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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. I got there in 1997 and encountered said sterility. no thanks Singers you can jam it. the only reason I stayed for six weeks was because there was a halfway decent bunch of reprobates living at the Waffles Homestay, now Cosy Corner Bagpackers on North Bridge Road. so more stories about the old days please, everybody know they were better ????
  2. the last time I was there was in 2014 and it was a shodow of its former self. I first visited there quite late in the piece, towards the end of 1997. I believe the heyday was a few years before then. I hung out on Soi Rambuttri with an eclectic bunch of farang. there was a document forger who also sold pot, a drunk on his ass Yank who claimed to have down F4s out of Urban, English teachers, a crazy drunken Irish dude who claimed to be a bodyguard for Hun Sen, guys who claimed to have spent time in both Indian jails and IDC. they used to go out the back and snort heroin lol. one dude got called away in handcuffs by the BiB for slinging dope lol. the dirt-cheap hostel we hung out had a bar but it was 'expensive' so we'd head out into the laneway where the owner of a little shop right next to the hostel had set up chairs and tables next to the temple wall. he had a big metal box full of beer and ice which he protected with a chain and padlock. oh, and an Alsatian for good measure. he was allegedly the sworn enemy of our hostel's owner. he had seven amulets on a chain around good neck and he scared the hell out of me. other dudes would turn up with tales of smoking opium up on the Mekong and shooting AKs and RPGs on an army base outside of Phnom Penh. good times ???? I knew that the sky was falling in the following year when a group of young flashpackers turned up and went happy listening to Kiss FM (if memory serves) so they asked the barmaid to put on their Kylie Minogue cassette. the horror, the horror! I've been back since and enjoyed it but it doesn't quite have the same edge as back in the "good old days" ????
  3. indeed. but how to safely offload large amounts of say, USDT in TH. in-person that is. or how to discuss the ins and outs without being insta-banned ????
  4. gotcha. I've never done that kind of trade myself so it's a bit of a black box to me. I'm hoping if we're really nice to @Jenkins9039he'll let us in on all the secrets ????
  5. the benefit is flying under the radar. need I elaborate?
  6. good man! well dabble some more, the crypto inferno is only just getting fired up ????
  7. start investing in crypto and become feelthy reech and not have to worry about money anymore. * not a financial advice
  8. because there is a tsunami of money flowing into crypto. this is a major opportunity to get feelthy reech. ignore it to your detriment. at any rate that's not what the response meant. they meant your assertion that you can't just exchange them like currencies is wrong. like so wrong it's not even funny ????
  9. sure, but doesn't mean they're obliged to lend you money to purchase crypto. also if it's a BoT blanket rule like @Satcommleewas advised then it's not up to the individual bank.
  10. I'm using Brave browser (shields down) on a Galaxy S21+. no API server error. this post might offer a solution assuming you're using Chrome browser...
  11. I got this too, very annoying. that was from an application I made last Sunday that was approved this morning. so I resubmitted. looks like they made a few changes to the system because I was approved within a couple minutes and the dates are correct now.
  12. I must have looked like an easy mark? probably, not everybody can be an ex-SAS hard man like you ???? but yeah probably, I was a wee bit tipsy, alone, the section of road was deserted and there was a dark patch where the pickpocketers had set up their ambush. I lost a cheap phone and a few thousand baht. big deal, I'm not a povvo so didn't cry about losing a couple of bucks. and they didn't pull a knife or stick a gun in my face, just grabbed the money and ran. went back to the bar area to find my friend and tell him what happened, BGs called the cops, plod arrived and took basic details then drove me back to hotel on the back of his 125cc cop scooter. it was quite the adventure and tbh I'm glad it happened to me. the general consensus from people I spoke to was the usually helpful som nam naa, Pattaya is dangerous at night you shouldn't have been waking alone. well I guess i found out that hard way and won't be doing that again. so if you or no one else you know has never been mugged in Patts then you must live really sheltered lives. once I started paying attention to the news I found out that there were lots of crimes like that in the area at the time. a couple of killings too including that Russian bird on Jomtien beach, although that was possibly later.
  13. ok mate now that was a major blunder. much worse than me walking around Naklua alone at night after a few beers. you'd have ended up with a lighter wallet too but at least you'd have got something in return ????
  14. dupe. you need to upgrade your servers Asean Now ????
  15. just come to in on visa exempt or tourist visa and convert to Non-O in country. simples.
  16. probs not but by all accounts the Immigration Detention Centre is a hellhole. well the men's section is anyway...
  17. it wasn't a bribe it was a contribution to the nice policeman's retirement fund ????
  18. it's Thailand bro, only wrong if you get caught
  19. nothing wrong with lawn bowls. down here in 'Straya some bowls clubs have "barefoot bowls and beers" nights in the summertime to attract the younger crowd.
  20. of course you can have fun without booze, that's not an opinion that's fact. Thailand has plenty to offer besides bars and their attendant temptations. ps. I'm not a wower so don't start in on that. I like a beer as much as the next alky ???? pps. laughing cat emoji should have indicated I was joking about the alky bit.
  21. why? not everybody needs bars and nightlife to have a good time. just because you're an alky doesn't mean everyone else is ????
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