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Posts posted by twofortheroad

  1. Did you mean most of the poster appear to over the age of 65?


    What I meant was that they ask questions that anyone over the age of 15 should  have commonsense enough  to answer,  yet they obviously aren't teenagers.

    It still amazes me that Grown Men, can be asking for advice for  such blatantly obvious problems . Do you think she loves me?, being the most common. :rolleyes:

  2. Should not be called Granny nights- the older ladies would hate that... Thus the phrase Cougar. Catch a Cougar nights would be more respectful... Yet I have never planned to date anyone a older than myself.

    It sort of goes against the usual grain of what goes on in Thailand.

    But if you into that for whatever reason (I cannot think of any reason to pass up a firm body and young face over the opposite), except for those supposedly chasing money.

    In Aussie their are many middle aged women in the clubs these days. Many approx. 50+ yo, yet had a lot of work done. If it makes them feel good there is always a younger guy willing. It simply not for me- yet some say it good as they get free rent as they own their house, etc.

    Not sure if the mature women in CMai will have the same sort of wealth---each to their own. No judgment from me, girls been doing it since the dawn of time.  

    I've never heard of the term  'Catch a Cougar', so I'm not sure if it's any more respectful than Grab a Granny? However, what's so disrespectful about being called a Granny. Lovely people, Grannies, and they should always be highly respected (except Gran, on my Mum's side - she was a miserable old bag).

    Just out of curiosity, how long do Aussies live? I f you consider 50+ to be middle-aged, then that implies 100+ is normal!!

  3. Huh.. Isn't it grab a granny night in every bar every day of the week?

    Winnie, you could go one better and Grab A Great-Granny at the Las Vegas.

    And if you're lucky, she'll leave her teeth at home.
  4. I've noticed that quite a few posters open topics in the Chiang Mai forum that obviously belong elsewhere because they are not relevant to Chiang Mai. I can well understand that people become familiar with their co-posters and develop a sense of commaraderie but if you haven't had a peek at General Topics I think you should. Why? I hear you say.

    Because .... there are even more nutters on that particular forum than there are here. Honestly, I'm not joking!!

    That forum is brilliant. There are people writing in about blatantly obvious Scams and asking for advice (the whole village fell for it, it appears), guys talking about the Estranged Wife, who should quite obviously by now have become a Strangled Wife (almost an anagram) , How Do You Deal With Lonely Nights ( :whistling:) , Foodcourt Giving Out The Wrong Change (another of those 'my friend' stories about an obviously brain-dead clown) and Thai Mother-In-Law Buying a Room (will she be scammed - hopefully YES).

    I can't recommend this forum enough. If you want an insight into  how or why so many Farangs come unstuck in Thailand, a quick look at page one of this forum on any given day will answer it all. No need to ever look at page two - there are always enough examples in the top 10 posts. This could be used for a thesis for aspiring Social Studies students out there. It is like a cross between an Agony Aunts page and a Lonely Hearts Club, held at an Ugly Bugs Ball , no doubt.

    The other amazing fact about this forum is ..... most of the posters appear to be over the age of 15.  :o

    • Like 1
  5. great idea 'twofortheroad'.wondered if you got your inspiration from britains fave 'grabba' venue 'the grafton'....."deffo la' !

    I certainly remember hearing references to a 'Grab a granny at The Grafton" night, but being the young handsome charmer that I was, I never had a need to investigate further.  

    These days, I'm more interested in finding places where young ladies might be charmed by mature gentlemen.

    Can we expect to see a 'Grab a Granny at Guitarman' night in the near future? There's a good ring to that title, too.

    'deffo'   'Grab a Granny @ Guitarman'   and the night after 'Grab a Tranny'

    Grab a Tranny? Who needs a Transistor radio these days? :rolleyes:

  6. What do I think? What would anyone with half a brain think, would be more appropriate.

    Your wife's friend, her friends and family,  you and your wife - none of you could figure that one out? :cheesy:

    Where are you all living? I've got a really good investment idea, I'd like to discuss with you.

  7. My friend told me a story about when she gave 500 baht to the cashier and asked for 200 baht on a foodcourt card.  The cashier gave her two 100 baht cards.  She thought that was kind of strange.  After getting the appropriate food she returned the foodcourt cards and went home.  After thinking about it, she remembered that she didn't get the 300 baht change after getting the two cards.  

    Last time I was at a foodcourt, I gave the cashier 1000 baht and asked for a 100 baht foodcourt card.  She gave me the card first.  And than the 900 baht change.  I noticed that she placed the card on the counter first, and then there was a slight delay before I got my change.  It seemed she was waiting to see if I would leave.  

    Has anything like this happened to you?

    No, I'm not that stupid, and I learnt to count at a young age (3, I think).

  8. great idea 'twofortheroad'.wondered if you got your inspiration from britains fave 'grabba' venue 'the grafton'....."deffo la' !

    I certainly remember hearing references to a 'Grab a granny at The Grafton" night, but being the young handsome charmer that I was, I never had a need to investigate further.

    These days, I'm more interested in finding places where young ladies might be charmed by mature gentlemen.

    Can we expect to see a 'Grab a Granny at Guitarman' night in the near future? There's a good ring to that title, too.

  9. I have been asking friends all around town about this. Awesome post Twofor.

    I will def check those venues real-tha-ideal suggested. Thanks.

    I'll have to take a leaf out of Uptheos' post, in the Best Meal Deal topic, by saying 'I'm not saying it's for me, but I appreciate your response'. :whistling:

    On a side issue, I'm not sure what you mean by 'I will def check those venues', I can only assume that you mean 'I will deffo check those venues'. It doesn't take much more effort to use the Queens English and spell it right , does it?

    By the way, I expect a full report on your Granny quest.

    This topic reminds me of the story that made the tabloid press concerning a young Wayne Rooney. Apparently he fancied some late-night entertainment down in the seedier parts of Liverpool and ended up with what they call 'an old slapper' in those parts. Rooney wasn't quite as famous then, and had what can only best be described as 'a face that only a mother could love'. Still does, hence his nick-name 'Shrek'.

    Somehow, The Sun newspaper got hold of this story, traced the mature lady concerned and managed to get a World Exclusive interview. They asked her about the young England star's performance and what she was thinking about during the proceedings. Her reply was 'Pot Noodles'. She explained that she was considering what she would have for lunch, when the young lad had finished. Sadly, this is a true story . For the doubters, I can only say it must be true, it was in The Sun.

  10. I hear that Guitarman has a Ladies Night every Thursday. I haven't made it there yet, because I'm not quite sure what to expect. It did set me thinking though. A firm favourite for a quiet mid-week day in large night-clubs in the North of England was a Grab-A-Granny night, in which mature ladies went out in search of young lads.

     Does any such event happen in Chiang Mai? If not, there is a good little niche market for someone. Worth thinking about for the slow season  in some of Chiang Mai's quieter pubs/clubs. What do you reckon?

  11. Your concern for fellow sufferers is admirable. There were probably a considerable number of people on dialysis or cardiac machines in San Kamphaeng when the power cuts hit, but sadly they are probably no longer in a position to complain. :(

    As the saying goes "You can complain until you're blue in the face, but it won't get you anywhere".

    It's those people that were in the middle of a video edit, that don't have the benefit of UPS that I feel sorry for. :crying:

  12. After the resounding win by England it's a bit of a surprise to learn that they ended up second in their group thanks to a late, late goal by US of A, which put them top on goals scored. The consolation for England fans (and bar-owners) is that England now play at 9pm on Sunday, although they will have to play against the winners of group D (Germany?, Ghana?).

    Bring 'em on!!

  13. Desribed as being "Internationally Famous", I think he's being modest - it's World Famous in Chiang Mai.

    It will be sad to see him go. I reckon that he may have had enough of having to listen to the expats' problems. They say it can age you after a while, listening to other people's problems all day. I thought he was beginning to look a lot older than his 37 years of age.

    I see that the chippie at Nim City (Nr. Rimping Airport) is also for sale. It sounds like a 'best Fish n Chips in Chiang Mai' snap poll should be called.

  14. I pay the UBC for their Gold Pkg. & thus have 2 decoder boxes.....

    Am I , or am I Not permitted to have the World Cup on when customers come in??/

    all this talk of raids and penalties, and seizure of equipment, and HD or No HD, can someone give me a simple answer to the question please.


    Legally, no.

    Yes you can if you have a license from RS. You may get a free license if you contact the Coca Cola or Singha Beer Distributors and talk to them. They are major sponsors for this venue.

    If you can get a license, it will take about 3 or 4 days for them to process your application. I wonder if they still have them to hand out.

    In the meantime, it would be a remote possibility of them visiting your place. They've been to the bars on Loi Kroh, but I don't know where else they've been. I imagine the big high-profile places automatically got a license from the sponsors. Your call.

  15. I pay the UBC for their Gold Pkg. & thus have 2 decoder boxes.....

    Am I ,  or am I Not permitted to have the World Cup on when customers come in??/

    all this talk of raids and penalties, and seizure of equipment, and HD or No HD,   can someone give me a simple answer to the question please.


    Legally, no.

  16. Hi,

    Will anybody be broadcasting the USA game on their main screen?  Thanks...

    You have to be joking. :lol:  This is the land of the English gentlemen. After they stop crying and cutting their throats and wrists they may and I do mean may put the USA game on.

    It won't be easy doing much after throat & neck cutting, if it comes to that,  but even so, the USA - Algeria game is being shown at the same time as the England - Slovenia game,  so putting it on later may not be an option. I imagine that, if anywhere, one of the the Chiang Mai Saloons would be showing the USA game on the big screen. I'm not sure if they have the English commentary though.

  17. I agree. Newbies should start off by maybe contributing to the likes of the Rain thread, then let us know about where they bought their Honda Wave, and after a few weeks of similar posts then they can let us know about the important stuff like Best Sunday Lunch / Fish n Chips/ Burger etc. As for criticising another business, they shouldn't really do that in the first month or in the first dozen posts, whichever comes first.

    Twofer, who has been a member of TV for all of a month but posts 5 times a day, is giving advice to newbies.

    Only on Thai Visa!

    It's not how much you have to say that counts.

    Just for you, Quote of the day - Newbies are friends we haven't yet met.

    That's 5 today already, quotas up. Have a good 'un.

  18. So the bars that are showing  the World Cup with English Commentary are;


    UN Irish

    Any others?

    Also AndersSN looks like you have it but I don't know your bar could you post it here or pm me please?


    England v Slovenia & USA v Algeria are both on at 1600 SAST or 9pm Thai Time.  

    What bars will be showing the England match tonight with English commentary?

    Anyone got any reports from Chiang Mai Saloons? Have they got English commentary?


    Anders' bar is Dragonfly bar which is about 100 metres from the moat on Loi kroh Rd , right-hand side.

  19. What a cliquey response... Internet politics at it's finest. I am not bashing anyones business in the slightest and as I said, all of the food at the Old Bell is very good and I would recommend it highly, however parking is an issue and on the occasions that I have eaten the roast there I have been dissapointed (In my opinion).  This is not the case I have found with The Pub.  

    However, I do understand your angst, how could a new member (Newbie), drive anything but a "honda Wave" and have the audacity to post an opinion "about the important stuff like Best Sunday Lunch / Fish n Chips/ Burger etc.".???  I am fully aware of the past conflicts that have been driven up on this forum about or between establishments and I am not about to try the same, I can just vote with my feet and not go there if I so chose.  Just because someone is a new member to Thai Visa does not necessarily mean they are new to CNX and just stumbled up here from the Full Moon party in a Chang Beer vest looking for a teaching job.....   Believe it or not, there are numerouse people who have been here a long time with good jobs, a nice house and who even have the luxury of cars not "honda waves" and who have for some inexplicable reason, chosen not to enlighten themselves over the years by being a member of Thai Visa...  That said, I think the forum is a good idea and if it can serve to 'assist' with the giving / getting and sharing of information to help all concerned then I am all for it...  Hence the reason I just signed up...

    Well said. I like the cut of your jib. :thumbsup:

  20. I agree. Newbies should start off by maybe contributing to the likes of the Rain thread, then let us know about where they bought their Honda Wave, and after a few weeks of similar posts then they can let us know about the important stuff like Best Sunday Lunch / Fish n Chips/ Burger etc. As for criticising another business, they shouldn't really do that in the first month or in the first dozen posts, whichever comes first.

    Twofer, who has been a member of TV for all of a month but posts 5 times a day, is giving advice to newbies.

    Only on Thai Visa!

    It's not how much you have to say that counts.

    I should try to be a bit less subtle when I'm taking the piss.
  21. O'malleys Irish pub has good food, Mad Dogs on Moon Meuang Rd has great food and the UN Irish also.  Whilst not as cheap, Dukes is great and has the best steaks in town as far as I'm concerned and Casa Antonio's for Italian is always fantastic also. Spankys for the roast beef sandwiches.... The list is endless and depends what your hankering for!!!!!!!

    Whilst all those places serve very good food ,they don't  qualify for a 'best meal deal', here on ThaiVisa. Best-meal-deal means cheap with big portions,( less than 50 baht  - 100 baht, tops, if it includes a large Leo).  You're new here but you'll get used to the different terms and what they mean. Welcome aboard. ;)

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