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About Lemsta69

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  8. It's irrelevant if it's legal or not, it's what happens in practice that matters. "The law" doesn't put an invisible force-field around you when you step into the street at a zebra crossing. More fool you if you stand on principle in that situation. As for manners and politeness, I guess you must have lived in a bubble during your time in the LOS. Plenty of nasty people here for whom the politeness is a thin veneer that collapses very quickly when put to the test.
  9. Computer tech and the taxman. Yeah right. I guess you've never looked too closely at a 7-Eleven receipt.
  10. I first saw this in Indonesia on my first trip to Indonesia in the late 1990s. It was when we went to a "fancy" hotel in Surabaya for a bacon and egg breakfast instead of a local restaurant. That was ++. Then we went to Singapore and it was +++ FFS! Again, it was in more "fancy" places. Hawker centres etc didn't do that nonsense at that time. When I first came to Thailand in 1997 I went to places like Koh Samui, the "Koh San Road" and Pattaya and I rarely saw the ++ nonsense. That was both at local restaurants and foreign restaurants. I ate mostly at "budget" places and just assumed that the practice was exclusive to "higher end" places that I couldn't afford 😂 I don't know where the practice originated in SEA but I've always gotten the impression that it came from the American hotel industry. I've no evidence to back that up, it's just a gut feeling. Now that I have more funds than in my backpacking days I don't have to stick to "budget" restaurants. I've noticed that the ++ in Bangkok isn't limited to the fancy hotel chains, it has spread to lots of other places as you've noted. I wouldn't say that the vast majority of restaurants do this because Bangkok is a huge place and they don't do it in "normal" Thai restaurants. However it is quite common in places like Sukhumvit and Silom. I too despise the practice however there's sweet FA that I can do about it so you just have to suck it up and either pay the extra 17.7% or stick to restaurants that don't try to trick their customers.
  11. The Thai way is to show the total price. "Plus plus" of 17.7% is a foreign concept. I don't know the history but I presume it came from the hotel industry.
  12. It's actually higher than 17% because service charge is added to the base price and then VAT is added on top of the sub-total. The equation is x * 1.10 * 1.07 = x * 1.177. So it's closer to 18% than 17%. Took me a while to figure that out after I first got here and the numbers on the bill didn't add up.
  13. Of course it's downloading a third-party script, that's the very purpose of the "irm" command in powershell 🤦
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 33 seconds  
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 10/100 My Time 55 seconds  

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