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Posts posted by sirchai

  1. Looks like just one more stupid story between the "boyfriend" (farang who might be a grandfather to Thai woman) and a prostitute who found a golden spoon in grandpa b/f, to support her family all.

    She is proud to have a farang b/f and he is proud to be with so young woman whom might be his grandchild.

    Perfect couple, match.

    He is not a father, ashy he is not able to have a baby in that his age and i would like to know he tried to save the baby that way or to get rid of that baby as she(mother) tried to show him as a father.

    Any "relationship" with so huge difference in age makes me so sick.

    He is to old guy, she is too young and she is drug addicted. Lovelly couple they are.


    Posts like yours make others sick. It wasn't about older foreigners having a relationship, even a paid one, with a prostitute.It's about blaming this older man for something which was alright. Understood???

  2. If he is the father and living in Thailand i find the guy an total <deleted>. He should have cared for the baby then or hired someone to do it.

    If he is just on holiday only knew the girl a short time and not the father then he did the right thing.

    Hard to know how to judge him because we dont know all the facts.

    try reading the opening post, not hard to work out you moron!

    Wouldn't the'girl' know more about Ron#60, if he'd be the father??? Agreed to moron. The guy did the right thing. Pretty sure that all in Roi Et know what's up, it isn't a big city at all. Ron60 should get the Memorial award.

  3. The PM bent over backwards to avoid violence, but the protesters refused to cooperate.

    Newsflash: Killing 80+ people isn't exactly "bending over backwards to avoid violence".

    Guess he didn't kill them. How many got killed through 'friendly fire"???? After all, the violence had stopped. The sad thing is that it will start again.

  4. realise how desperate and dumb you have to be for do this job for 1or 2k....Yes the hang them high TV judges will be all ovber the place...imagine its your son daughter,family who did the same stupid thing would you hang them as well?

    I comdemn any trafficking or sell of drugs so dont get me wrong.....but its alredy proven that whatever punishment those people get the big dealers will always find stupid mules to transport it to whatever country.And btw big dealers dont send mules they ship containers of this shit.

    p.s just hate the so called hang them high clan...dont worrie even a year in a Thai jail will change you forever how can a normal thinking person wish them dead or a huge prisonterm?

    Have you ever seen friends dying because of AIDS through needle sharing? Did you find your own brother overdosed in your bathroom?

    I was on cocktails for about 20 years, shooting Heroin and Cocaine.

    Most of my friends are dead. Now I changed my way of thinking, because I quit this shit a long time ago. So would you mind that I’m telling you that they deserve a few years?

    Last news was that a 23 year old girl died six month ago, using brown sugar from Pakistan. Now please don’t tell me to let them go home……………………..

  5. send them to the gallows !!!

    Beat them to within an inch of their lives with a copy of the daily mail!

    From now on for these guys it will be a Daily Male, don`t drop the soap in the showers...

    “They behaved suspiciously and an X-ray scanner detected crystal meth, also known as ‘ice’in their stomachs”.

    Well, time to pick up the soap….but sorry how does an X-ray scanner know the difference between crystal and human excrements? Must be an I-Pod inside…… :) .

  6. This is the way I look at it....

    1, Martin and his wife have been arguing and probably stressed out with the demands of looking after a young child and with work commitments.

    2, His wife puts her son into day care so she could go back to work and probably free her mind a little for the stress.

    3, Grandmother found out that her grandson was in day care and wasn't having any of that as she could take care of him in the village or where ever they live....

    4, Martins wife is probably feeling relieved somewhat that her son is in good hands and with family and also not having to pay for expensive day care services etc....

    5, Martin is starting to miss his son and demands for his return but his wife is thinking Ummmm probably better he stays with the grandmother, but doesn't tell Martin this of course.

    6, Martin is getting more and more frustrated and wants to report to the police etc.... His wife plays along with this to keep him happy.

    7, Wife and grandmother have been keeping in contact everyday while shes is at work but doesn't tell Martin this of course

    8, Grandmother is starting to feel the financial effects of taking care of a young child and requests money from her daughter....Wife doesn't want to pay out of her own money and tells Martin that grandmother is demanding money to make it sounds more dramatic....AS THEY DO !!!

    9, 2 Months go by with the wife passifiying her husband and Martin starts to contact facebook, twitter, new papers, thai visa in a last bid effort.

    And this is where we are today with no progress what so ever.

    Martin, Please don't take this the wrong way but wake up and take action !!! Get a grip please !!!

    10. Mom and Dad always had big fights and some might think it's better for the child to stay somewhere else......

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