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Posts posted by twofortheroad

  1. with the Chili bell (F&C at nim city), piggies, charlies and the olde bell all up for sale I'm looking for investors to help me buy all 4 of these establishments, corner the market, monopolize and dominate this volatile commodity. I have no experience but like fish and chips at least once or twice a year. Who's in?

    In the 70's, Nelson Bunker Hunt and his brother William Herbert* tried to corner the world market for silver but eventually came unstuck. I don't fancy your chances of making a fortune in Chiang Mai, since Fish and Chips is only a vital commodity to the English.

    I have a plan to corner the market in Rubber Bands, in Thailand. My theory is that the country would fall to it's knees very quickly without this vital commodity and I would be able to name my own price. Just wait and see, and don't go sneaking off and start stock-piling.

    If that doesn't work, I'm buying Futures in Fish heads and Pork-bellies.

    * getting through school with names like that would certainly toughen a kid up.

  2. Fabulous German performance last night their fans must be delighted :clap2:

    Tuskers will be showing both semi finals with happy hours between 11pm and midnight both nights. Should be two cracking games. We had a noisy Thai contingent supporting Germany last night as well as a lot of neutrals but not many actual Germans. Clearly a lot of life in this World Cup yet :)

    Glad to hear it. That's where I will be and  where I'll recommend to anyone that asks.


    Two for the road, I know that if you had a pub the sign would read "spend your money or get the hel_l out", but I just don't think that is good manners.

    "Get the hel_l out" is an American expression, so I wouldn't use that.. It's also rude and aggressive, which wouldn't work. I would  favour sublety.

    I did say earlier  " Personally, I wouldn't want to start a debate with people who should know better. They invariably think it's their right, and the ensuing argument in a busy pub, probably isn't worth the hassle."

  4. Give your full attention to the people who are supporting you, perhaps a little less to  the water drinkers, after all if you need a baht or two that badly, there is a profit on water is there not?

    That's what I said. At 25baht a pop, for water, that's practically all profit. 
  5. Normally my staff come and tell me a guy is watching the football but does not want to order anything!

    I then tell another member of staff to go over and show the menu or drinks list while I watch and if they knock it back I go and offer them something.

    They normally do not say no to me. Don't know why!

    Are you big and ugly?

    Thais ask  "Do you want a drink?",  when in fact they should be asking "what would you like to drink?".

    I saw a customer answer that one, to the owner, with "I'm fine thanks",  to which he replied "I'm fine too...., now , what would you like to drink".

    He got the message.

  6.  Personally, I wouldn't want to start a debate with people who should know better. They invariably think it's their right, and the ensuing argument in a busy pub, probably isn't worth the hassle.

    I can accept your position,,,,,, but think about it with the right spin doctor on the scene one's business may benefit.


    Like Basil Fawlty? You could be onto something there. 

    I'll tell my mate, but I think he's too polite to purposely annoy the customers.

    However, if he was going to lose his cool, his favoured re-action would be strangulation, I hear.

  7. Its quite obvious that farly45, sassienie, and BigWheelMan are one and the same which keep the advertising alive.

    Funny that.... I always thought Big Wheel man was Charlie.... but it might seem not to be the case!


    Bigwheel Man is A Charlie, but not The Charlie. :D

  8. With all due respect, please check out the F/C Poll....... there just might be an oversite on your part......   there are several that are open and bitching about business as usual.....   I am very close to one of them...



    The Fish and Chip poll was of no consequence, unless you wanted to use it for advertising purposes, or something daft like that. The fact that it ended up as a slanging match between the Piggy's and Charlie's camps is to be applauded. Good, clean fun.  Almost pantomime, in fact.  

    This is all just 'entertainment', isn't it? 

  9. Sticklee, can i ask how you take your clubs on the bike? Looked up about this on google, and there were a few options, but wonder what you did in Chiang Mai to tackle this. Atm i just take a few clubs that i need on the bike, but later would be good to know of a way to carry the set and bag.

    This works.


    post-107409-066342500 1278222346_thumb.j

  10. A bar owner in a Chiang Mai pub told me that for one of the big World Cup games an Old Codger and his Thai wife got there early to get the best table near the big screen, then ordered one bottle of water and two glasses. The place ended up full, with some potential customers leaving because they couldn't get a seat. To be fair to him, after about an hour, he did order one more. :whistling:  

    For the big game last night, a guy tried to get in with his own bottle of what looked like beer, but turned out to be Sato (who drinks that crap, other than Winos?). When the waiter told him that he couldn't bring his own drinks into a pub he stood outside and knocked it all back and then came in. He didn't drink much after that, as you might expect. He and his girlfriend took the best seats at the bar and shared a small beer.   Apparently, this is a common occurence in Chiang Mai pubs, and more so in the next few months with the influx of back-packers, some of whom don't even feel obliged to order anything.

    Considering the time and effort  the owner and staff put in to running a busy event such as the world cup, don't you think these customers are taking a liberty? What would you have said or done under the circumstances?

  11. In case you've missed the point, this is all about a bit of free advertising for Charlie ( quite why sassienie is shown as owner on the thaivisa classified site ( already posted above) is a mystery but it keeps the thread going.

    Bit like the free water thread really, that was a classic, and with the same clique involved.

    Nothing wrong with Charlie's chips; but try Piggy's and Praties ( on Rimping).They give him a good run for his money

    What's wrong with free advertising? How does it affect you?

    There was no Clique involved with the Free Water thread. It kept going because it was humorous and because the tight-<deleted> of Chiang Mai were outraged at the idea of paying for water in a pub. Look at it again. 

    Is Praties  the other Fish & Chip shop that is advertised on TV as 'For Sale'? If so, then the choice of  'giving him a run for his money' is a bit ironic, don't you think? Or maybe you put that in there so as to high-light that your favourite (Piggy's) is the only F&C shop that isn't for sale.

    For someone that has a bee in his bonnet about free advertising you do mention Piggy's quite a lot.  Personally, as Trink would say, ' I don't give a hoot'.

  12.  I wonder if the driver had perchance been imbibing?

    Probably not, but I bet he was pissed*.  :burp:  :annoyed:

    (*one of those instances where both meanings - English and American - apply).

  13. With all the pre game warm ups. All the advertising that went on  by sponsors and non sponsors. All the trash talk .All the bragging of spending 150,000 baht for HD. English commentary vs Swahili. Whats happen. Where are you? Did England  losing like they did in 2006 take it out of you::lol:

    I'm assuming that you are referring to me? not sure as I'm Danish and the England comment sort of threw me...

    I do have a TV as you stated with English commentary (when the Internet works), anyway I was told in no uncertain terms by a mod that if I posted anything like advertisement I would be banned from the forum, so hence no comments, and by the way the TV was bought for my house before new years and is only in the bar for the WC, looks good though.

    If he mistook you for being English, at least it's a compliment as regards to your language skills, if nothing else.

    Your huge TV is excellent. Is it Plasma 50 inch? I was thinking of getting one and yours seemed particularly good.

    By the way, as I understand it, if you write about your own bar, it's advertising. If someone else writes about your bar it's not (unless they're a Newbie, of course). Plenty of places get regular write-ups and even whole topics written about them, but so long as they are genuine customer reviews, it's generally okay. There are some exceptions, though.

  14. Hi mate, the Mrs is half way through making one which will look something like this but obviously on material not a word doc :D , its 6ft by 4.5 ft. It'll be ready before the next home game or she'll take a good beating :P

    Just a small point (.) Chiang Mai F.C. would be better.

  15. It looks like it's in the same soi as the gay bars (and Foxy Lady) behind D2 Hotel. Just before the gay bars is a car park and a line of small restaurants. Coming up Loi Kroh Rd, take the last left turn just before the Night Bazaar (Changklan Rd). Or for the Irish amongst us, turn left just after where the 7-11 used to be, opposite Centara Duang Tawan Hotel.

  16. Do the words EXPLOSION and AUTOMATIC GUN FIRE mean anything? :whistling:

    It was  a simple observation and query for further information. What words would you use for such noises?.FYI,  Chicken Little  stated as fact that the sky was falling down, he didn't ask for opinions . The point of the tale was not to jump to conclusions ( as you did).
  17. thought Andy is a Scot? :whistling:

    who knows what could happen during the rest of the WC, as long as the refs dont miss any goals & blatant offsides, and players stop the fake injuries :bah:

    He is a Scot

    Almost right. If he wins he is British, if he loses he is Scottish.

    At the moment, he is still British.

  18. At least Andy Murray is still in Wimbledon - well you have to look somewhere for crumbs of comfort!!

    Pimms spritzer at The Olde Bell anyone?

    You have to be careful suggesting drinks to customers. Are you offering to pay, or just making a suggestion?

    I knew a German beergarden  owner who made a point of asking his customers if they would like a schnapps with their beer. I fell for that one , and as I later discovered many others had too. I don't like schnapps at all, and I would normally have refused his kind offer, but out of politeness, I said yes. He ordered two, (one for the wife as well)  and explained about knocking it back in one go. I drank it to be polite, and so did my wife, who promptly ran to the toilet to spit it out. Surprise, surprise, two schnapps turned up on the bill. Well, he didn't say he was paying did he? It did come across as being an offer from a generous bar-owner, though.  I continued to go to his bar (there weren't many in those days) but steered clear of any future offers. I quite liked the way he did it, so I couldn't take offense.  :lol:   

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