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Posts posted by sirchai

  1. This guy and the Irish guy from the red shirts are whats termed here as "new Australians", people who have been granted permenent residency. Some may has also taken Australian citizenship. Its a continuation of the proud Aussie trandition of importing criminals. :D:)

    Weren't the first all criminals? UK's prisons full. Let's go to the kangaroos, man. :D

  2. Drunken Aussie Involved in Pattaya Handgun Shootout

    PATTAYA: -- An Australian national has been arrested on Sunday morning after reports of a handgun shooting incident surfaced at the Sabai Empress Hotel in North Pattaya.

    At the scene, the Sabai Empress Hotel in North Pattaya, investigators observed the hotel CCTV footage immediately as the offender was alleged to have still been on the premises. Locating the clearly intoxicated foreigner police swooped to arrest him. Hotel administration later identified him as Talaat Majed Hawatt [21] an Australian national.

    Full story of the incident with pictures and vid HERE




    Sounds very Australian.In Thai- Market Not one five watt. Must be an electrician.

  3. Second Filipino woman to be arrested using the same flights, the other was a few months ago.

    Will they ever learn?

    I can't understand why the police arrested the woman at the airport, if they are suspicious of her for whatever reason, then just follow her.

    Busting her achieves nothing, she could have led them further up the ladder, the closer you get to the the top of the ladder, those there will be more likely to know who is really running things, and when facing 50 Years in prison are more likely to co-operate with The Police.

    She won't know anything, she just a mule who's expendable, sure she'll know the next person up the ladder from her, but as she is on the very first rung of a very high ladder, they should have followed her and eventually they could have got most of the gang.

    And if anybody says they were tipped off by the gang so 10 more people on the same flight could get through unhindered I'll Scream !!!!!!

    They ain't gonna sacrifice that amount of gear, no need to when she would still get 50 years for 100gms.

    It's probably that The Customs and The Police don't co-operate with each other for various reasons, don't wanna step on each others corrupt toes.

    So the financially vulnerable mules keep getting busted, while the rich guys that run the show remain rich and poor people willing to take a chance for a quick 60,000 Baht are in no short supply, and there is a never ending supply, unless all the poor suddenly have money, which is what they are trying to do in the first place.

    Many people from rich countries can't understand that, simply because they have never been poor.

    Many here now will be screaming for the death sentence ( As it's a 30 Year old Female from PI, maybe not ), you will be amazed that she would take such a chance for a measly 60,000 Baht, but don't be amazed, in her country of birth you could have 10 People killed for that amount.

    100/1 the guy that runs things isn't from The Philipines.

    Regardless if they follow her or she talks the police are only going to get (from her) the next person up the ladder.

    And the next person might want to talk too.......

  4. Congratulations are in order,

    6 responses so far and not one screaming for The Death Penalty. ( 30 year old filipina woman have anything to do with it ? )

    If it was a Male from Pakistan he would have been cyber tried, convicted, executed and already buried by a ThaiVisa lynch mob.


    I totally agree. A 30 year old woman might be more interesting (In a sexual way) than some Iranian males for the 'killers' of this forum.

    Indeed some are writing hateful posts without knowing how it is to have nothing. And I mean nothing. N O T H I N G.

    Most of us were never hungry, lots had the money to buy a big house, car, motorbikes, and of course plenty of money to find out that you can’t own land here in Thailand.

    And you can’t buy love from the 30 years younger girl, only sex. Sorry, but true.

    The so loved young Thai girl turns out into something who she really is, telling you to go home. Unfortunately, some are jumping down from the 15th floor, or they’ll find other ways to commit suicide.

    Others kept only their notebooks to write weird posts here on this forum...........HANG THEM ALL bla, bla,..

    “She allegedly told police she had done this many times, and that each time she was paid Bt60,000 by a transnational drug gang.”

    So why are they too stupid to make her a good deal to find the money makers behind it? Might be true that some high shots, the untouchables are doing it.

    How many Thai women fly from S. America to Thailand? While we’re writing, reading and hating each other, lots of others come through the customs; deliver and others are making the big money.

    But there’s so much hate in this forum, people should realize that we all live in the same world.

    Malicious pleasure is something that keeps some people here alive. Chock dee.

  5. the number of filipino teachers here the kids will be learning english with a philippine accent

    The accent isn't the problem, but sometimes a man becomes suddenly a woman.

    Example: My father is gay, she is a dentist.

  6. "Since the fishing industry suffers from a severe shortage of workers"

    Wouldn't the poor in, for example, Issan be interested on doing work on a fishing boat, instead of burning down shopping centers in Bangkok and complaining about poverty?

    Have you ever been in an Isan village before and communicated with them? Lots of them are driving cabs in Bkk, working in hotels and doing other kind of low paid employment.

    Your statement that they’re complaining about poverty seems pretty sick to me. In addition that people from Isan burned shopping centers down.

    Don’t you think that the government should do something to keep them happy? Like building factories, paying more for their rice?

    I wish you’ll have some financial problems pretty soon to understand what poverty really means. :)

  7. I have saw 4 people on motor bikes die in BKK in the last year ., 3 of then did not have helmets on.

    By law, apparently, only the driver has to wear an helmet :)

    Correct me if I am wrong.

    The laws clearly say that both have to wear a helmet. But most of these helmets are similar to an egg shell. I've seen a few young guys dying on the street not wearing a helmet.

    For example in a town in the lower north east is almost nobody wearing one after 5 pm, because the cops are off duty.

    Driver's license with 18? How do all the students come to school? Would anybody check in a little village? Again this is a very important part of education, but if the teachers and cops are NOT wearing a helmet after 5 pm, how should students understand it?

    There should be photos of deadly accidents at all schools, government buildings and the fine should be not to drive for one month, being caught without a helmet, plus a fine.

    Last but not least all drivers should have to make a serious test; people under the influence of alcohol should lose their permit. People who drive through a red light should have to pay a big fine.

    Last but not least cops should check more on motorbikes without light, some of them die because the rear bulb blew, only 10 baht for a new one. Tires and brakes must be alright and so on…………

  8. He did the smartest and most decent things to be done ...

    a.) He got the heck away from that situation as fast as possible ... phew!!!

    b.) He had the greatest of decency to personally take the baby to the safest and best possible place

    before disappearing.

    BIG respect to Mr Ron :)

    I'm assuming Ron was not the babies father and just a decent bloke

    (to all you racialist pigs - kindly note that I am a Brit patting an Aussie on the back)

    Agreed IMHO he did the decent thing, the article mentioned the Police were able to trace the mother so i would assume he must have left some details of the babies mother for them to be able to Trace her.

    Yes that's right tiger, he must've done. He's a decent chap in my books :D What was he supposed to do? File for custody??? :D

    "The major problem with dumb people is that they are too dumb to realise it"

  9. There is no prostitution in Pattaya or anywhere in Thailand.

    There are only sex service providers.

    They provide the service as a career.

    To make ends meet, just like you and me.

    So, please provide them with some respect.

    Sorry, but the term for a sex service provider is a prostitute and the name for the career as you describe it, is prostitution.


    One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts.

    A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money.

    I believe that the reason why so many men do not feel sympathy for these, I'll be polite and call them sex workers, is because we do not know how they think.

    To many the thought of what they do with anybody for money is repulsive. Of course us men do use the services of these women and we don't consider ourselves ugly and gross, because we cant see ourselves as others see us.

    I do know of a 25 year old girl, a neighbour who regularly sleeps with a 79 year old Farang for money. And in my mind I think to myself, how could she?

    And that`s the crux of the matter, how do these girls think? If they enjoy it than that's sick, if they don't and have to do this to survive, then that's tragic.

    I would really like to give some bar girl a truth drug and discovery how they feel about what they do. Perhaps that would give us a better understand of what makes them tick.

    I know a 25 year old Thai lady who married a 75 year old Italian, would she classify as selling her body.

    See post 39 above

    And that`s the crux of the matter, how do these girls think? If they enjoy it than that's sick, if they don't and have to do this to survive, then that's tragic.

    How would you 'think' surrounded by poverty? And all they can offer is what they got. Get it?

  10. There is no prostitution in Pattaya or anywhere in Thailand.

    There are only sex service providers.

    They provide the service as a career.

    To make ends meet, just like you and me.

    So, please provide them with some respect.

    Sorry, but the term for a sex service provider is a prostitute and the name for the career as you describe it, is prostitution.


    One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts.

    A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money.

    I believe that the reason why so many men do not feel sympathy for these, I'll be polite and call them sex workers, is because we do not know how they think.

    To many the thought of what they do with anybody for money is repulsive. Of course us men do use the services of these women and we don't consider ourselves ugly and gross, because we cant see ourselves as others see us.

    I do know of a 25 year old girl, a neighbour who regularly sleeps with a 79 year old Farang for money. And in my mind I think to myself, how could she?

    And that`s the crux of the matter, how do these girls think? If they enjoy it than that's sick, if they don't and have to do this to survive, then that's tragic.

    I would really like to give some bar girl a truth drug and discovery how they feel about what they do. Perhaps that would give us a better understand of what makes them tick.

    The Pope has spoken...

    I do know of a 25 year old girl, a neighbour who regularly sleeps with a 79 year old Farang for money. And in my mind I think to myself, how could she?

    The 79 year old must be really fit.... :) And in my mind I think why can't she do this service for you?

  11. How do you know Ronald is the father?

    The story doesn't tell. But 8 month old baby... It's likely it could be his. Anyway... If I got together with a woman some months after she have had a baby, I would contact the authorities and have them to decide what to do with my girlfriend's baby. Since it wasn't mine and we're not married, they couldn't force me to stick with that child. Besides, I wouldn't just drop it at the hospital and then run. Judging from his behavior, it looks just as if it's his child. Don't wanna take any responsibility since he could easily find a new bargirl, in a soi near him. It was bad behavior against the child and his girlfriend even if the baby wasn't his. It was pure asshol_e behavior if the he's the father to it.

    In our home countries... Doesn't the authorities lock you in, if you would do a thing like that?


    Yes the reporting does not give the information.

    It's UNlikely it is his. The mother doesn't even know his name. The police quickly traced the mother (how did they manage that? unless someone gave them the information on a plate.) You don't think they did any investigation, do you? No money in it.

    The article doesn't say whether it is a Thai baby or a look krueng.

    If you were in the situation, and your - you would pick up the phone and call the "authorities". Who ya gonna call? If you don't speak Thai, and you don't know the correct number?

    Have you tried to explain something complicated to busy junior staff in a Thai hospital? When have you known junior staff to take any decision about anything, especially something important? Have you tried to explain anything (complicated or simple) to a Thai policeman?

    In most of our home countries, you would be asked for ID, get involved in a lot of paperwork, but the baby would be well cared for.

    Why must you judge this man on such a poor piece of "journalism"

    Starting with paying a visit at the local police station would be great beginning. They could probably tell you where to go next. I doubt even the Thai police would say "sorry" take the child with you and go!" to an innocent tourist that just found a baby on his feet (as some here would like like to twist the story into). I would have done this regardless if the child were my gf's or if I even just found it on the street. If it wasn't his, no one could force him to take care of that child. What a low life creature behavior. Regardless of the journalism, a human being with moral just don't drop a child and run. If it includes paperwork not doing so, so what? If he's having a heart attack one day, I just hope someone could drop him of at the closest pig farm, where he belongs. Dead or alive. I mean... Someone could risk having to do paperwork if he would be taken care of in a kind and proper way. Who wanna risk that? (sarcasm)


    Have you ever been on a police station in this country to find a cop to write a report? Your sarcasm is really insane.

  12. The moral of this story is: get involved with losers, become a loser yourself.

    This guy was left holding the baby, literally.

    The worst that could happen to this guy is that he may get tagged with all the hospital bills and fined for not following the correct procedures, such as taking the baby to the police or relatives of the woman in the first place.

    The fat 60 year old Farang probably realised that he was not going to receive his nightly desserts anymore once the bint was jailed and was looking for an easy route out of his predicament.

    The fat 60 year old Farang probably realised that he was not going to receive his nightly desserts anymore once the bint was jailed and was looking for an easy route out of his predicament.

    You might be younger,and with some good luck you'll get older. How can you call this guy a fat 60 year old? Shame on you. And I mean it. Doesn't that mean that older people are bad guys? You seem to be somebody not realizing that your day will come............

  13. To be honest , he most likely did the best thing he could think of , how many men , let alone at 60 , have the knowhow to care for a child of that age , DIY could have caused him all kinds of problems . We do not have the whole story as of yet , as in co-habitation , parentage , depth of drug use and types etc , so far the mother has only been charged (?) with drug abuse , how about unfit mother etc ? In my mind , the police were the first to abandon this child .

    And some posters here like to nag about how bad Thai males are on taking care of their family and children. I'll guess the old Jurassic Reptile found it more enjoying to make babies, than to take care of them. Shame on him, just abandon a child that haven't asked to been born. Would it be that much different if the mother had an traffic accident and died? -Just leave the kids at the nearest hospital and run! He probably got children back at his home country, which he doesn't see anymore.

    Well Ron60 might have 'children' older than his so attractive girl. That doesn't mean that it was his duty to take care the baby, made in Thailand.

    He brought it to the Memorial hospital, to make sure that somebody is taking care.

    The baby was even smart enough to draw 101. (Roi Et).

    He did what everybody would do. It wasn't his child, should he walk down the walking street with the baby?

    Guess you'd be much better in that. Lol :)

  14. There are worse characters than him. There are bad characters who could've done any other action rather than "make sure the baby was ok".

    In my eyes the story could've had a much much drastically worse ending

    I am not disputing that, yes this could have been much much worse.

    However, walking into a hospital with an 8mth old baby, discarding/abandoning/leaving the baby and then simply walking away without even a word to any of the authorities does not make him the 'Decent bloke' you are all singing about...

    We only have the poorly written report and half the facts here. "Discarded" is a harsh word, but it may just be journalistic licence. Maybe he tried to explain the situation to the receptionist, and maybe they couldn't be bothered to understand him.

    It sounds unlikely that he was the father of record - even the Thai bureaucrats would question a surname like "60". What kid would want to go through life .. (maybe Joe 90?) and if the loving caring mother could not remember his name even if they were living together, it does not sound like a major commitment......

    A poster above pointed out that often these stories become "the Farang is always wrong". With Thai logic if he had not been in Thailand he could not have intervened and the baby might have died waiting for its mother. Then who would we be able to blame. Certainly not anyone Thai.....

    If you want to "discard" a baby you can throw it into the bushes or the nearest police box. You don't need to make the effort to take it to a hospital.

    With all respect to the oldest 'industry' of the world, isn't it possible that he was the 60th Ron she had in her carrier? Indeed worth to think about. :)

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