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Posts posted by twofortheroad

  1. Before we had a cat we used to put traps out - favourite was dried Mama noodles :lol:

    Why all the daft suggestions about what to put on a rat trap? Noodles, sticky rice, peanut butter, chocolate?

    It's glaringly obvious what you should use electric cables

    Sometimes, I despair with you lot, I really do[

  2. 7 customers a day.:o I know bars that would kill for those numbers:lol:.

    I used to say that you could generally tell how busy a pub or restaurant was from the photo in the ad. If it was of the owner and staff sitting there, or the magazine owner and her assistant then it probably wasn't a busy place. Welcome to Chiang Mai/Chiang Rai mag was always full of those photos, with either Margaret or her husband posing as 'customers'. :rolleyes:

    The Grand Re-opening tomorrow would be a good photo opportunity.

  3. Cats. Cheapest and best solution. All other solutions are temporary.

    When the cats have got rid of the rats, how would he get rid of the cats? Dogs?
  4.  No too sure about it coming with two Nurnberger  Bratwurstchen (german sausages)  though.

    post-107409-018137300 1277746380_thumb.j

    I'd have to leave out the sausages and maybe have extra pancakes, they look so good . :rolleyes:  

    Being a Brit, even after spending 7 years in North America, I just can't get used to the idea of meat with sweets - just the sight of bacon or sausages with pancakes and maple syrup is hard to take.

    So you're telling me they really are sausages and not some kind of optical illusion?  :sick:

  5. Wow, those blueberry pancakes with ice cream look like a 'must try'  :)

    No too sure about it coming with two Nurnberger  Bratwurstchen (german sausages)  though.

    post-107409-018137300 1277746380_thumb.j

  6. It sure bets the shyt out of any of Thailand's brewed beer and I mean ANY. :P

    Chiang Mai German Brewery's Lager or Weissbier are both much better.

    I thought you were on the Ginger Beer for the foreseeable future!

    Yes, but I have a good memory. Water is my regular tipple now, with an occasional Ginger ale, or Tonic Water if I'm out for  a session.  :(
  7. Piggies is open every time i go there !

    you cant be fussy about what you eat or it cheap price?

    I think the rivalry between Cheerful Charlie's fans and Piggy's fans is almost as bad as England & Germany fans.

    No live and let live in either case. I think it goes back to the big Fish & chips debate, with tales of vote-rigging and manipulation , as if it matters other than something to put in your ads. Talking of which, I see Charlies has been voted the best restaurant in Chiang Mai - Tripadvisor

    No-one seems to see the glaringly obvious - different people have different tastes.

    For me personally, my dislike of Germans is also relevant to this post - they bombed our chippy. :huh:

  8. If it's 100% whole wheat, then that's really good. You are quite right, most things labelled whole wheat in Chiang Mai probably have a LOT less than 25% you mention and nutritionally certainly no different from white flour.

    I will pop by for sure - well done.

    It'll be right up your street, Mr Pastry.

  9. A complete waste of time, particulary during an era of austerity budgets. The government's priority at the moment is to delay pension payments by extending the age at which you become eligible. What does that suggest? Forming a bowls club, arranging a bingo night or charra bang trips would be more productive.

  10. I've still never been. I drive down Chang Moi road regularly and haven't seen piggies open for a while either. I'm sure there are expats that enjoy the occasional plate of English-style fish and chips, but to build a whole business around this tiny demand is a bit daft IMO.

    Piggies is open every time i go there !

    you cant be fussy about what you eat or it cheap price?

    I think the rivalry between Cheerful Charlie's fans and Piggy's fans is alomost as bad as England & Germany fans.

    No live and let live in either case. I think it goes back to the big Fish & chips debate, with tales of vote-rigging and manipulation , as if it matters other than something to put in your ads. Talking of which, I see Charlies has been voted the best restaurant in Chiang Mai - Tripadvisor

    No-one seems to see the glaringly obvious - different people have different tastes.

  11. Prah Singh PO has always been fine - can mail motorcycles and other large stuff from there.

    You're having us on, right? 

    1. Where would you get an envelope big enough to fit a motorbike in?

    2. How much licking would it take to seal an envelope that big, if you could find one?

    3. What postman has got a bag big enough to fit it in?

    Nice try, but you'll have to be a bit smarter than that to fool me . Considering how many other posts have been made since yours, you obviously fooled some. Well done.

  12. Don't worry Neti, to be fair i wouldn't want to go and sit in a bar with 2 old baldies, a scouser  and Mr Clough, not exactly the "A Team" :( .

    It looks like standards are slipping. I remember when they had a strict 'No Riff Raff'' policy , business must be slow. You didn't mention the tattooed Rock musician that looks like Coco the clown!! What is the world coming to?
  13. I had dinner at Charlie's Friday night, and everything was just the same. He is hoping to sell, but the most important thing to know at the moment is that he's moving down near the Duangtawan this week, and hopes to be open for business Wednesday night. Don't go looking for fish and chips on Tapae Soi 3!

    If he is selling Cheerful Charlie's Internationally famous fish and chip shop, what will his new venture , 500 metres around the corner be? Cheerful Charlie's Bangers n Mash?

    Who was 'Cheerful Charlie' that the place was named after? A movie/TV character?

  14. do any of these places have an exchange program?

    i'm thinking like a "take-a-granny, leave-a-granny" sorta deal.

    What about take-a-tranny, leave-a-granny. A change is as good as a rest. ;)

  15. As my Mother always says, 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all'.

    Therefore don't post often.

    Best Regards,



    Your Mother was quite right, but that was the olden days, before the Internet.

    I don't really consider light-hearted taking the piss out of anonymous people as being quite the same as being rude or disrespectful about someone that everyone knows. Even the Mods are at it!! It's just light-hearted banter, which is something that is missing here sometimes - too many people taking everything too seriously.

    Nobody wants to listen to sob-stories all the time, and personally, I don't want to listen to them at all. After all these years, and all the stories, I find it too difficult keeping a straight face. :rolleyes:

  16. Well we all ask question maybe we want to reassured we are thinking right.

    Or maybe we just ask for the sake of it.

    But then that is me.


    As my Mother says  "The world would be a boring place if everyone was the same".  

    Of course, she was absolutely  right. Who would we have to laugh at without these insecure, indecisive clowns.

    Personally though, if I was like that, I'd keep it to myself. :whistling:

  17. Yeah, this puts off some people, but I guess it pulls in other punters - a difficult choice for bar owners.

    Personally, I wouldn't watch it in a small bar surrounded by smokers

    I did notice Sandy at Irish Pub, frequently telling people to smoke outside - good to see (from my point of view)

    Chain-smoking Sandy? Where was his cigarette when he was telling them, behind his back? :D
  18. No arguement with that at all, eek. It works both ways. All I'm pointing out is there are mutually acceptable arrangements between couples of all ages. There is a perfectly valid reason why I don't want a permanent relationship at my age. It's as much for the woman's sake as it is for mine. When I get too old to perform like a man should I wouldn't want to tie some attractive woman down having to look after some old invalid. I know lots of couples that have sexless marriages, but it's not for me. When 14 year old girls are getting pregnant on a regular basis it doesn't make their mothers very old when they started having babies while still in their teens. Even though I'm an old romantic, I'm long past the age where I want to buy a home for a woman who doesn't like me.

    That's the great thing about TV -  a serious topic  doesn't get taken seriously, and  an attempt at levity ends up as a serious discussion.

    For those that didn't notice, this was intended as a bit of tittilation. Nothing more.

  19. Im honestly flabbergasted if there are men who think a 40 year old woman is past their due date, particularly if they are 60+ and dating women young enough to be their grandchildren. Pot, kettle, and black springs to mind..

    One saying goes something like "many a fine tune played on an old fiddle".  Does that apply to a mouth-organ too, I wonder.

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