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Posts posted by sirchai

  1. " I didn't intend to hurt him".

    What did he think would happen when he fired the bullet at the people inside the bus? Did he think it tickle? If you point a gun and fire it and it discharges a bullet, YOU INTEND TO HURT SOMEONE.

    Hope he has lots of fun in jail.

    Well, when people are watching Holly,- or Bollywood movies nobody gets hurt. They should fire water guns.

  2. This teacher needs to be caned, publicly.

    cmon thats nothing !! the kids are laughing, we used to get 3/4 of those regulary and it was a common thing, 6 of the best for the worst "crimes". Im all for caning back at school, kids have no discipline and behaviour days, gone has the respect too. We didnt have ceel phones but they should be banned, they are a real distraction at school. It was even a proepr cane, we would have bruises sometimes cuts for 2/3 weeks after, i liked his warm before the stroke....LOL

    Would something like this happen to my son, I'd pay somebody to let him know what real pain is. He wouldn't be back at school. How can you call him a teacher?

    Okay, let's face it. some teachers at elementary schools are using bamboo sticks to hit the little kids. But it's over at high school level.

    I hope the students in this movie will find him in the middle of the night.

    Good to have cell phones in the classroom.........

    Hey please, read the forum rules and don't add sentences to mine. Guess it's time for an Administrator to give you a long break.

  3. Disgusting and completely unacceptable

    For the past two generations, parents have become far too soft in raising their children, they regard and treat their kid's as if they were toys to play with, in fact they are so besotted with them that the kid's are being master of the household and do as they like.

    It is well known that this kind of child raising / upbringing amounts to children having no discipline and therefore have bad manners, unfortunately, the kids are not aware of the fact that this is wrong, since their parents allowed them to behave like this throughout their infancy, obviously, this kind of upbringing is not beneficial for children.

    When children start school, then teachers have to handle those kids, and are of course not impressed with the sort of manners in which some of the children conduct themselves, and in order to deal with this teachers have to introduce some sort of class discipline, and this is where "canning" enters the scene, although illegal now, it has nevertheless in the past served generation after generation rather well.

    Some of the replies here ... suggesting "GULAG" style punishments indicates clearly how besotted those parents are, they should begin to understand that teaching discipline and good manners for the children must begin at home from the outset during infancy, and they must also begin to realise that parental besottedness is not at all beneficial for their offspring.

    So you think teaching "good manners" through violence is acceptable? That sounds a bit ironic. Is it good manners to use violence to make people do what you want them to do? i.e. use violence to control people? Would you hit a maid if she didn't clean something properly?

    Nobody has mentioned using a rewards based system to teach what's right and wrong. Would that be better?

    Pink Panther never said you'd be gay.

  4. This teacher needs to be caned, publicly.

    Would something like this happen to my son, I'd pay somebody to let him know what real pain is. He wouldn't be back at school. How can you call him a teacher?

    Okay, let's face it. some teachers at elementary schools are using bamboo sticks to hit the little kids. But it's over at high school level.

    I hope the students in this movie will find him in the middle of the night.

    Good to have cell phones in the classroom.........

    Except I wouldn't pay anyone, I would rather inflict the damage myself. It would be swift and severe and people in Comas always have difficulty in pressing charges. :D

    But they would find your white ass.....

  5. What? A sex museum? Who needs that?! Just have your expat daddy take you to one of his 'petting zoos' on Nana, Cowboy, or Pat Pong. It's most likely free too. Or does the government not know that it exists? Where's that number to the Ministry of Education....or Culture...

    I remember the anecdote when Khun Meechai introduced condoms to the community years ago and by example he put the condom on his thumb to show how it was to be worn. Some villagers came back to complain to him that the women were still getting pregnant and the condoms didn't work. Yep, they were putting the condoms on the thumb. Ahem....

    On a more serious note, it is true that women in Thailand are not educated enough about their own bodies. Unlike in the western countries where when girls hit puberty and periods kick in, they are usually introduced to gynecologists or doctors for women. Here they are not. It's not until they're pregnant that they go to see the doctor.

    Or the doctor is making them pregnant with his condom on his thumb...

  6. A good candidate to be evaluated for -

    Sadistic personality disorder is:

    A] A pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by the repeated occurrence of at least four of the following:

    1. has used physical cruelty or violence for the purpose of establishing dominance in a relationship (not merely to achieve some non-interpersonal goal, such as striking someone in order to rob him/her).

    2. humiliates or demeans people in the presence of others.

    3. has treated or disciplined someone under his/her control unusually harshly.

    4. is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others (including animals).

    5. has lied for the purpose of harming or inflicting pain on others (not merely to achieve some other goal).

    6. gets other people to do what he/she wants by frightening them (through intimidation or even terror).

    7. restricts the autonomy of people with whom he or she has a close relationship, e.g., will not let spouse leave the house unaccompanied or permit teenage daughter to attend social functions.

    8. is fascinated by violence, weapons, injury, or torture.

    B] The behavior in A has not been directed toward only one person (e.g., spouse, one child) and has not been solely for the purpose of sexual arousal (as in sexual sadism).

    Please read the text, nobody here needs a lesson. No need to google weird shit. Wake up.

  7. This teacher needs to be caned, publicly.

    Would something like this happen to my son, I'd pay somebody to let him know what real pain is. He wouldn't be back at school. How can you call him a teacher?

    Okay, let's face it. some teachers at elementary schools are using bamboo sticks to hit the little kids. But it's over at high school level.

    I hope the students in this movie will find him in the middle of the night.

    Good to have cell phones in the classroom.........

  8. Kudos to the man for following his passion. On the negative side, the way he phrased his comments regarding Americans of mixed ethnic background sounds a bit racist to me.

    "And, all the way to the finish at the Grand Palace was terrific. I was sick for three days with food poisoning but it really didn't matter because I knew people had good feelings for me. That's what drove me on to complete the event."

    What a hero......

  9. go to www.google.co.uk , go to news, type lee aldhouse ( for all the news in the last 24 hr ) and the news source is there, we are not allowed to mention the owther news source here


    Simply retarded. There is a lot I love about this site, but a rule like that needs to be reviewed if this site wants to stay alive in the 2010's.

    Anyway, I feel like we're overlooking a huge point. This guy is in custody....Hooray!!

    What happens next is anyone's guess. Previously my biggest worry is that we wouldn't hear about this for months...years even. I send a big thanks to the press and all the agencies that played a role in this.

    I hope some friends of the killed guy are in the same prison.

  10. I hope those who have posted their 'opinions' irresponsibly in such a way as to state outright that he did certain things are satisfied now that they have contributed to the potential failing of extradition proceedings and successful prosecution. *

    (* this should in now way be misinterpreted as a discussion of TV's sterling moderation).

    You must be kidding...

  11. He probably went straight to Phuket airport for the first flight to Bangkok, then, first flight to Europe. This would have been well before immigration were notified by the police.

    I doubt all this talk of going first to surrounding Asian countries is at all relevent.

    Sorry but your post seems to be strange. Who would take a plane from Phuket to Europe in this case?

    Guess you'd try to leave Thailand this way to see the big tiger. Grow up and try to see the truth.

  12. Really! It's a bit unbelievable how many Iranians have been caught for the same offense in the past few months. I would think at this point customs would be screening every Iranian that enters the Kingdom... Is this a "holy war" on Thailand?

    Why can't these weirdies stop that shit? Is it money to make a dirty bomb? I'm just sick and tired of Iranians being caught with such a nasty drug. Seems that their government knows what's going on. It really looks like a holy war to me because they are dealing with the death.

    Thais do see Iranians as "Farlangs", and we all know how good this will be for all other's reputation. Get the shit out of here.

  13. insulting posts deleted

    Be aware your posting right can be revoked immediately....

    she was confident that doctors a Central General Hospital would help her walk again.....

    The sad thing is that only fast food chains enable people to be that heavy. We should have learned from the "American" culture of being fat.. Please watch "Super size me".

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