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Posts posted by sapson

  1. So they are deeply concerned about the public image of Thailand???

    See below August 2014


    Still continuing unabated in Pattaya and Phuket, violence and extortion of tourists in full public view with RTP seemingly unable to stop it or????????

    So how does this impact the international perception of Thais? why no uproar by law abiding Thais on facebook over this massive blow to their image?

    Money talks ...................

    A bit of flesh on display in the heat of a water festival................yep bring the culprits in!!

    20 baht too much on a taxi meter..............yep got to stop that

    Food on the beach too expensive cant allow that .

    Twenty year history of out and out major extortion with violence towards tourists by Thais.on the beaches ....................mai pen rai!

    • Like 2
  2. Excellent, they will be sending these officers with a good command of English to the beaches of Pattaya and Phuket..........................

    At last it will put an end to the unfortunate jetski problem where the vendors were forced to take a reduced amount of compensation for the damages caused by

    wreckless tourists.

    Now with fluent English skills available from their ever helpful RTP colleagues the vendors can explain the need to pay the full amount requested..

    Its also good to know that the few bad apples among the vendors have been eradicated, here is the link from last year from TAT explaining how they dealt with it.


    So thats been dealt with then....................Im off to the beach to ride a jetski cheesy.gifand watch the airshow by the flying pigs squadron!

  3. You can just imagine the head of the council for disorder and mayhem addressing his lacky?

    Somchai have we stopped those tossers on the beach with them ski thingies ripping off the tourists yet or are they still at it?

    Sorry boss happens every day, but we.ve managed to stop social media and that big forum compaining about it too much,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we called in a few favours1

    Good news boss, our boys in Buriram arrested some local tarts for flashing too much flesh but we shall pretend they were visiting from Cambodia.

    Great work Somchai we dont want our countries fine international reputation tarnished!

  4. More from the ministry of twaddle................and talking of water and peeing on your parade................

    Anyone see the stickman weekly columcoffee1.gif ......... this Sunday very interesting article about the possible origins of this site.

    The way he writes it you would think even the very mention of his article will get you banned.by an over zealous moderator...........surely not!

    Happy Songkran!

    • Like 2
  5. I was in a bar with a friend of mine just last night and for the best part of the hour and a half we were there two girls across from us never spoke to one other and just looked down admiringly at their sacred electronic devices...pretty bloody sad if you ask me!

    And the funny thing is they call it "social media" ! Try having a face to face conversation with a teenage girl these days. It is hard work, you have to answer most of the questions you ask yourself.

    Maybe your just not interesting enough anymore, have you considered that.

    So what is interesting Thai style..............witty banter? amusing stories etc etc, ............ useless when someone is in a trance staring down at a smartphone, but if you where to put on a jester suit and goof around you might get their attention for a few moments!

    Social media...................is breeding anti social tendancies!

  6. BANGKOK: -- If you feel there is a serious problem with present-day kids, count me among those who share your thoughts. Many children are becoming obsessed with taking photos and videos of themselves.They look for Wi-Fi everywhere, as if it is oxygen required to breathe. When they gather as a group anywhere, all they do is stare at their own smartphones rather than chatting with each other

    This is not just about kids.................look at the groups of adults or couples who are out together but all just staring at a phone!

    • Like 1
  7. 15 days only for stupidity...............possibly scaring a lot of people!

    25 years for questioning the role of an unmentionable individual via the internet!

    Meanwhile on the beaches continual repeat offending in the high profile criminal extortion of innocent tourists for considerable amounts.......................

    no charge!!..............just carry on guys!

    • Like 1
  8. "Just after midnight on Friday, Pattaya and Nongprue Police, who between them cover the entire area known as Pattaya City, took part in a late night crime suppression operation in search of criminal activities."

    Wouldn't have to search too hard or far, just leave the station occasionally !

    Well if they are searching for blatant criminal activity,how about extortion with threats of violence towards tourists.............why dont they start around mid day on the beach across from Mikes shopping Mall!

    • Like 1
  9. Prawut Thawornsiri, police spokesman, said he will track down the person who shared the photo on Facebook because it affected the image of the country

    Mmmm,,,,,,,,, image of the country not wanting to be seen to treat tourists badly !

    Well for the three hundreth time, what about the daily ongoing 20year old outrageous blatant scam of tourists on the beaches of Pattaya and Phuket involving Jet skis.

    Why doesnt someone take some facebook pictures of that and see if anything happens.

    • Like 1

    Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

    But you just used the phrases Thailand and government in the same sentence as milit#####dict####ship and dict####ship.............double standards!!

    Can we mention jetskiscam in the same sentence as the words phrases, corruption, continues unabated, inept, total contempt for tourists, gravy chain, politicians,

    blatant denial,helpful RTP,total c"%%"s etc?

    Or will such wifull insinuation provoke a reprimand from the Thai Visa inquisition.

  11. Do feel sorry for the guy but the fees of 40K gbp for five days sounds crazy, have they given him a triple bypass and a complete rebuild?

    I was in an expensive private hospital for 6 nights and had a CT scan and extensive tests however not in ICU................but even with the hospital well aware I had a Bupa card they still only managed to pad it out to 53k baht total bill.

    2 million baht doesnt make sense.

    I hope he has friends here who can take a very close look at the on going account.

  12. Yet another "good beginning" that will peter out and vaporize along with sidewalk vendor crackdowns, beachfront intruder crackdowns, gambling crackdowns, corruption crackdowns and police crackdowns on police.

    Worse, drivers for the buses have all-day shifts, and some wear adult diapers because they and the porters are not allowed to take breaks for any reason, including toilet stops.

    It is a case of yet another paper tiger roaring...


    Very suprised about the diaper wearing drivers!! have been on many many bus trips and most buses stop every few hours or so, even the nonstop Khon Kaen

    Bangkok overnight NCA service did make a very quick pit stop..................maybe for a diaper change!!!wink.png

    Have experienced the good the bad and the ugly as far as driving goes and conditions of the bus.................worse and best extremes found with the Toyota mini van services!

  13. Stupid @@##$s......................yep heres a selfie of me being threatened by a machete wielding jet-ski operator and another one of me at the ATM with the nice man in a tight brown uniform!

    Honestly they are crazy..........they have stopped chairs and parasols on the beach at Phuket quite useful to tourist well being.............yet the jet-ski scam is allowed to continue as of this recent report phuketwan.com/.../phuket-jet-ski-gang-scams-aussie-tourists-50000-baht..

    Do the powers that be have a brain cell between them, they have exposed a highly influential cop recently, yet still seem reluctant to put an end to the gravy train scam in Phuket and Pattaya whilst continuing to bleet on about protecting tourists etc.

  14. Pattaya without the beach road ladies would be just plain dull...............would you visit an amusement park without any rides!

    Since they are determined to protect the tourists for Xmas I presume all the jet-ski scams have stopped and the police have now been instructed to provide assistance

    for visitors in the unlikely event of a misunderstanding rather than facilitate their extortion!....................sh###t another squadron of flying moo on a fly past!

    • Like 1
  15. Meanwhile, even the well known jet ski scam continues, in full view, with the usual approval and involvement and cut taken by the "authorities". I saw one yesterday. So did several hundred others. Truly in full view, known crimes committed in full view by known gangs, a stones throw from the police station in a major tourist resort. And guess what, RTP and Mr general, you already know where the tourists go, they go to the usual tourist resorts, the places where violent, scamming criminal scum roam the streets with impunity, knowing that not only is the law useless, but that it will be on their side no matter what they do. Who does the general think he is fooling?

    Apart from the murders rapes etc the blatant jet-ski scam is such a henious obvious long standing abuse of tourists, that high lights the disregard for visitors etc and totally illustrates the in depth corruption across the board ........................yet it is allowed to continue, surely the generals advisors must have made him aware of it

    and its on going tarnishing of the already rock bottom image of the RTP.

    He could use the new broom to eradicate it .............gain some kudos and face and send a serious message to the line of corrupt officials.

    Or are they simply more powerful than him and he cant risk emptying their rice bowl for fear of his own well being.

    Maybe Thai visa could communicate with the tourist police and TAT expressing our delight at the Generals wish to now give tourists full protection and asking for their assurances that the Jet-ski scam will now be dealt with and holiday makers will be given the support of local tourist police and Bib in the event of any misunderstandings.cheesy.gif

  16. She could do a lot worse than consulting with a cross section of the farang community already resident here for opinions on policies to increase tourism.

    Also allowing herself a a few pemanent carefully selected farang advisors would give her a more in depth perspective of the tourists and residents wish list.

    But how much she really wants to be in touch with reality is questionable!

    • Like 1
  17. the majority of the higher end sex shops are all patronized by thai men, most married

    Spot on, and within the vast sex industry in Thailand, the farang oriented section of the market is no more that 10%, their are brothels, karaokes etc in nearlly 100% of Thai cities, towns and spread along the road networks.

    Sometimes i wonder if some members would like us to believe that they came to Thailand to collect butterflies with the church social club yearly holiday and met there now Thai wife who was at the time a candle bearer at a temple and a virgin!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and probably still is.

    When in Rome etc ..........respect local cultures and customs and p4p is ingrained in Thai society.

    Have seen a number of butterfly catchers over the years and they very likely met their virgin in an old style village handed over by the village chef. yea right ! It is obvious after looking at their women where they found them. Some members would like you to believe the fantasy. Bar English, covered in tattoos , lots of gold chains overall dodgy looking, and often dressed like a hooker. Difficult to hide a bar girls past. And often difficult to cover up a foreigners past also. Most bar girls can be spotted a mile away.

    What is with your obsession with sex tourists and bar girls?

    Both will always exist here because of the massive amounts of money the industry generates.

    Get over it.

    Why waste your time looking down your nose at others?

    If your wife is not an ex-bar girl it doesn't make you superior in anyway to anyone who's wife happens to have such a past.

    Who cares where people find happiness, I bet you're opposed to same sex marriage as well.

    Ever heard of the golden rule?

    No obsession, my very point is you cannot clarify the quality of a tourist by wether he indulges in the ladies of the night or day................in a country where enjoying p4p is very much the norm for Thai males! .................and if a farang pays for pleasure he is docked points on the tourist ratings.......... but if he visits a temple he becomes a desirable visitor.............total bulls%%t!

    Probably slightly more p4p options than there are temples in Thailand but a close call................one for Google?

    it matters not wether your partner was or is wearing the uniform of a nurse, a teacher, a 7/11 or factory girl or a hooker..................they all look good with heels! and sure as hell one way or the other its transactional..................and if you are happy thats the point.

  18. Finally dealt with, tried accessory shops who quoted 550 for super sparky christmas cracker assorted brands but on the mention of Yuasa the original battery, a no can do ! although one kind soul admiited the Yuasa was the best to get.

    Back to Honda and finally got a new Yuasa for a lets forget the paperwork price of 900 baht,,,,,,,,,,,,,maybe a Yuasa copy, but Honda box and battery looked authentic and now it starts without worries.......so job done .

  19. the majority of the higher end sex shops are all patronized by thai men, most married

    Spot on, and within the vast sex industry in Thailand, the farang oriented section of the market is no more that 10%, their are brothels, karaokes etc in nearlly 100% of Thai cities, towns and spread along the road networks.

    Sometimes i wonder if some members would like us to believe that they came to Thailand to collect butterflies with the church social club yearly holiday and met there now Thai wife who was at the time a candle bearer at a temple and a virgin!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and probably still is.

    When in Rome etc ..........respect local cultures and customs and p4p is ingrained in Thai society.

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  20. So we have Britain summoning a charge d'affaires, Burma calling for a fair trial without scapegoats, NGO's giving legal representation due to the belief the accused are innocent, tens of thousands signing petitions. The majority of the Thai general public don't believe the RTP, it has been a complete cockup by the police from day one.

    Yet we have a handful of bizarre posts from nieve members that just want to believe everything that's handed to them from the all so honest Thai police force.

    Thailand could make this all go away by inviting either UK or Myanmar to scrutinise the so called evidence.

    Last sentence somes it up, IF their was nothing to hide then PM could issue a statement that he was greatly concerned by the allegations of scapegoats and corruption

    and would like to offer 100% unrestricted access to a Uk team of investigators with full use of Uk forensics etc for them to come to their own conclusion which he totally believes will mirror the findings of the RTP and finally show the world they have been wrong in their misgivings.

    Simply this will not happen because no one being above questioning or testing ................might reveal the ugly truth.

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  21. Then why are all my favorite hotels charging higher advertised rates this year than the same months last year?

    also all my hotels crazy up with prices !!

    for this Xmass new year we will stay mostly home,

    never before in last 10 years !!

    Thai mentality less customers so charge them extra rather than reduce prices to attract more customers and increase general revenue!!

    Three bookings at hiked pices is better for them than six booking at bargain rates with happy free spending punters.

  22. I wonder if the PM actually has an advisor who he runs these statements with before putting them out to the press?

    He should employ a westerner or get help from someone who actually has an insight into the views of the potential tourists they would like and that of the expat community.

    Winning over your existing customer base and expanding it with a few token feel good policies in view of all the recent bad press.................instead of a stream of ludricous ideas would be a starting point! facepalm.gif

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