tools against the caretaker government.

    He may be a lot of things but "crazy" is not one of them...

    • Like 1
  6. Thais in their magnanimous generosity should give this rice away to starving people in Africa.

    No; they should give it away to the starving people in Thailand, and believe me there are still plenty of them out there in the Boonies. And please don't tell me they are all riding around in Pick-Up's bought on credit and using I Pad's financed in the same way, it's nonsense, there is a lot of genuine poverty in this country ignored by the rich and ignorant.

    I don't see any poverty in Thailand.. where did you see poverty in this rich country..! You are joking are you..?

  7. So they will be monitoring Bangkok but avoid the North, Northeast and South where corruption at voting boots is worst. Makes for a great plan tongue.png

    More chance of people being beaten to death in BKK than the north and their only crime would be exercising their right to vote.

    Pray tell me .. WHAT gives them the right to vote.... the 500 baht note in their back pocket...Haha..

  8. I've always had a really active imagination, but...

    I never Imagined that I'd one day find myself living in a country and wishing it would have a military coup soon...

    Not been here that long then?

    I stabbed myself with a sharp needle the other day and Thought.." what a prick"....

  9. Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

    One really has to be a blind fool to write such rubbish. So you are against democracy?! Go back to your home country, Thailand does not need your kinds of expats!

    Thailand certainly does need this style of Ex-Pat... Thaksin democracy is not democracy as a normal person knows..where have you been..?

  10. My bet is this election will be discarded for whatever reason they can make up with, then YL will be charged with the rice scheme corruption case before the next election date, ousting her from politics and so on. The question is who's going to take care of governing for the next half year.

    Under the laws they wrote to keep her out.... Yinkgluk stays on.

    that the Courts moved on her and left Abhisit is widely spread around the globe.

    Many now calling for total scrapping of Thai Court and start from fresh. Thailand cannot reform and leave these dinosaurs in place!!!

    Your law, and Yingluck stays. I really think they will physically have to right their way into power this time as Sutheps coup and picnic have failed and the Courts Judicial coup is too blatant even for some of their own... and that is saying something.

    Can I be the first to say that this next pic of Prayuth shows a distinct lack of zombie whislte blowers. shrieking badly educated middle class BKKians and armed PDRC guards. Wonder why.

    PS, your attempt to disguse is as bad as the army in Bangkok dressed up as shruberrys. Ni NI NI


    what are you trying to say...cut to the chase...

  11. "Only the voter turnout number and number of those who failed to cast ballots today will be revealed, according to the BMA permanent-secretary.

    Ms Ninnart added she has instructed staff at all poll stations to be wary of their safety and that of the public. The EC has given authority to local staff to consider closing the poll units to avoid any clashes and casualties.

    As of now, she said, the overall situation is under control, while a new election date will be later set for poll stations which could not be opened today"

    By which time Suthep and his cohorts should be off the streets as the push for "peoples council" appears to be a massive fail, and he has lied yet again about not blocking polling stations.

    Time he was placed somewhere where he can do no more harm to Thailand and it's people.

    Shame on you....!

  12. This country is now definitely beyond salvation! The problem is not only corrupted politicians from all the parties be it Pheu Thai or Democrats or others but also the people, be it the poor farmers, middle class thais etc. Eversince the "Western Culture" of credit came into thailand, people do not know how to live within their means and take everything for granted.They are always looking for handouts and easy money.

    Poor Thaksin, I may not like him but really he wasted his time helping the wrong people.....look at these farmers, when they were getting monies thru the populists policies of thaksin, he was great but just miss one payment as a result of political interferences, and they start protesting! They do not even look back at the good that he had done for them in the past. There is no loyalty or gratitude and they complain that they have no money not realising their incompetetence in managing their finances.

    The middle class thais are the same, trying to live lifestyles like in their thai lakhon, buying cars on credit, houses on credit and hanging out in fanciful restaurants and pubs on credit! I have seen young thais with fancy cars and clothes borrowing monies from the pathetically dressed Indian Money lenders on bicycles.....what a laugh!

    My way and family way has always been , we live within our means and we never even use credit cards (except my better half and even then everything is settled to the bank within a few days), we save our hard earned cash and buy what we can afford.We never borrow from banks nor from individuals nor do we also lend money out. We made it big thru hard work and self reliance and started from humble beginnings.

    The rich and hisos in thailand are another anomalous lot.....most became rich by illegal means , cheating and corruption and they have no hearts for the rest of the society and they think that their fathers own the country and taliking about philanathropy, they cannot be compared to the real hisos form Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia etc. The thai hisos would even ask for money for their transportation and hair dos to attaned a charity event and expect everything free for them. Real Garbage!

    Anyway wahtever violenece and problems that may come, the locals deserve it. Pity The country by itself is a great place with lots to offer. maybe its time for some foreign power to colonise it.

    But the media , please stop creating stupid stories like these. Thai people should be responsible for their own lives.

    But times have changed old boy.. credit is where it is... alcohol, drugs, fast cars and credit make the world go around.. most modern society people would say you have lived a boring life.. I tend to agree cause you sound like my grandad..!

  13. Pheu Thai may pay the price at the ballot box for failure to pay farmers

    Yet sadly their main rivals chose to boycott the election despite knowing they had a chance of winning. (Abhisit has been heard in every interview claiming they led at the polls.)

    The reasons they did this are obvious and point to a complete rejection of democracy and the accountability that goes with it.

    PT will win the election which is breath taking considering how much popular opinion is now against them. Shame on you "Democrats" - an oxymoron if ever I heard one, on a par with the "Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea"

    Its about ridding this country of the Shinewatras for good... Don't you understand what is happening... Good on Abhisit and his Dems.. they sure have Balls..

    • Like 2
  14. Remember that this article is from the hopelessly biased 'Nation'. The problem is that the EC wont let the government borrow the money it needs to pay the farmers.

    However much has been syphoned off in corrupt payments, the scheme has let to financial stability for farmers (until now) and the Isaan economy is booming. Once the government is returned to power taxing the rich more and collecting taxes that are due (tax evasion here is worse than Greece) should seal the hole in the coffers.

    The corruption is lamentable, but this scheme has resulted in a major redistribution of wealth. For too long the Isaan and Lanna have been the rice baskets for Bangkok and its source of cheap exploitable labour. This is changing and Sutheps patrons dont like it.

    How many people in Issan or Lanna have paid national insurance or tax... they are getting what they deserve for voting in a megalomaniac government, and do you really think that Thaksin gives a damn about the farmers apart from getting their votes.. Grow up..

    • Like 1
  15. "Farmers would be paid for their rice if the PDRC wins its fight against the government"...

    Come again? Hope he doesn't mean to pay the above market prices. Help us and we continue the rice scheme? Not possible... is it?

    I think what he means to say is that all outstanding moneys owed to farmers will be honoured by a new government, but for sure the rice pledging scheme will be reviewed to a sustainable level. wai2.gif

  16. Those are pretty good photos. I would think that if a reward is posted, somebody will come forward to identify this character.

    Yawn. Yesterday's news. Learn to read Thai. The Thai newspapers are all over this. He is a former Navy Seal employed by Suthep. There's absolutely no mystery here. Suthep is injuring and killing his own people in an attempt to stir up unrest and get the army to undertake a coup.

    Where is the proof, talk is cheap..

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